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1989-  André Andersen - keyboards, guitar
1994-1998  D.C. Cooper - vocals
› 2011-  -//-
2009-  Andreas Passmark - bass
2011-  Jonas Larsen - guitars
2015-  Andreas "Habo" Johansson - drums
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1989-1996  Kenneth Olsen - drums
› 2004-2007  -//-
1989-2003  Steen Mogensen - bass
1990-1994  Henrik Brockmann - vocals
1993-2003  Jacob Kjaer - guitars
1997-2000  Allan Sørensen - drums
› 2007-2014  -//-
1999-2007  John West - vocals
2004-2011  Marcus Jidell - guitars, cello
2005-2009  Per Schelander - bass
2007-2011  Mark Robert Boals - vocals
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1991-1997  Maria McTurk - backing vocals
› 2000-2011  -//-
1995-1997  Lise Hansen - backing vocals
1997-  Kenny Lubcke - backing vocals
1997  Allan Sørensen - drums
› 2005  -//-
2001  Kim Johanesson - drums
2001  Kenneth Olsen - drums
2003  Allan Tschicaja - drums
2008-2010  Henrik Brockmann - backing vocals
› 2020  -//- vocals
2011-2015  Alexandra Popova - backing vocals
2015  Andreas Johansson (I) - drums
2018-  Alexandra Andersen - vocals
1990-1991  Carsten Olsen - backing vocals
1991-1995  Maria Nørfelt - backing vocals
1991-2012  Maria McTurk - backing vocals
1995-1998  Lise Hansen - backing vocals
1996  Allan Sørensen - drums
› 2003  -//-
1999-2000  Kenny Lubcke - backing vocals
2000  Henrik Brockmann - backing vocals
2002  Allan Tschicaja - drums
2008  Magnus "Dynamite" Ulfstedt - drums
2008-2009  Michelle Raitzin - backing vocals
2011-  Alexandra Popova - backing vocals
2011  D.C. Cooper - vocals
2014  Per Schelander - bass, backing vocals
2024  Mark Robert Boals - vocals
2024  Daniel Rasch Nielsen - drums
1992  Carsten Olsen - backing vocals
1992  Henrik Lumholdt - guitars
1992  Marc Gaunaa - guitars
1992  Jacob Kjaer - guitars
› 2013  -//-
1992  Frank Stechmann - guitars
1992  Christian Helgesson - guitars
2003  Steve Daniels - saxophone
2003  Laura Faurschou - backing vocals
2003-2008  Soma Allpas - cello
› 2008  -//- additional vocals
2005  Peter Brander - dobro
2008  Doogie White - additional vocals
2008  Ian Parry - additional vocals
2008  Michelle Raitzin - additional vocals
› 2010-2013  -//-
2008-2010  Patricia Skovgaard - violin
› 2015  -//- strings
2008-2010  Erik Rosenqvist - woodwinds, accordion
2010  Gertrud Mogelgaard - backing vocals
2020-2022  Mark Robert Boals - vocals
2020-2022  Mats Levén - vocals

Latest reviews

Symphonic power metal or power rock, or more accurately in the case of Royal Hunt, power whatever with a great symphonic keyboard player. Yes, this is the same band from Denmark who started out in 1989.
Review by Dream Taster ››
Progressive? Neo-classical? Power? Rock? Symphonic? It has always been hard to describe the style of Royal Hunt and XIII - Devil's Dozen does not make this task any easier. It is an album packed with so many elements from a wide range of genres that...
Review by Belegûr ››
Royal Hunt's 2011 release Show Me How To Live divided Metal Storm users from Staff. A Life To Die For now unites them.
Review by R Lewis ››
Doing progressive power successfully has got to be one of the greatest feats in melodic metal. Either one of the genres is not being nearly represented enough in the mix, so the title is misleading, or they're merged in such a way that both the uplifting...
Review by Milena ››
Royal Hunt, the most well-known Progressive band from Denmark, has a long career and is basically a one-man band seeing that the other members are always different, either guests or already fired as we speak. So basically, Royal Hunt is Andre Andersen,...
Review by Dream Taster ››

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