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Non Est Deus - The Last Supper lyrics


01. Serve Me


02. Preperation

A sacrifice for the old lord.
A sacrifice for the gods.
Will it be a ram.
Will it be my first son.

Or will I sacrifice myself.
As long as I’m blessed I’m fine.

And I listen in the depth of the night.
And I listen to the words .
That are trancendental spoken.

And I hear the words.
They want me to sacrifice.
And they want me to prepare.
My own body.

And they want me to give.
Until nothing is left.
And this maniac voice inside my head.
I leads me, yes it leads me.

Right on the highest mountain.
So I can prepare my self.
Just for the one and only good.

And it leads me, yes it leads me.
Right to the stone altar.
And only the moon will be witness.
Of this tragedy.

Oh God take me, I’m yours .
Your one and only slave.
The one that worships till the end.
Oh god take everything.

„Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval."

You hold me, you keep me.
The first words I recognize.
The first words inside my head.

Prepare your god.
Your one and only meal.
The last dish.
The last supper.

So I get all I need.
Cooker, Knifes, slicer, Pots, spoons, spieces and a saw.
And of curse the meat.

Me, the meat.

The first thing to prepare.
I Wash my feet.
Like the father did it.
Like he washes the beggars feet.
I wash mine.

03. Starter

And now make a knot.
Squeeze the veins.
So i can cut of that foot.

I take the saw and start to chop.
The first few millimeters are easy.
The skin splits apart softly.
Goosebumps crawl up my back.

The skin divides.
I cut through dark red flesh.
And as the saw digs deeper into that limb.
And the first veins a severed.

The blood comes.
The bone, oh no the bone is a hard job.
I saw and saw and I’m half way through.
I can resist this bitter sweet pain.

God wants it!
God wants it!

I get through the yearns and I sweat.
The first teeth start to splinter.

On more cut. Im done.
I nearly faint.
I have to drink. Some water down that throat.
And to heat up the pan.

Here we go.
Some olive oil.
Until first bubbles show up.

I skin my foot.
Cut off each toe.
Separate bone from flesh.
So I have small stripes of flesh.

Some onions in the pan.
The smell is wonderful.
Now the fresh flesh.
Some salt some pepper.

The onions come into the pot.
Some peppers, some mushrooms.

And now the flesh into the pan.
Sear it for a minute from each side.
So it wont get too dry.

Put some water to the vegetables.
And add spices.

O Lord, we thank you for the gifts of your bounty which we enjoy at this table. As you have provided for us in the past, so may you sustain us throughout our lives. While we enjoy your gifts, may we never forget the needy and those in want.


Salt, Pepper, Curry and Kumin.
And now the flesh.

In the pot to the vegetables.
So it will get tasty and juicy.

Ten more minutes.
And its done.

But it was only the first course.

04. Main Course

I cut down all the way to the stump.
Be careful, not too deep.

Open the skin to see the raw pulsating muscle.
High quality meat.
I start to cut the quadtarzepstendon.
But be careful for the veins.
Don’t want to loose to much blood.

I grad the muscle.
And I feel the warmth.
A belt right under the hip.
To prevent the bleedings.

Oh the pain.
It gets dark in front of my eyes.
But I have to keep going!
I want it.
God wants it!

I tear the muscle apart.
Oh what beautiful meat.

It sticks, oh god its stick to the bone.
I have to get the saw.
A score in the bone will help.
To loosen the tendon.

I vomit all over the open wound.
I don’t mind for the infection.
The bone crushes and bone marrow shows up.
I cut right into the nerve.

The leg starts to shake more and more.
I loose the control.
I saw deeper.
I need the meat.
The pain is worth it.

Oh god see my suffer.
See my pain.
All for you.
You marvelous father of all.

I depart the muscle from the bone by hand.
Just one more hard stroke.
And its done!
The Raw Mass tight in my hands.

I put it on the table and
Cut it into sized pieces.
half pound each.
Heat up the pan.
And sear the meat for 2 minutes each side.
The smell is delicious.

I cut the medium cooked meat.
Light pink, a little bloody.
Just perfect.

05. Dessert

Some Sage, some Salt. This should be enough.
A sauce made of cooked blood, some sugar and spices on top.

The main course is ready.

The dessert?
MY specialty. Eyeball on caramel sauce.
At first the sauce.
Some Sugar in a heated pan. Ad more and more butter.
And as the sugar dissolves ad some cinnamon.
To get more taste.
The sauce is done.

I take my sharpest knife and a mirror.
Remove the upper Eyelid of my left eye.
The blood start to come.
Remove the under Eyelid.

Now the spoon.
Put it underneath the eyeball.
And stick it in as far as possible

Now press up to push out the eyeball.
A mixture of blood and slime drips out of the eye socket.
As the eyeball comes out.

I take a sissour to cut the optic nerve.
But its harder then i thought.
Many vessels stick together.
MY awareness starts to fade.

I see thousands of colors.
Every cut is like a lightning.

One last cut.
And its done.
I vomited 3 times and pissed my self 4 times.

The pain is undescribable.
I wish I could kill my self.
But no deadly sin.
Will be forgiven by the father.

I keep going with the dish.

Cut open the eyeball and remove the hard ingredients.
Peel of the slime.

Some lemon juice and sugar.
Pour the souce over it and we are done.

The perfect meal for you my lord!

But my stumps keep bleeding and I feel I start to faint.
And I close my left eye. And a smile comes to my face.
I served you well my lord.

06. Finnished
