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Infected - Dark Century lyrics


01. Intro


02. Media Control

A lie on the T.V
A lie on the papers
It is always the same fucking game
Media Control is everywhere
Wants to catch those who dont care

All this shit they try to sell
I could send it right to hell
Try to hook you with Sex and Macho-greed
Is that the stuff you really need?

Media Control is a worse control
Media Control is a brain control
Media Control we dont need at all!

All things those above wanna say
You can see and read it every day
But all these shit is just fucking wrong
Media Control you gotta destroy
If you dont wanna be their brainless toy!

This control is worse control
This control is brain control
This control is fuck control
This control we dont want at all!

03. Dark Century

Perhaps you think it doesn't matter
Or you see no need to care
What happens to our nature
Are you really to void to dare?
Were all living in this century
Of a great technology pride
If you look back deep in the past
Everything stands byside
Our lifes look like a total waste
From the beginning condemned to death
Working for man's superiority
Until your final breath

Look around and ask yourself: 'Why?'
Buildings of stone rise in sky
The air is polluted with smoke
So catch your breath and start to choke

04. State Oppression

State Oppression!
State Oppression!
It is always the fucking same
In South Africa they torture, kill and murder
Our politicians just dont fucking care
From high above they're allowed to make their rules
But we're too bored of it to follow
If you do something against it
They're pushing you to the limit
You are ending in a prison or in another
kind of fucking jail
In scool you learn to work like a rat
Afterwards you gotta pratice it
Your boss owns your mind and body
He's got to make he's fucking money
What the shit you wanna say
For everything you gotta pay

You got nothing to say
Fucking shit every day
State Oppression makes you cry
And at last you wanna die

I dont wanna follow this lie
Dont need this oppression every day
Gotta do something against it
Or I end down in the shit.

05. Brutalities Behind Your Back

For one you need ten
Because you think you're fair
Wanna give them a chance
Send twenty against two

A dark and lonely road
There's nothing you can do
Because ten weaponed people
Stand all around of you

You've drunk a lot of beer
And smoked a lot of dope
In fight you got no hope
You wish you arent here

Brutalities - They hit you 'till you fall
Brutalities - Blood wouldnt stop them at all
Brutalities - They're kicking at your head
Brutalities - Until you end up dead

A bloodstained body's left
His eyes are opened wide
For the aggressions of ten madmen
An innocent person died

No one matters later
Facts you cant read in the paper
But such shit happens every day
A side of the world thats cold and grey

06. Old № 7 (Bass-Intro)


08. Backstabbing Small-Talk

Walking along a lonely road
My head is filled with hate
Things once made me happy
Turned into a badly fate

You know I once believed in you
Thought we could trust each other
Two stand as one trough thick and thin
There would be no way other

How stupid fucking blind I was
Caught in a web of lies
These shit you told against me
Too late I realized

You fistfucking bastard talked too much
The most of it was shit
You told it to my friends but later
I heard of it

Today I saw you since a long time
Together with my friends
But as I came nearlier I saw the signs
In everyones eyes

I couldnt talk to anyone
Because I recognized
Those lies you told against me
Too late I realized

09. Conditioned Minds

Face to face and staring eye in eye
Peoples reactions in the street
When they see me coming by
Come on, pull their ties away
You better give them a rope
To hang themselves thats wat I cry
To be yourself you never tried

When I look into their eyes
I see they know nothing more
Than all those fucking lies
Theyre proud of standing for
From little child on mind conditioned
Pretty boy to be you try
The whole life you do what you where told
And kiss a lot of asses 't ill you're old

To be yourself you never tried
Never thought of saying: 'No!'
You always followed when they lied
Your individuality's melting slow

If you're smiling passing by
Of if you walk among afraid
You'll never realizing why
I dont believe those lies they said