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Return To Innocence - Whirligig Of The World lyrics


02. Paradise For Witches

Maybe every year veiling in the coat,
St. Master of the church,
Sinkink like a witnes on the chair
of the strange murder.

Inside the mind of people, the master of inquisition
Has his position, they give even their life for his blis
But let him go on to rule.

He will change the love of people in pain
The laugh is resounding from the darkness
This monstrosity tends towards the hell
To the executioner with him.

Stake is burning and a thick fog
Is crossed by screaming and crying
Of innocent girls at wooden stake
Must be sacrified.

The fire became their arms and now
They have their sacrifice
They are burning witches, maybe
The paradise will be waiting for them.

The inquisitioner rabs his hands
The execution was successfull
The spite is living only in his heart

03. Death & Life

The sky line is red
The gods guard the time
Nothing but wait
To full your breath
Why can not hear
Your cry all the time
My lungs getting full of blood
Flowing out of your mouth

At the last sunset
My empty heart was extinct
Oh, darling, dont hesitate
And take it in your palms
And eat it all

Thats the only way I can keep myself alive
Come to this place every
Evening and pray
As thats the only way I can live again

We stay shelled in an infertile egg
Every dark slumber fills up our solitude
A plastic operation will serve as
A medicine for our grief

I still am empty and helpless missing you
Drove me to the edge of a byss
It will be enough to stop the clock
and we will be again together
You and me

Time came to a stand still, Im falling
At light speed, I cant hear anything
But the clock tick

The shade of mine stays far away, far behind me
The wind has torn off the skin of my face
Its strange find myself beautiful just now

Its the first of May
The time for love
So lets go and make the fires
And then we will be
Dancing on our graves
Let everyone see that we
Cannot live without each other

04. Escape

Gloomy clouds, gloomy cold
White crow, black peacock
The moon is shining, black castle
The winged snake is cereding - from the sea

Dreams have already been broken down and the night
Is dying, hate, evil, horrible might, I dont want to sleep
- well its a day now

Cold is reflecting from faces
Eyes your face are pale
Angels and world permanent
Theres no place for the escape

Dreams have been already broken down and the night
Is dying, the hate cutting through my dream
No, dont want to sleep, I havent got no power to
Kill or live, I dont know how - to go on

The pain persecuting the shadow, dont know how
From the darkness and what to do with this
The black north wind is blowing and I can only hope
- in the end

the girls scream is cuting
through the darkness
ticking of clock
is resounding brightly

some unknown might pushing me back and
I dont want a pain, a poison and a remedy

05. Inside The Execution

Dusk, the paradise of all convicts
On the flight, there's no way back

Flash cut through the black darkness
Of the sixteenth century

My body is dead
Only eyes are following your face
They are always with you

Everywhere is blood you have me on conscience
To unbind a tongue of people
and give to the executioner
Where will this man come in the red hood alone?
The executioner, our only master - to satan?

Shackles are biding my body
Im given even to the sack alone
An extoly face under my mask
Im alive and you must pay a cruel tax
For my death

06. On 24th July 1628

Hands are shaking down and bloody torture
Has tears in its eyes and its pain

My dear daughter, dont know why just me
Shall be a servant, a servant of satan

Who didnt plead a guilt will be tortured
Why are you dying my brother-in-low
You are dead and your family is suffering
You have never seen her

My eyes dont serve me, my ears are deaf
They long for salvation, the salvation of soul
Im leaving my daughter, Im dying
Im sorry, I know what I did, I know that Im innocent

The tree ear from flash is shining on my journey
No Im not a wizard in spite of protest
He killed my wife for little of ashes
You must go my daughter, even if you didnt want

The seventeenth century is written in history
A major is murdered in spite of doubts
However they havent any doubt about his daughter
Though she disappear forever and she survived centuries

07. Whirligig Of The World

Somewhile it has been about million years
The human world was born for the presence of thunders
He crept out at four looked at the world
Released a shriek, he ate up plants

He came to springs as far as fountain
He looked at himself drank from his palm
He was hurt by nature and created the first weapon
On body of veil with two knives
To hunt animals bake above fire
And his hunger to satisfy

In many years, in many centuries
Its another world, its a world without children
People want to kill each other and they dont
Want to have children
They kill animals and they just live in trust
That they will change and more reasonable

However these a few sentences
Have a power of floods

In pulls their conscience like water constructions
After all people will be struck and they are like obsessed
When they change a power into that dead message,
The planet without health, with nature without color

The life hasnt been in destroyed green
Just blowing of cars and skycrapers to heaven
Remain only monuments
Dirt in water and ashes in the air

We will have only the coat of beton then everything will
And it will be again the earth with
Beautiful clouds and water like crystal
And with green coatings
Again for the presence of thunders and storms
A new creature will be created

Without rockets, without wars, without murders and fights
That all starts again, 'tis a strange world

08. Love Against Hate

Lots of lies and hate
Beauty wearing cruelty inside
Fashion and terror dont believe her
Its only a wasty dirt and lie

If you want to find the right love
So you never find it
You can only find it in
Yourself or in god

Imagine, when you should love everybody
So you will die for grief
And when you should hate everybody
So you will stay strong

Here in this world its better to hate
Than to love, cause its easier

If the love wins so it will be
Immortality and if the hate, continues the death
Love against hate