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Gods Tower - Canticles lyrics


01. Canticles

... And the world was young. And it was cruel and beautiful. And it was full of heroes and titans who were fighting and cognizing the world.

In that time people souls were naive and child-like happily. People saw life in everything and the surrounding nature meant for them something what not everybody living now can understand. And they believe in Gods who were different in names but same in essence. Those Gods came to the Earth from the old ages, when all living was dark and cruel and lifeless - light and reconciling. In those ages intellect did not exist and its place was occupied by instinct - a formidable weapon, leading to death... Monsters possessed this weapon, whose horror was later called Hell, and there was no a single creature who had not spent their life in struggle for everything.

When the Gods descended on the Earth and saw that savage chaos they were puzzled and horrified by the scenery. And so they created the first people, who got three things really majestic - intellect, wisdom and feelings. And every God had the telns of government of a soul, and the Gods of darkness gave evil genius to intellect, misanthropy to wisdom and hatred to feelings; and the Gods of light gave clearness of thought to intellect, kindness to wisdom and love to feelings. And people, having opened their eyes, saw the fear of life and prayed for remorse and salvation, because man is weak, and God is omnipotent. So the Gods saved the people from the savage chaos and peace and light started reigning.

But Evil retired to darkness awaiting for the reveal and began to send grief and pain; suffering enfered the even part of intellect and started to destroy the people from Inside. Darkness moved to light and wars, murders and depravity descended on the humankind. Brothers killed brothers and the war was not between people but between Gods, who wanted to make the world more perfect. But the Gods of light forgot that there was no light without shadows, and their opponents that there was no use in darkness without light.

So, the Gods become reconciled, for continuation of the struggle had no sense and has a sign of the reconciliation they built a TOWER on the border of Light and Dark, human's world and divine world. And people's life was happy and calm and it was the Golden Age!

But among the Gods there was one the smallest and contemptible one, longing for power. So, he deceived the Gods of Evil and got the wine, which the Gods of Death gave to the people when their time was out. They drank it and fell into sleep when the Gods had a feast he poured that wine into their goblets. And having done it, he said: "From now on you are heresy and I am the God!" His name was Iegova and he called himself God. For the true, Immortal Gods had fallen asleep and only the Gods of Darkness stayed awake and for this reason Iegova began to detest them and drove them out of TOWER. And this nonentity made heaven his throne and started ruling the visible world, and the Gods of Darkness ruled the Invisible world because Iegove was not a true God, but a false one. And people don't believe him and then he sent them his reflection, called Christ, to mislead the humankind, relying upon their naivety and simplicity. Christ, being lead by his forefather, told people tales and showed wonders, although they were very stupid, comparing with what true Gods, sleeping in the TOWER, could do. But people were surprised and praised Christ like children and soon committed the truth of ancient for oblivion and fire, for they believed the divine mongrel. And the plague of deception and deafness spread all over the world and people went mad.

And the TOWER, standing on the crossing of Darkness and Light, Life and Death gradually was overrun with moss and seeds and plunged in the lack of faith...

And nobody from the living now knows the truth and true ancient Gods are sleeping in the TOWER, awaiting for the prophecy, drawn with rules at the gates, to come true: "and in ninth night the moon will disappear, moons will show and omens of each of us will be burning on them, because people will recollect and believe and the truth will awake through that faith. And he, once having lied, will be overthrown and cursed. And the world'll see its rebirth from the ashes and the Golden Age will come again."

And I had this vision and having learnt the truth, I praised the sleeping and cursed the staying awake, because until the false god is in heaven, grains of Truth are dispersed in darkness and they are countless in number and light is only pure imagination. Let your time come, the Gods, true and ancient, who's given us life and death, light and darkness, intellect, wisdom and feelings...


02. Beyond Praying

Living Dying I just don't care
'Cause me as you we'll go away
In nooen nothing we trust ever
'Cause we're beyond praying forever
Black Blood of misery is flowing on

03. Seven Rains Of Fire

One who waits in mysterious land
He can see Seven Rains
Come with me let me show you the way
I'll take away
And now you've gotta be afraid
Seven Rains of Fire
Look at me and you'll see my crown
I'm the king on the run
I am rich, I am poor, I am dead
I will show you land
And there you've gotta
Seven Rains of Fire
I make me up now I am there
Now I don't care
I'm really here I'm really there
So why do you stare?
It's time to tell what do I want
You're waiting for,
You're waiting for
So let us go to move the hills
To show what you have got really to fear
Seven Rains of Fire
They're watching you
Na-na-na I'm a prince of a dark
I'm a king of a light which of us doesn't fight
Every night that I cannot sleep
I try to see in my telescope
There I see that the planets come down
I look around na-na-na-na-na
Light of dark and the dark of dark
And the rain of rain and that pain in the brain
But they're watching you
And they're watching me
And they're watching us
And they're watching everyone
Seven Rains of Fire
They're really watching you

05. Mysterious

Look into my eyes and you'll see your fate
DAncing in the shadows of the fairy-tales
Turn yourself off this world come with me
Turn yourself off let me show your dream
We shall see the place everything goes by
Somersaults in dew of the morning light
Spirit of the life dance is all around
Here we go to fly up high right now
Meditate my pupil you're no alone

Forget the time when you were on your own
Never be afraid to llok around
Everything is yours don't let me down
Knowledge that you feel is so mysterious
That's the way that new reality goes
Strangeworld that you see is not a snare
Potion of the dream is boiling there

Salting leather rolling turning
Make my business witchery
Dreaming waiting hering clouds
Are whispering to me
Riding horses of the sunrise
Calling spirits of the trees
Don't you see I got the knowledge
Of Ancient Mystery