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Staff picks

Wino - Punctuated Equilibrium
25.07.2011 | Stonerish Hard Rock/Doom

2009 was awesome. Everyone knows it. No need for reminders. But you really do need to be reminded that this too came out in that holiest of years. And it has Wino and Jean-Paul Gaster. Working together. Making sweet, sweet music. And it kills.
Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Dane Train
Trapped Under Ice - Secrets Of The World
22.07.2011 | Hardcore

HxC recommendations for metalheads #1: prolly one of the BEST hardcore releases of the past decade! Telling you, TUI are the current dominators in the genre. Not even kidding around this time.
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Thumbs up:
Doc G.
Toxic Holocaust - Conjure And Command
19.07.2011 | THRASH.

Makes an ideal soundtrack for any or all of the following:
A) Thrashing the fuck out.
B) Breaking things.
C) Ruining people's shit.
D) Being an all-around beast.

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Thumbs up:
Doc G.
Fat & Sassy!, wormdrink414, BitterCOld, Ag Fox, X-Ray Rod, White Winter Sun
Pagan's Mind - Heavenly Ecstasy
18.07.2011 | Progressive Power Metal

Need a quality melodic metal fix? Get this aptly titled album in your cd player right away and listen as Pagan's Mind puts to shame most recent releases in this genre. The band's high energy and immense skill has these beautiful harmonies and killer melodies under your skin in a hot second.

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Picked by:
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Ag Fox, Introspekrieg, GT, Fat & Sassy!, Milena, Darkside Momo
Church Of Misery - Houses Of The Unholy
18.07.2011 | Stoner Doom

2009 was ages ago. Consider this a reminder that this album still exists and that it's still good.

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Ag Fox, Marcel Hubregtse, Unknown user, X-Ray Rod
Mose Giganticus - Gift Horse
18.07.2011 | Sludge / Synth drenched Prog(?)

Imagine Mastodon that's decided to become catchier, groovier with a healthy dose of electronica. Mose Giganticus can make you shit flowers in your yard. Consider your diligent prayers for something original have been answered.
Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Ag Fox
Marcel Hubregtse, wormdrink414, Fat & Sassy!, BloodTears
After The Burial - In Dreams
15.07.2011 | Deathcore/Prog Metalcore

Easily one of the most schizophrenic/most br00tal/best "core" releases of the past year. If this doesn't blast your shit make you pick flowers in the yard, I'm afraid nothing will...
Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Ag Fox
Sleestak - The Fall Of Altrusia
12.07.2011 | stoner doom meets space rock

In their follow-up to Skylon Express the lizardmen of Sleestak have let loose an engulfing and bewildering blend that mixes stoner doom with all sorts of various space-prog rock elements. Crushing doom riffs are followed by prolonged mellow sections that have you experiencing flashbacks... even if you never dropped acid.

These creepy hissing folks are a hell of a lot better writing songs than shooting their tiny little crossbows...

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Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Marcel Hubregtse, wormdrink414, X-Ray Rod, Nefarious
Symphony X - Iconoclast
12.07.2011 | Progressive Thrash

I usually try to pick less known stuff, but this time it has to be Symphony X. Iconoclast is utterly brilliant. It's the most brilliant release I've heard in 3 years. It's also the best-produced fucking brilliant metal album in history. Oh, did I mention that it's brilliant?

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Introspekrieg, White Winter Sun, Ag Fox, BloodTears, Darkside Momo, Milena

Conceal fanboyism? Fuck that. Clutch? I love 'em. So it's a source of pain to me that this album only has 6 votes here. Yeah it's a collection of previously unreleased tracks, and those things are normally for fans only, but these are Clutch scraps. They're just as chunky and groovy and the lyrics are just as surreal as you'd expect and they're definitely not for fans only. So get to it.
Picked by:
Thumbs up:
BitterCOld, Marcel Hubregtse, Introspekrieg
Devin Townsend - Deconstruction
08.07.2011 | Devin "Over-The-Top" Townsend

Mix the madness of Infinity with the whole stupid craziness of Ziltoïd, and Strapping Young Lad's multi-layered sonic aggression. Add an orchestra, and a bunch of the best extreme vocalists around.

And serve with a cheeseburger!
Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Darkside Momo
Fat & Sassy!, Introspekrieg, Promonex, ScreamingSteelUS
Becoming The Archetype - Celestial Completion
08.07.2011 | Progressive metalcore

Exquisite band! Extremely diverse sound! Extraordinary tunes! Excellent album! Exceptional experience!
Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Dane Train, X-Ray Rod
Corrupted - Vasana
07.07.2011 | Crushing Sludge

After a number of specta-awesomely-cular releases ("Paso Inferior", "Llenandose De Gusanos", "Se Hace Por Los Suenos Asesinos" and "El Mundo Frio" just to name a few), Corrupted continue their winning streak with "An Island Insane" and "Vasana", a double ep release. And once again, Corrupted treads new ground.

"Vasana" opens up with a typical Corrupted moment, too. A melancholic sound, a thundering yet slow groove, Corrupted once again presents itself as a gargantuan mass battling inertia, life and a whole bunch of other things. More inviolable and incomprehensible than "An Island Insane", "Vasana" lies closer to Corrupted's four releases. There's no sign of stagnation though, as the strong melancholic vibe is a largely new part of Corrupted's ever expending spectrum. And possibly a tell-tale of what's to come?
Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Marcel Hubregtse, Daniell, X-Ray Rod
Deceased - Surreal Overdose
04.07.2011 | Tasty

Music to break beer bottles and stomp on LEGOs to. Fun, brutal, aggressive, fast, and good stuff. Yeah most of the songs stretch on for a little too long, but if this is listened to properly, you'll have enough beer in you to not care.

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Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Ag Fox, Marcel Hubregtse
Blood Stain Child - ε Psilon
03.07.2011 | Guilty Pleasure Metal

I wouldn't recommend this addictive album to just anyone, but if you can stomach the EXTREME candy-coated pop sensibilities of this kind of music then give ε Psilon a go. There are some absolutely killer tracks on this album just begging for you to dance around your house/apartment/Heavy Metal Castle like a complete loser to. FUN. FUN. FUN.

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Picked by:
Thumbs up:
Fat & Sassy!
KwonVerge, X-Ray Rod