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Evergrey - Line-Up Changes

Evergrey have finally made their "big changes" announcement. The full statement goes as follows:

"As promised here is the first part of news regarding Evergrey as a band. At first it might seem devastating and frightening as it did to us when making this decision. People change, evolve and grow, sometimes in different ways and in different directions. This happens to everyone and it has certainly happened to Evergrey as a band throughout the years.

Me and Rikard Zander (keyboards) have together with guitarist Henrik Danhage and drummer Jonas Ekdahl made the mutual decision that it was best for us all that they leave Evergrey. They wanted to and we wanted them to. The last tours, recordings and just hanging with each other has not been as fun and giving as earlier and before it would go too far, resulting in a collision in between friends, which could ruin everything we have built up during the years, we decided to call it quits. It's sometimes both smart and foreseeing to end situations before they get out of hand and create something that is totally unnecessary and irreparable. To be in a band must be experienced as fun, giving and fulfilling. There is so much time during a life as a touring musician that is boring that if you don't even enjoy yourself while playing then it's better to do something else.

Henrik and Jonas also got DeathDestruction that also has evolved and became more and more serious during the years and now they even recorded a debut album and naturally it felt fresh and reviving for them to enter something new and unexplored as opposed to Evergrey where they more or less experienced the same things over and over.

It is very important for us to tell you that we are still great friends and most likely always will be since we have shared 10 years of our lives and dedicated it to the progress and evolvement of Evergrey. The friendship is what we value the most and nothing could be more important than that, at least for the four of us.

So please take some time to digest and understand. That is what we have done and I am glad to say that all of us are happier than in a long time. This is something I think you can feel when watching the video version of the statement.

But that is not the end of it. Jari Kainulainen (bass) also decided to leave the band, and the reason was that he would rather play with a band called Killing Machine as they could offer him a salary we couldn't and that was the sole reason of his decision. We were really sad to see Jari leave as he is a tremendous bass-player and person.

I know what you all are thinking... Enough with depressing news. So to something brighter: with all these new situations we were facing, me and Rikard had to sit down to think. First thought was of course "Fuck this... let's get a day job" but after a couple of weeks of contemplating and silence we realized something:

Should we quit what we are doing, something that we still love as much as ten years ago, if not more, because of someone else disappearing, I mean it's not like it's the first time it happens and it never made Evergrey stagnate or lose its edge, quite the contrary. So should we continue to make the music that we and you enjoy deeply? As you understand we have chosen to continue.

We have a full album written and half-way recorded. Last recording/mixing day will be June 30th. And a release before or at the latest on the 14th of October is set. We will soon (as we use to) start feeding you snippets.

We also have a European Tour coming up - starting next Sunday in Hamburg. And to be able to do that tour we must have new members, and we do! So please be open-minded and welcome:

  • Marcus Jidell (ex-Royal Hunt) on guitars;
  • Johan Niemann (ex-Therion, Mind's Eye) on bass;
  • Hannes Van Dahl on drums.

    So be sure to bring your cd's of the above mentioned bands to the shows to have them signed. These are the guys we have been working hard with to rehearse the old songs and writing the new ones. And today was our last rehearsal for the tour and I must say it sounds great in a way I didn't expect after such a short time. There is not a chance in hell you will be disappointed in the performance of these guys. So that's why we do this tour... to bring and present the new guys to you and also at the same time get the chance to play the cities we didn't do on the November tour of course.

    As with any change, when you give it time you realize that it's turned out for the better. So far in this ever-lasting changing of members in Evergrey, it's always turned out great and brought fresh blood and motivation into the band, and the level of wanting to prove ourselves as a band is higher than ever before. We do have some other great news that surely will bring this band to another level but as of yet we are restricted to speak about it.

    So don't give up on us, you never have, and we love you for it!"

    Band profile: Evergrey
  • Posted: 07.05.2010 by SlaytallicA


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    Comments: 15   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 172 users
    07.05.2010 - 23:27
    Totemic Lust
    Perhaps a change is what they need, and those changes don't look too bad.
    08.05.2010 - 00:01
    Yeah, perhaps it's for the best, as they explained it.

    God I feel empty, this sucks so bad!

    I guess the song "Closure" is a good song right now...
    08.05.2010 - 00:02
    Dark Blood
    The Avenger
    Yeah agree.. Of course its sad to see Henrik and Jonas leave the band, specially Henrik for me, but nothing lasts forever.. so good luck for them! As for Evergrey.. looking forward to hear their new record and lets see how all this changes the band.
    It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
    08.05.2010 - 00:41
    Au Pays Natal
    Sometimes a band needs a shot in the arm or a great movie quote "To beat the grass to startle the snakes"
    08.05.2010 - 00:46
    Yeah this band needed a shake up. I suppose we all do once in a while! Well they found some awesome replacements... oh I wish I was seeing that tour Last time I saw Evergrey live it was about 5 or 6 years ago and they rocked my socks off.
    "A life all mine
    Is what I choose
    At the end of my days"
    --The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
    08.05.2010 - 06:31
    Raziel X
    Dammit! Now the sole reason why I wanted to try and go see em in Vienna is gone... I wish Jari stayed... and as much as I get why he left the band, Jari didnt earn kudos for this when you ask me ((((((((((((((
    08.05.2010 - 11:20
    This year, for some reason, most of the bands are undergoing line-up changes just before they release a new album. Its a trend that am thinking is not going to end with Evergrey. Oh well, *sighs* only time will tell whether the departure of these members will affect the new record..
    Freeze! Step away from the hubris.
    08.05.2010 - 18:50
    As much as I am said to see one of my favorite musicians leave my favorite band, the replacements are not bad at all, especially Johan, and it's something that quite normal for EGY to change members all the time, so I will wait, see and hear before I make any acomment. I just hope and want to believe that the friends part it's true and that there's no bad blood so hell lets hear the new stuff. Oh and yes I donte judge Jari for this, I mean he has a family, wife, children, it's normal that he needs money to support them. Sometimes it's not easy to live from metal music
    ... For years I have traveled in coldness,
    But my heart is warm as the darkened sun above me...
    Nothing can never take away
    What I've seen with these tired eyes
    08.05.2010 - 20:45
    If you look at it closely they've gotten progressively better over the years since DD. and the only original member is Englund. he's the reason i listen anyway, he's unique in his singing and writing methods. so i think with a new bass, guitar, and drums he can redesign Evergrey for the better. I for one am excited for which direction they go.. and Fuck getting a day job b-b-b-boys... you're Rock Stars.
    08.05.2010 - 23:02
    As long as Evergrey continue to make good music, I'll listen to them.

    It is what it is.
    Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

    Like you could kiss my ass.

    My Instagram
    09.05.2010 - 17:19
    Sounds exciting and I am anticipating hearing and purchasing the new CD. Change is good.
    09.05.2010 - 21:44
    Sounds like a hard decision but also like the right one for them. As long as the keep the music coming and the quality is high I don't mind them changing the ranks once in a while.

    Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
    09.05.2010 - 22:55
    Kap'N Korrupt
    Account deleted
    Evergrey is so fucked up these days...Englund is the only original member...
    10.05.2010 - 05:53
    Eddie Misery
    Damn...sad to see those guys go. But it certainly sounds like it's for the best, and Evergrey is certain of that fact and that's good enough for me. Can't wait to see/hear more!
    10.05.2010 - 14:47
    Damnit. The songs Danhage wrote were always awesome

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