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Life Of Agony - Vocalist Undergoes Sex Change

Hot news in the "That's So Metal" department where Keith Caputo, the somewhat eccentric frontman of alternative metal band Life Of Agony from here on out wants to be addressed as Keith Mina Caputo frontwoman of Wife Of Agony... River sure runs red now.

*Several bad puns later*

Keith Caputo has revealed that he has begun "transitioning" into life as a woman and has begun to refer to himself as "her" on his official website. The singer, who has adopted the name "Keith Mina Caputo", wrote on his Twitter account, "Male to female transsexuals like me are the women who give up male privilege for femininity! Threaten the patriarchy!" He also responded to a question from a fan about the demise of Life Of Agony by writing, "Life Of Agony has already gone into isolation and it's got nothing to do with me transitioning [to a woman]."

In a June 5, 2011 interview with "DeadDave's Internet Radio Show", Caputo stated: "I live a completely, totally different lifestyle. I'm a completely different human being, as you guys probably know. I have a very different path in life. I'm not living life as a man anymore and stuff. So, yeah, my life is completely different, but music will always be... music is definitely my driving force."

Caputo previously used cross-dressing images of himself in the artwork for his 2008 solo album A Fondness For Hometown Scars and dedicated the CD to androgynous people.

In a July 11 tweet, Caputo said, "my cuzins even get on me for being transgender, callin me the dumbest names, but it's all in good fun they'll really kill 4 me." The vocalist also re-tweeted a story from Metal Insider claiming the singer was due to get a sex change. He replied with the message, "Thx for being sweet & respectful.. Deeply appreciate it. FYI, I'm keeping my penis!"

During his appearance on "DeadDave's Internet Radio Show", Caputo spoke about Life Of Agony's future plans, stating, "We realize that Life Of Agony has become an extremely nostalgic act and the music that used to not be dated, in our eyes, is dated, and the whole situation is dated. It's a nostalgia, and we don't want to take advantage of that nostalgia anymore, nor do we wanna take advantage of the fans.

We've got three shows this year and it's probably gonna be the last shows that we do for a very long time. In fact, we just may call it quits. Because we feel like we set out to do what we needed to collectively. We're very honest people, we love each other dearly, but we just can't get it on; we can't turn each other on in the studio. We hit a brick wall together, and it ain't cool. So there's probably not gonna be a new album, nor a new single... So people better start getting used to Broken Valley, because that's probably the last piece of music that they'll hear from the band."

Band profile: Life Of Agony
Posted: 15.07.2011 by Thryce

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16.07.2011 - 05:34
Account deleted
Congrats on your fake boobs and mutilated penis.

EDIT: Oh, he/she/it keeps *insert possessive pronoun here* cock. He/she/it is shaping up to be some kind of monster.
16.07.2011 - 07:31
a MasT
Bbehehehehehheeheeh no one is laughing?!?! no one?!!?? what in the fuck.
16.07.2011 - 10:24
"The Quaker"
Many of you are up to defend his/her decision, put it's still disgusting. If someone in head thinks a different person then something, somewhere is gone seriously wrong. Even worse that he feels like it's an honour to show the process.
16.07.2011 - 14:22
Account deleted
Hm... will he/she for the rest of his/her career try to sing more like a woman, or will he keep his voice like he kept his penis?
16.07.2011 - 15:12
He/she (it?) will be fuxxxin' hot, I can tell already.
Does that make me gay?
16.07.2011 - 22:44
It's very disrespectful to use him when referring to someone transitioning from a male to female.
18.07.2011 - 21:41
This type of news doesn't come around every day.
23.07.2011 - 05:56
Cuca Beludo
Account deleted
Sorry, no words came!
14.08.2011 - 00:10
Account deleted
Androgynous people are my kind of people, totally love them. Also, I wonder if she looks as good with blue eye-liner as I do.

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