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Soilwork - Reveal New Album Details

The Living Infinite, the ninth studio album and first dual-disc release by Swedish melodic metal maestros Soilwork, will be unleashed on February 27th in Asia via Marquee Records, in Europe on March 1st, and in North America on March 5th through Nuclear Blast Records. Produced by Jens Bogren (Opeth, Amon Amarth, Bloodbath), the album features artwork by Mnemic's guitarist Mircea Gabriel Eftemie.

The band commented: "After commissioning some pretty elaborate covers for the last couple of records, we decided to try something more sober and design-oriented for The Living Infinite. Who better to call than the man who created the iconic Stabbing The Drama cover? Mircea Gabriel Eftemie is not only a close friend but also an incredible graphic designer. We're all stoked about his work which is different from anything Soilwork has ever done and perfectly suits the elegant oceanic concept of The Living Infinite. Enjoy, folks!"

Added Mircea Gabriel Eftemie: "Seven years ago, I created the artwork for the Stabbing The Drama album and I can't believe how time flies. Here we are, with sexy gray hairs, working with my friends in Soilwork again. This time, we built the cover around a maritime concept, aiming for something direct and symbolic. I believe we achieved that quite well. From my creative deck, I salute you and say: Long Live The Living Infinite."

The Living Infinite also hosts Justin Sullivan, lead singer of the English band New Model Army, as a guest vocalist on the track "The Windswept Mercy" and marks the recording debut of longtime Soilwork touring guitarist David Andersson (Night Flight Orchestra).

The Living Infinite tracklist:

Disc I
01. Spectrum Of Eternity
02. Memories Confined
03. This Momentary Bliss
04. Tongue
05. The Living Infinite I
06. Let The First Wave Rise
07. Vesta
08. Realm Of The Wasted
09. The Windswept Mercy
10. Whispers And Lights

Disc II
01. Entering Aeons
02. Long Live The Misanthrope
03. Drowning With Silence
04. Antidotes In Passing
05. Leech
06. The Living Infinite II
07. Loyal Shadow
08. Rise Above The Sentiment
09. Parasite Blues
10. Owls Predict, Oracles Stand Guard

Band profile: Soilwork
Posted: 01.12.2012 by Abattoir


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Comments: 6   Visited by: 108 users
01.12.2012 - 18:39
"dual-disc release", hmmm, interesting, but a stupid move IMO.. no one still do it these days ,, hint Wintersun,, unless its a live release ,, still am looking forward for this
01.12.2012 - 18:50
Moonspell did it this year
01.12.2012 - 20:09
Meh, they haven't really impressed me with their recent releases, but I guess i'll give this a shot.
01.12.2012 - 20:50
Coconut Racecar
I like the cover anyway.
02.12.2012 - 09:20
If they can impress me with at least 1 of these 2 albums, I will be amazed, very interesting they would think to have the creative power for a dual release . Dont get me wrong, Soilwork is awesome. Std (lol) was great.
02.12.2012 - 12:42
Sweet waiting for it with impatience

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