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Power Quest - Call It Quits

UK power metal outfit Power Quest will be calling time on their 12 year existence in 2013. On behalf of the whole band, keyboardist and founder member Steve Williams, released a statement regarding this decision.

Steve commented: "I've decided that now is the time to say that the Quest is over. From a business perspective it is getting harder and harder for us to break even. None of us make any money from Power Quest (we all work day jobs) but I have been losing significant amounts of money when on the road for the past few years. No matter how much you love something, there comes a point where you have to look at the facts, not the dream. I love nothing more than touring and making records but if there isn't sufficient demand for the product then there comes a time when reality has to bite unfortunately.

I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me and Power Quest over the past 12 years.. it is very much appreciated and it is what has kept me going through the years. It's been a great ride and I've had the pleasure of having some great musicians in this band who I am proud to call my friends. Steve, Alessio, Andrea, Francesco, Rich, Paul, Andy, Gav, Colin, Chitty, Adam, Andre, Bill, Oliver, Gav Ward, ZP,Sam Totman, Pete and guys have played such a huge role in making Power Quest what it has become and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

My dream as a youngster was to make one album. It was not about being a rock star or making lots of money, although that would have been nice :-) It always has and always will be about the music first and foremost, so to have released 5 albums is way beyond anything I could have dreamt of to be honest. Huge thanks to those who have done so much behind the scenes over the years as well, without whom it would have been immensely difficult for me. Step forward Manuela Froehlich, Anna Walker, Simon Burrell and Sprocket.

But it is you, the fans, who have joined the Quest and supported the band through all the ups and downs over the years that I save my final words of thanks for. You guys have been inspirational to me! I've always said that Power Quest fans are the best in the world...and that is as true today as it has ever been. I hope you will understand my reasons for this decision and I hope to see as many of you as possible in the months and years to come.

We will be looking to do a couple of farewell shows in 2013 and hopefully make them a fitting way for us to take our leave. It's never an easy thing to know when the time is right to move on to pastures new, but I believe that time is now. Through the wind and the rain we'll meet again."

Band profile: Power Quest
Posted: 10.01.2013 by Abattoir


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Comments: 12   Visited by: 145 users
10.01.2013 - 18:51
Account deleted
Dayuum ;__;
10.01.2013 - 19:19
And now financial problem is conquering the fantasy world...
10.01.2013 - 19:50
10.01.2013 - 20:37
Probably for the best. Despite having SO MANY talented musicians in this band, their music kind of sucked. Sadly. I mean, I always WANTED to like it since Chitty and the rest of the guys are so amazing.

Better that they go on to other projects that will show off their talents better.
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
10.01.2013 - 21:18
I think they've done only one good album (Neverland), the others are nothing special! When I'm Gone is still one of my favourite songs, both versions (album and Sabine).
11.01.2013 - 01:29
Account deleted
I'm not surprised that the market for soft, non-shreddy British power metal is small. I agree with Susan, the whole concept of the band just isn't that appealing for very many people, though they do have some catchy songs.
11.01.2013 - 02:49
Shame, 1st 2 albums were good, always wanted to see them live, so hopefully catch a show this year.
11.01.2013 - 09:54
Baz Anderson
That's a real shame... but if he still loves the band/music as he mentions, surely he could just release the odd Power Quest album every so often without touring... All the music, none of the costly touring...
11.01.2013 - 13:59
Erotic Stains
12.01.2013 - 11:32
They're probably my favourite band, so needless to say I was gutted when I heard this announced in an interview they did, as well as reading the press release.

But they've had twelve solid years and released what are in my opinion five of the most consistently brilliant albums going. In particular I think Blood Alliance is the best album of this decade so far and Neverworld is my very favourite album and song by anybody.

Seen them six times live (more than any other band) and loved seeing them every single time. Got to the point where I found myself talking to all the band members before shows on a regular basis and they are seriously great people. Seeing them twice in the space of three days last month was particularly special for me, especially when they headlined Metieval Winterfest and Alessio sang on a good portion of the songs, some on his own and some with Colin.

I don't think a lot of people can even begin to appreciate how much money it must have personally cost Steve to keep this band going for so long. As the announcement suggests, logic has finally beaten the dream, but hopefully this is not quite the end.

I'm sure most of the band members will go on to be in other bands or do other Music related things because they're some of the most world class musicians going and no mistake.
13.01.2013 - 10:40
They did a lot of good music. Magic Never Dies with it's neoclassical parts and proggy songs is a very good example of a power metal album done right. I liked Blood Alliance too.
I just hope Steve keeps on working on music. Maybe he could join a band that has already succesful.
14.01.2013 - 19:48
I agree it's probably for the best, but it's still sad, after releasing the second album with their happy-style still inside the veins of the music, i thought this guys would go on forever without caring about the opinions of haters, that is something to bring forward as a virtue. i respect this band, i admire their faith on their music (otherwise they would have changed styles time and time again) and i understand the decision, wish the best for the band members!!!!
It wasn't long until they left their cave and wondered outside once more, amazed they realized that the world had not ended as they had fearfully believed during the night. In fact, the grass was greener, the air fresher and the sun had risen again.

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