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Forbidden - Probably Never Recording Again

After cancelling last year's Wacken Open Air performance, American thrash veterans Forbidden have recently revealed that the band might not record any other albums even though they had written new material and had plans to "finish it up when Russ feels good enough to Thrash it up again!"

According to a statement released by their guitarist, Craig Locicero, the band has "likely seen [their] last days as a recording band. [Drummer] Sasha [Horn] and [guitarist] Steve [Smyth] came through like champs last year when we had every intention to write and record our next record. We started working on some INSANELY cool stuff! But alas, real life stepped in. Matt [Camacho, bass] has retired from music and Russ [Anderson, vocals] simply has no fire or desire to do the work it takes to get back to relevancy. It is a tough road; ask Death Angel. But they committed to it and I commend them. Russ just does not have the fire at his stage of life. I must respect that."

Forbidden's latest album was Omega Wave released in 2010.

Band profile: Forbidden
Posted: 12.01.2013 by Bad English


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12.01.2013 - 21:56
"The Quaker"
12.01.2013 - 22:03
Well that certainly sucks
12.01.2013 - 22:09
What a shame; waste of potential IMO.

I thought Omega Wave was a brilliant piece of thrash. If they just expanded on the elements that made their last album so great ( huge Testament-like production; non-wankery technical brilliance; simply crushing riffs) it could easily be a modern classic.

Anyways, I understand their reasoning. It's just that I'd like the good Forbidden: crap Forbidden album ratio to be a little higher.
Hello, my name is Mr......Snrub and I think it would be a capital idea to invest the money back in the nuclear plant.
12.01.2013 - 22:11
Account deleted
This may suck but Criag has gots lots of good music left to make so I recommend they start a new band and find some amazing young singer to step in.
12.01.2013 - 22:30
Sad [and baleful] story even though [I] don't like their music very much, but this is sad.
Maybe some of the members can/will/should start a new thing/band/project.
12.01.2013 - 23:09
Bad news! They were and are a good band and one of those bands that release good albums nowadays..
12.01.2013 - 23:53
Seems a bit selfish of Russ though cause they will only write and "finish it up when Russ feels good enough to Thrash it up again!". Also if "Russ just does not have the fire at his stage of life." maybe he should just retire like Matt.
13.01.2013 - 00:13
LeChron James
I was gonna try and incorporate some kinda pun involving "forbidden" but I couldn't think of anything.

Wah, wah
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
13.01.2013 - 02:31
Fudge russ then! he was aight back in the day, they should jus get a new singer my personal recommendation would be James Rivera that be koo
13.01.2013 - 02:36
"Bang you head against the stage and metal takes its place..."
13.01.2013 - 05:18
The Galactician
Bummer. They were one of my very favorite bands in their heyday, and while the latest wasn't Twisted Into Form, it was still pretty darn good.
13.01.2013 - 11:10
Written by LeChron James on 13.01.2013 at 00:13
I was gonna try and incorporate some kinda pun involving "forbidden" but I couldn't think of anything.

Wah, wah

Haha, same here bro. At least if it's the case, they've ended on a note much more worthy of the band's name than 1997's curtain call

Machiavelli - good idea! Great guys in the biz like Craig L should keep it up in some guise or another
death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon!

he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
14.01.2013 - 01:20
I don't know why they bothered reuniting... They really didn't do much before flaking out....
14.01.2013 - 04:12
That sucks. I just started listening to them this past year a little before I saw them at Bonded by Baloff. Hopefully Craig keeps making music, either by finding someone to fill Russ's shoes, or starting another band.
15.01.2013 - 13:10
I am not surprised at all. Look at Russ now! He looks lazy and let himself go. You get in that kind of rut chances are you will stay there. Sucks. I remember them when they were still forbidden evil before that album came out.

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