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Metallica - 3D Movie Title And Release Date Revealed

Last year, Metallica announced that they would releasing a 3D movie and now the band has revealed a little bit more about it. It will be titled Metallica Through The Never and it is coming to theatres near you on August 9th via independent film marketing and distribution company Picturehouse. It was written and directed by Nimród Antal.

Band update: "We're back with an update on that little project we told you about last year... the Metallica 3D movie filmed in Vancouver in August of 2012. Some of you were kind enough to be a huge part of our three nights of filming and may be wondering just what the heck has been happening since then. Throughout the Fall and first part of this year, we've been working with director Nimród Antal and a team of editors to pull all the pieces together and so we are beyond excited to now actually have a release date and a title... drum-roll please, Metallica Through The Never coming to theatres on August 9!

We're also proud to announce that we will be teaming up with independent film marketing and distribution company Picturehouse to help us spread the love in theatres. Like your friends in 'Tallica, Picturehouse is truly independent, take big chances and often think outside of the box. Founder Bob Berney has overseen the releases of two of the most successful independent films ever, My Big Fat Greek Wedding and The Passion of the Christ, while under his leadership Picturehouse acquired and released such acclaimed features as Pan's Labyrinth (winner of three Academy Awards and La Vie en Rose (winner of two Academy Awards, including best actress for Marion Cotillard) as well as many other cutting edge, critically acclaimed and award winning films. It goes without saying that we are really just getting rolling here and will have many more updates for you. And of course, we can't wait for you to see the film!"

According to Picturehouse, "Metallica Through The Never is a feature film starring members of the iconic rock band and Dane DeHaan (Chronicle, The Amazing Spider-Man 2). DeHaan plays a young band crew member who is sent out on an urgent mission while the band is playing a rousing live set in front of a sold-out crowd and unexpectedly finds his world turned completely upside down. The film, written and directed by Nimród Antal (Kontroll, Predators), is due in theaters August 9."

Band profile: Metallica
Posted: 16.01.2013 by BloodTears


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Comments: 26   Visited by: 279 users
16.01.2013 - 18:56
Why are they messing around with this instea of working on that album?!!
16.01.2013 - 19:07
The cash cow goes moo!
16.01.2013 - 19:34
Account deleted
LMAO! I can't imagine who would go watch this the worst money grabbing idea since...EVER!
16.01.2013 - 19:42
I can't wait to see this! Metallica is the best metal band in the world!
16.01.2013 - 19:44
Freeze! Step away from the hubris.
16.01.2013 - 19:44
Totemic Lust
These guys continue to push the boundaries of music with their experimentation. With the solid momentum of their latest masterpiece, I expect them to continue spoiling us with the fruits of their genius. As with all true art, there will be plenty of detractors and naysayers.
16.01.2013 - 19:49
Account deleted
Written by Introspekrieg on 16.01.2013 at 19:44

These guys continue to push the boundaries of music with their experimentation. With the solid momentum of their latest masterpiece, I expect them to continue spoiling us with the fruits of their genius. As with all true art, there will be plenty of detractors and naysayers.

Finally! Someone who speaks English in the thread full of bandwagon-hopping, poor spelling, improper capitalization and too many smilies.
16.01.2013 - 19:57
A live Metallica show in 3D? This will be interesting.
16.01.2013 - 20:15
16.01.2013 - 20:23
Nemo Atkins
Written by [user id=101272] on 16.01.2013 at 19:49

Written by Introspekrieg on 16.01.2013 at 19:44

These guys continue to push the boundaries of music with their experimentation. With the solid momentum of their latest masterpiece, I expect them to continue spoiling us with the fruits of their genius. As with all true art, there will be plenty of detractors and naysayers.

Finally! Someone who speaks english in the thread full of bandwagon-hopping, poor spelling, improper capitalization and too many smilies.

I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic (except the last sentence, which, even if he was, had a very good point behind it: art is subjective and there are many people willing to voice their dislike about it)

Anyway, I've pretty much lost interest in Metallica recently (not out of joining a bandwagon, it's just that finding a lot of other stuff I wanted to listen to has resulted in them being displaced), but I'd be lying if part of me wasn't saying "This is gonna be interesting". That said, it sounds like it's just your standard Metallica concert, only it's going to be in 3D.

So, unless they do something special for this, it's probably pointless if you've already seen them live, but worth a look at if you haven't. Since I'm in the latter group, I'll keep up with developments.
16.01.2013 - 20:25
16.01.2013 - 20:29
Metallica is making a movie,Nightwish is making a movie, Burzum is making a move?! what is this shit
"Cross is only an iron,hope is just an illusion,freedom is nothing but a name..."
"Build your walls of the dead stone...Build your roofs of a dead wood..Build your dreams of a dead thoughts"
16.01.2013 - 20:29
Introspekrieg sarcastic? Never
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
16.01.2013 - 20:50
I find it amusing that Metallica are somehow trying to reach this bizarre niche of independent mainstream. In one sentence, they're talking about being progressive and innovative, and in the next, name-dropping all of these Oscar winners of fairly well-known movies. I mean, the whole idea of a band as large as Metallica "going independent" strikes me as just a little silly. I'm surprised people on forums like these haven't rolled their eyes out of the heads.

Nevertheless, I have to admit I'm curious. I won't be hunting down movie theaters come August, but I might watch it someday. If there's one thing to be said about Metallica, they're certainly very hard to ignore. Whether they succeed or fail, they never do anything mediocre. Will this be a train wreck or can they still surprise us with something that's actually pretty good? (Note: I liked Death Magnetic enough to consider it their best album since Ride the Lightning, just so you know who you're dealing with.)
16.01.2013 - 21:02
Nihil's Maw
Written by [user id=101272] on 16.01.2013 at 19:49

Finally! Someone who speaks english in the thread full of bandwagon-hopping, poor spelling, improper capitalization and too many smilies.

So much for proper capitalization.

I think I'll see this movie, but only a pirated copy. You know, to piss off Lars.
16.01.2013 - 21:13
Account deleted
Written by Jaeryd on 16.01.2013 at 21:02

I think I'll see this movie, but only a pirated copy. You know, to piss off Lars.

Watch out, we got a bad-ass over here.
16.01.2013 - 21:44
Nemo Atkins
Written by BloodTears on 16.01.2013 at 20:29

Introspekrieg sarcastic? Never

I honestly never noticed him before now.
16.01.2013 - 21:51
Tell me that you Metal music is a world apart from the Metallica so thought it trade???

I am really sorry for this group .......

I think Cliff Burton, who died ... Metallica was destroyed ...:noidea:
16.01.2013 - 22:00
You can almost here that 12 year old in the background screaming SULL OUT! im gonna see it because ive never seen metallica live and since i live in ireland i probably never will.
16.01.2013 - 22:10
Nihil's Maw
Written by [user id=101272] on 16.01.2013 at 21:13

Written by Jaeryd on 16.01.2013 at 21:02

I think I'll see this movie, but only a pirated copy. You know, to piss off Lars.

Watch out, we got a bad-ass over here.

You forgot to use the picture from the meme.
17.01.2013 - 00:27
Account deleted
Written by Jaeryd on 16.01.2013 at 22:10

You forgot to use the picture from the meme.

Well, I don't use pics unless I wanna get in trouble with the mods. None of us do.
Except for you apparently.
17.01.2013 - 01:20
Nihil's Maw
Written by [user id=101272] on 17.01.2013 at 00:27

Well, I don't use pics unless I wanna get in trouble with the mods. None of us do.
Except for you apparently.

Indeed I do.

"Breaking the law, breaking the law"

Technically we're not supposed to be this off-topic, either. But whatever. I was just making a dumb joke. I'll edit it soon enough. No war necessary between us. No matter how much you seem to have something against me, no matter how much you dislike me, I love you.

You hear me? I love you, Lit.

And I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.

So, back on topic. What kind of movie could they possibly make that will save their career from what Lulu did to them? Not even the 3D aspect can pull them out of that mess (although, as we all know, 3D movies are the most spectacular thing in existence, being precisely 3 times as HD as 1080p). The premise, though not much is revealed and therefore no fair judgement can be made as of yet, seems completely uninteresting. I doubt that I'll ever go see this. I was making a joke about getting a pirated copy to piss off Lars, but seriously, unless I see this for free, I doubt I'll ever watch it.

Of course, I can't really know anything until I know more about what the film is about or what it's going to be like, so I'm pretty much just spewing out statements prematurely. Reminds me of my sex life.

17.01.2013 - 01:58
Account deleted
Written by Jaeryd on 17.01.2013 at 01:20

Written by [user id=101272] on 17.01.2013 at 00:27

Well, I don't use pics unless I wanna get in trouble with the mods. None of us do.
Except for you apparently.

Indeed I do.

"Breaking the law, breaking the law"

Technically we're not supposed to be this off-topic, either. But whatever. I was just making a dumb joke. I'll edit it soon enough. No war necessary between us. No matter how much you seem to have something against me, no matter how much you dislike me, I love you.

You hear me? I love you, Lit.

And I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.

17.01.2013 - 07:13
Will this movie be better than "Scooby Doo meets Slayer" ?
17.01.2013 - 09:39
M C Vice
Written by ANGEL REAPER on 16.01.2013 at 20:29

Metallica is making a movie,Nightwish is making a movie, Burzum is making a move?! what is this shit

But when will King Diamond or Queensryche start doing it? Abigail and Operation minecrime would make good films.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
31.01.2013 - 06:48
master 666
King of Arizona
I m sorry for this band Metallica is ...........................
Group destroyed and we must accept
This movie is only to destroy
I think Cliff Burton, who died ... Metallica was destroyed

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