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Airbourne - Releasing New Album In May

Australia's hard rock outfit Airbourne has a new album coming up, titled Black Dog Barking, which shall be released via Roadrunner Records on May 21st. Produced by award winning producer Brian Howes, this is Airbourne's third album and the follow up to No Guts. No Glory., which was released back in 2010.

The Full Throttle edition of Airbourne's new song "Live it Up", the first single from Black Dog Barking, will be released for the opening of Full Throttle at Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, CA, the tallest, fastest looping roller coaster in the world. The song will be released to rock radio in late spring, followed by its in-park debut at Six Flags Magic Mountain with the ride opening.

Said the band: "A lot of thought and effort has gone into this record not only by the band, but by the production crew who worked countless hours, seven days a week, even through Christmas and New Year's Eve to achieve the best possible performances, backed by real undying tones. Now we're handing it over to you... so crank it up, crack a beer and stick some rock 'n' roll in your ear!"

Band profile: Airbourne
Posted: 08.02.2013 by Bad English


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08.02.2013 - 16:18
Spirit Molecule
spirit molecule
This is like the 100th AC/DC album
If you never wake up from a dream does it become reality?

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09.02.2013 - 03:04
M C Vice
Written by Spirit Molecule on 08.02.2013 at 16:18

This is like the 100th AC/DC album

And yet Australian radio continues to ignore them.
"I'm here to nunchuck and not wear helmets. And I'm all out of helmets."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"

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