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Edenbridge - Sign With SPV/Steamhammer Records

Edenbridge are pleased to annouce that they have signed a new worldwide record deal with German based company SPV/Steamhammer. The label will release the band's new upcoming album, The Bonding, which will be out on June 21st in Germany, June 24th through the rest of Europe and on July 2nd in North America.

Band leader and composer Lanvall comments: "We are extremly happy and proud to be part of the SPV family. After several months of meetings we feel that the title of our new album The Bonding fits perfectly into our new home. Our fans should expect a new album filled with emotional and powerful music and a mystical artwork which will form a unity with the message of the album. Furthermore we wanna thank Napalm Records and especially A&R Thomas Caser for the past 6 years."

A&R Steamhammer Olly Hahn adds: "Edenbridge were always a band way ahead and I'm happy that they decided to join the SPV family. Together we will create some exciting things for the new album which will present the band in a light which they deserve."

Band profile: Edenbridge
Posted: 20.02.2013 by Abattoir


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Comments: 4   Visited by: 50 users
20.02.2013 - 23:43
Jason W.
Awesome, looking forward to hearing it!
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
21.02.2013 - 00:47
Finally new album
21.02.2013 - 05:51
My favorite Edenbridge albums are their last two, so I hope they continue in the right direction as they have been!

AND I hope the next music video has bubbles in it again
But I Justify My Desire to No One
22.02.2013 - 10:17
Account deleted
I also can't wait for it, but I hope they will go back to the sound of 'Shine', that was their best.

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