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Ava Inferi - Call It Quits

In a shocking turn of events, after eight years of existence and four records under their belt, Portuguese gothic/doom metallers Ava Inferi have decided to call it quits. However, Rune and Carmen will appear on a new project soon.

Full statement from Rune "Blasphemer" Eriksen and Carmen Susana Simões: "As of today, we'd like to inform our fans and followers that Ava Inferi is officially over. The decision was made by myself and Carmen some time ago now and as one can imagine, it has been a multitude of mixed feelings & emotions involved, but then again, what must be done...

To some it may seem a tad ironic giving up when things start to happen for real (record sales, show offers, general interest has steadily increased) but as of now there is simply no will and interest in pursuing this path any further. It is important to follow one's intuition, hence our joint and final decision on this matter.

To put it short: the spiritual heaviness & the (occasional) negativity involved, the bad luck and obstacles that seemed to follow every step we took, the corner we closed ourselves in musically and conceptually etc. belongs to a different era for us. We simply need to break out and get the joy and inspiration back into our music.

I still have the song skeletons for the 5th (double?) album in my hard drive though (about 30+, some done, some half-done songs) and maybe, just maybe in the future we will make these available (stranger things have happened). However we do not encourage anyone to hold their breath. The decision is as close to final as one can get.

We want to thank our past and present band members, session members, Season Of Mist, Twilight13 Media, NM Design and everyone we've worked with and/or connected with over the years. Much appreciated! And to our followers: You all helped making these 8 years a 'different' pleasure. Thank you so much!

We have 1 song left in our sleeve though: a Fado-inspired song sung in Portuguese entitled 'Ao Teu Lado', which you will get to hear some time in the near future. Watch out for that one! On a side note I can reveal that Carmen and myself will appear in a new project in due time, and be sure things are being prepared for it. However, this statement belongs to AI and AI only so more on the new path through a different channel at a more appropriate time. Thanks and see you all around, Rune & Carmen (RIP Ava Inferi, 2005-2013)."

Band profile: Ava Inferi
Posted: 23.05.2013 by Unknown user


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Comments: 11   Visited by: 140 users
23.05.2013 - 19:06
Jason W.
Damn, I haven't stopped listening to Onyx regularly, and was so hoping for a followup and that ever-ending quest to see music I love performed live.
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley
23.05.2013 - 19:10
This is very bad. I just saw them live last month! I guess I was lucky that I saw them live twice but I don't like the idea that they'll never release anything else.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
23.05.2013 - 19:27
I loved Onyx so to hear they're disbanding is terrible news. I've been looking forward to more from them as well.
23.05.2013 - 19:43
Such a shame this band has quit. Their last album was IMO their strongest effort.
23.05.2013 - 19:43
I also found Onyx to be an amazing album so it's surely sad to see them disband.
23.05.2013 - 20:19
23.05.2013 - 20:21

At least Onyx was one of the best albums ever.
23.05.2013 - 22:49
I'll keep that in mind : "However, Rune and Carmen will appear on a new project soon. "
24.05.2013 - 17:07
Account deleted
Didn't see this coming. Still I believe they had nothing to offer in the future as Ava Inferi aswell, so it's a good decision.

Good luck on the next project.
28.05.2013 - 18:58
This is sad news indeed.
12.06.2013 - 19:48
What the hell? I didn't see this earlier...!! this is sad indeed...

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