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Pain Of Salvation - Daniel Gildenlöw Contracts Infection

This is worrying. Pain Of Salvation's mastermind Daniel Gildenlöw has recently contracted a streptococcal infection (some nasty flesh eating bacteria) and has been urgently hospitalized. Daniel will therefore not be participating on the upcoming Transatlantic US tour but that is the least of his worries right now. More importantly, the guitarist/singer is recovering well after surgery and antibiotics. Hopefully, he can leave the hospital in a few weeks and make a full recovery.

Drummer Léo Margarit posted this message on the band's Facebook page: "As some of you may already know, Daniel has been forced to postpone is presence on the Transatlantic US tour... He has contracted a streptococcal infection (some nasty flesh eating bacteria) and has been urgently hospitalized last Sunday night. We've all been very worried about him and thought about the worst possible outcome, but after a surgery and tons of 'atomic bomb' antibiotics, the bacteria is regressing and Daniel should be able to leave the hospital in a few weeks time. Now the recovery process is long and we wouldn't want him to be too hasty and take any risks for his health. We (D2, Gustaf, Ragnar and Leo) visited him after his surgery and he looked tired and high on morphine, but he still had his usual sense of humor and was optimistic about the whole situation.

"Now we can only wish him a fast and safe recovery and hope that he is in condition to attend Prognation at Sea festival and also finish the rest of the tour with Transatlantic. We're confident about that but don't want to jinx it!

"Let's finish with a little anecdote, I (Leo) was the one driving Daniel to the hospital and we had a small car accident, I lost control of the vehicle on a very icy road and after a few drifts and spins we ended up on the other side of the ditch. However we were lucky and ended up with no injuries and except for a lost tire the car got only a few scratches. During the spins Daniel said out loud 'Ok... That too...'"

Daniel has updated on his condition on his Facebook page as well: "It really hurts that I'll miss the US leg of the Transatlantic tour, but my focus must be on my family and my healing now, day by day. Thanks for your support, and hope to see you on the road someday soon! Most of me will be there!"

Band profile: Pain Of Salvation
Posted: 18.01.2014 by BloodTears


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Comments: 8   Visited by: 185 users
18.01.2014 - 18:48
Account deleted
This really sucks :'(
18.01.2014 - 19:12
Secundum Filium
That's horrible! I hope he makes it out okay.
Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe (Lao Tzu).
18.01.2014 - 19:42
"...and my healing now". Ha!
18.01.2014 - 20:33
Written by Unhealer on 18.01.2014 at 19:42

"...and my healing now". Ha!

I see what you did there. Actually love that song
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
18.01.2014 - 20:58
19.01.2014 - 02:46
That's sad. I hope he makes it out okay. He has such an amazing voice.
19.01.2014 - 10:18
I really love his works, hope he pulls out of it soon.
20.01.2014 - 23:56
That sucks, hope he gets better soon. I was really looking forward to see him perform with Transatlantic in February.

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