Dissection Frontman Jon Nödtveidt Commits Suicide
Dissection frontman Jon Nödtveidt has committed suicide. Nödtveidt's death was confirmed by the Swedish distributor Sound Pollution, whose staff has worked with Dissection throughout the band's career. A posting on the Sound Pollution web site, www.soundpollution.se, reads: "RIP Jon Nödtveidt 1975-2006. Condolences from Sound Pollution & Black Lodge."
Nödtveidt formed Dissection in 1989 and released two full-length albums with the group ? "The Somberlain" (1993) and "Storm of the Light's Bane" (1995) ? before he was convicted in Sweden of felony murder of 37-year-old homosexual Algerian Josef Ben Maddour in 1997. He was released from prison in 2004, at which point he restarted Dissection.
Dissection announced in May that it would split up imediately following its final performances in support of its recently released CD, "Reinkaos". The band was subsequently forced to cancel its two previously announced appearances in North America (Sept. 1 at the House of Blues in West Hollywood, CA and Sept. 6 at B.B. King Blues Club in New York City) after Nödtveidt was denied legal entry into the United States as a result of his conviction.
Nödtveidt formed Dissection in 1989 and released two full-length albums with the group ? "The Somberlain" (1993) and "Storm of the Light's Bane" (1995) ? before he was convicted in Sweden of felony murder of 37-year-old homosexual Algerian Josef Ben Maddour in 1997. He was released from prison in 2004, at which point he restarted Dissection.
Dissection announced in May that it would split up imediately following its final performances in support of its recently released CD, "Reinkaos". The band was subsequently forced to cancel its two previously announced appearances in North America (Sept. 1 at the House of Blues in West Hollywood, CA and Sept. 6 at B.B. King Blues Club in New York City) after Nödtveidt was denied legal entry into the United States as a result of his conviction.
Source: | roadrunnerrecords.com |
Band profile: | Dissection |
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Zamoth |
19.08.2006 - 12:21
R.I.P. I find out this notice in the moment that i was watching his dvd ![]()
Promonex Cathemeral Elite |
19.08.2006 - 12:35 Written by Damnated on 19.08.2006 at 11:42 IMHO Reinkaos was a dishonor towards the memory we all had of Dissection before Nödtveidt resurrected his band. Everything he has done during the last year was kinda lame and this is the climax of it all...
---- All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu... This is the truth! This is my belief! ...At least for now. - The Mystery of Life, Vol. 841 Ch. 26
Metal 1986 Account deleted |
19.08.2006 - 12:51 Metal 1986
Account deleted
This so sudden. Dissection had great music . R.I.P Jon -Where Dead Angel Lie
Metal 1986 Account deleted |
19.08.2006 - 12:52 Metal 1986
Account deleted
This so sudden. Dissection had great music . R.I.P Jon -Where Dead Angels Lie
Fearless |
19.08.2006 - 14:02
Fuck man, I won tickets to their last show i Sweden but I coudn't go, fuck this really suck!
---- CEO and founder of Rose Booking. SHOWS | TOURS | FESTIVALS Rose Booking is a booking agency with a global involvement within the live entertainment Metal is the LAW! Stay Metal!
Damnated Churchburner |
19.08.2006 - 16:06 Written by Promonex on 19.08.2006 at 12:35 And he done the ritual thing, (Candles, and the satanic bible next to him), wich I found just even more stupid then his suicide.
---- Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men. Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01
Stratowarrior |
19.08.2006 - 22:35
yeah that shit sucks and it happened when i started to listen to their music, now there will be nothing....this fucker was crazy but still R.I.P
---- power metal 'til death!!!!!!!!!
dancingdecember |
29.10.2006 - 20:09
to all of you preaching the "weakness" thing..was he supposed to ask you first?the guy decided to let go ok?who are you to judge for fucks sake.a man can take his life if he sees no point in living and gets no joy in life.are they supposed to torture themselves by living just to satisfy you?if you would go and tell a man who is commiting suicide that he is weak he would probably laugh at you and say go fuck yourself because at that moment he has way bigger problems than your stupid "strong" point of views...
---- i'm super, thanks for asking
Opium Magnet Account deleted |
24.12.2006 - 04:09 Opium Magnet
Account deleted Written by dancingdecember on 29.10.2006 at 20:09 Being slanderous and wreckless like that just won't get you anywhere, if you wanted to be heard, go commit suicide yourself for all we care. The option was open, Jon took it. We now know the reasons, so all that speculation was totally useless, just as I thought it would be. Of course we can't do anything about the situation. People commit suicide for different reason, however, some may do it for the same reason, say, regret or whatever thought may be haunting them. I'd say people would doubt others at that crucial point/verging on committing suicide, but seriously, they wouldn't be abusive unless they felt that was also for a reason. Go back to your corner and leave the MS users alone.
dancingdecember |
24.12.2006 - 20:55 Written by [user id=12867] on 24.12.2006 at 04:09 first of all im not suicidal and i dont understood you very much because you replied to sth that i didnt even talking about.i know what is suicide and why people commits suicide so im not learning that from you ok?who are you to tell me to leave?are you aware of yourself and what youre saying?dont try to teach me anything or dont even try to tell me what i am.i also thought speculations was useless so i said just let it go.so cheer up a little its christmas.
---- i'm super, thanks for asking
Opium Magnet Account deleted |
25.12.2006 - 02:56 Opium Magnet
Account deleted Written by dancingdecember on 24.12.2006 at 20:55 I never said or suggested you were suicidal, I was just suggesting a "crazy" solution... Telling me to cheer up because it's Christmas is just digressing from the topic at hand, please don't do that. I wasn't trying to teach you anything, just highlighting some examples as to why people do it. Well, I wasn't telling you to leave as such, but leave the topic alone. We don't need people to insult other peoples point of views. We are ALL entitled to an opinion after all, and it shouldn't be shunned in such a way, so really, calling them "stupid" point of views was quite inappropriate.
dancingdecember |
25.12.2006 - 17:22 Written by [user id=12867] on 25.12.2006 at 02:56 ok in the stupid part you are right.but you weren't so respectful to me either.i said cheer up in sake of finishing the tense situation and i wasn't that serious beacuse i dont care about christmas further from i will get drunk with friends.it is unnecessary to say harsh words beacuse of sth that takes so little part in each other's lives.so peace man.have a nice day
---- i'm super, thanks for asking
Paganblood The Aryaputra |
21.01.2007 - 06:54
Why did he have to Kill Himself?
---- that which shines without names and forms...
Sunioj |
23.01.2007 - 17:12
Wow, havent seen this the whole time Ive been here but in general Im saddenned that a musician I love pass away though, but in general if you do look at the pillars of MLO they do state that it is better to take your own life than to lye to yourself. Thats my theory, maybe he actually realized reinkaos was a major dissapointment. So it sux hes gone. I dont agree with suicide, even if it is to protect your own honor, but what it boils down is his choice, and I guess his band members knew and didnt try to stop him. Which makes even more surreal.
Nightbane |
29.11.2008 - 00:08
The man led very strange way of life. I'm not into black metal but I liked their songs.
---- Music saved my life
Metalbound7 |
13.01.2009 - 00:36 Written by [user id=5394] on 18.08.2006 at 21:30 Weak and Emo, but Dissection Rules! R.I.P Jon
game_fan Posts: 5 |
16.08.2009 - 22:21
R.I.P Jon. m/ Dissection rulez and their music will live forever
---- History Abhors A Paradox
BeastOfMetal456 Account deleted |
12.08.2011 - 14:55 BeastOfMetal456
Account deleted
R.I.P Dissection is so good and epic, but committing suicide isn't! ![]()
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
12.08.2011 - 17:08 Written by [user id=119833] on 12.08.2011 at 14:55 Suicide can be pretty epic. It just depends on the context.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck Elite |
12.08.2011 - 17:15 Written by Troy Killjoy on 12.08.2011 at 17:08 I agree with Beastofmetal here. Suicide is never epic, imo, no matter what the context. Tbh I have always regarded suicide as the easy way out.
---- Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.) 05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
12.08.2011 - 17:20 Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 12.08.2011 at 17:15 Well if you take into account kamikaze missions and banzai charges and the like, or religious suicide, or ritual suicide, there can be a certain amount of beauty or even practicality to it.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
BeastOfMetal456 Account deleted |
12.08.2011 - 17:34 BeastOfMetal456
Account deleted Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 12.08.2011 at 17:15 Lol... Somebody agreed with me for the first time!
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
12.08.2011 - 17:38 Written by [user id=119833] on 12.08.2011 at 17:34 There's a first time for everything Beasty.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
BeastOfMetal456 Account deleted |
12.08.2011 - 17:39 BeastOfMetal456
Account deleted Written by Troy Killjoy on 12.08.2011 at 17:20 Yeah..that's true. But you're an accomplished musici
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
12.08.2011 - 17:46 Written by [user id=119833] on 12.08.2011 at 17:39 Maybe there was more to him than meets the eye - maybe the guilt of killing another man consumed him and he couldn't live another day with that burden. I'm not saying it makes his decision any less of an easy way out, and it certainly doesn't make it worthy of a story, but it's not like one day he was just like "meh, life's gay" and opted out.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
BeastOfMetal456 Account deleted |
12.08.2011 - 18:04 BeastOfMetal456
Account deleted Written by Troy Killjoy on 12.08.2011 at 17:46 I still he has something wrong with him. P.S. My previous post wasn't complete, I finished it now.
BeastOfMetal456 Account deleted |
12.08.2011 - 18:04 BeastOfMetal456
Account deleted Written by Troy Killjoy on 12.08.2011 at 17:38 Yeah, Troy-y......It sounds lame. ![]()
JD Account deleted |
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