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What makes you listen to black metal?

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Posted by Unknown user, 24.06.2006 - 23:58
Hey, I'm curious to know what makes you people listen to black metal? how did you started listening to it?
1st black metal song you listened? Is there any band that as finished that you wish them to come back?
What do you think about the future of black metal?

I love all in black metal, the ideas, the atmosphere, the vocals, drums etc... I started listening to black metal when a friend of mine gave me gorgoroth - pentagram to listen. I loved it and i went right over to a store here and bought the album, since then I have bought many Black metal albums from bands like immortal, nokturnal mortum, darkthrone, carpathian forest and many more. the 1st song i listened was "under the pagan megalith" (awsome track from pentagram).
I am really excited about the idea of immortal re-union, they are one of my favorite bands, I love all their albums (but specialy pure holocaust )
About the future, i think the good bands will always remain but new bands are needed and i don't see excelent new bands.
Here in Portugal we have bands like Lux Ferre, In Thy Flesh, Opus Draconis, Corpus Christii and more, in my opinion they are great but they don't have support to go on and this is happening all over the world.

Please post your opinions and stories

07.01.2007 - 15:52
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=3160] on 07.01.2007 at 04:44

The sole reason I love and listen to Black Metal is what I get from it I get from no other metal. An unbelievable feeling of closeness to nature, a sense of power as an individual and an affinity for Norway. The reason why I basically only listen to Norwegian Black Metal is cause they have thier own unique sound and feel and instantly you can recognize this, but I have noticed when I listen to BM from other countries some is good some is atrocious but I just don't get the same out of it as the Norsk stuff nor the same feelings/closeness.

I agree old school and early and first Norveagian BM abnds has them own style and unique sound, but i cant listen nowdays realises its something ehh not BM enymore, thay had lost atmosfere i them music.

Nowdays after 1995 Germany, Poland, France, Italy and Slavic and Centarl Europe(Hungary, Romania) play good BM thay make new sound an dnew feelinsg and those are closer to me, because Scandinavia never cant imprset me so much how those countries
Also US BM has some diferent sound but other countreis in world, can give one 2 bands but others are just copies and copies are to much.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
17.01.2007 - 19:50
Orm KrigGud
Well the usual answer I guess. Black Metal is atmospheric, has a sense of power is generally quite unique in comparison with other genres. Some bands can bring out emotions in you which you have never felt before while others revive old feelings long and forgotten. Some will plant medival imagery in your mind while others make you feel you need to pick up an axe and go to war. Some make you feel you're the master of the world while others make you feel like being in an ancient evil brotherhood. Some bands are claustrophobic and suicidal while others are nature-bound and give you wings.. It does all these things and I bloody love it..

@HellRaiz0r, my first album was Gorgoroth - Pentagram as well. Under the Pagan Megalith was like my anthem for many many countless months. Had been to a few live shows and stuff before that with some very old friends before that during the times of old Mayhem but it was Pentagram which hooked me into Black Metal and never let go..
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
17.01.2007 - 23:39
Account deleted
1-how did you start listening to it?
--- I was listening to old Behemoth, and I noticed they did a Mayhem cover, and a Venom cover, and I've heard of them, but never found their stuff before, so I searched up, and found a bunch of Mayhem and Venom. Of course, you can also say it was before I found Behemoth, and when I first listened to Dimmu Borgir (though I'm unsure how to classify it, since many debate Dimmu's genre). So to avoid argument, I guess I can say old Behemoth got me into Black Metal, and now my favorite Black Metal band is Mayhem.

2-1st black metal song you listened?
--- Again, its debatable, but for sake of argument, old Behemoth - Wolves Guard my Coffin, but if not them, Mayhem - You Must Fall (*listening to it right now*)

3-Is there any band that is finished that you wish them to come back?
---I'm still learning about Black Metal (I just recently really got into it), so I don't really know. But I guess I wish Dead and Euronymous would resurrect and re-align with Mayhem...

4-What do you think about the future of black metal?
---There are still some great Black Metal bands out there, but I think alot of us just miss 1st and some of 2nd generation Black Metal...The new gen is coming, and I don't know what to say on it, but if I like them, then I like them. I just wish that sometimes it was easier to filter out between NSBM (I hate that shit) and the rest of BLack Metal (My issue with NSBM, is that I'm Multiracial Black/Mexican/Native American/etc. I even have some Jewish blood somewhere in my lineage, ironically enough, even Nordic/Swede/Scandinavian family. And add that to being Democratic Socialist, you have here someone who is so against Nazism that its not even funny. So of course, I don't wanna get into a band then find out they're Nazis.)
17.01.2007 - 23:45
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=581] on 07.01.2007 at 05:04

agreed james, norsk arysk black metal its unique and sounds different somehow.
But there are great bands from other countrys of course =).

Yes we a lot talkking about death metal., Florida Death, Gethenburg Death, Finish death but why we dont talk about BM
Like Norks BM, French BM, Italian BM, german BM, Polish BM, Slavic BM, US BM and C and A Europe BM

Because IMO those regions what i mention there are lil diferenies in BM sound maybe not sound but lil in lyrics

German - its like Scandic but not so owerated and mor eundergraund nowdays its like begining of Scandic
French - Its melancholy in music, melanchlic BM
Polish - Lil mix between german and Scandic and Slavic
Slavic - BM whit slavic idiology
C and E Europian - More unknow and misantrphic lile mix whit nature and old lagends and french melancholism
Italian - Something who can warm you from inside and full of renesane melancholism

Scandic - Full whit paganism, fate and unknow and same time cold emotions

US - Cant explain

PS I dont talk about satanism here and ist my subjective IMO about gernres thats how I feel BM how I feel,a nd what I get listening it

If you wnat more explanations I will give them

But thast how I clasified BM because IMO BM shood be clasified like DM too
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
30.01.2007 - 12:09
Account deleted
Most of you have not even mentioned the Greek Black Metal which is the best after the Norwegian(i dont say that,metal analysts havw written that)
Greece has offered a Black Metal sound tottaly different from the north one that Norwegians created...just check some bands and tell then your opinion

Rotting Christ---i dont think that someone who really listens to BM doesnt know them...Albums like"Genesis"Thy Mighty Contract"Sanctus Diavolos"Non Serviam"cannot be ignored!!!They are unique band check them...

Varathron---they have released two albums and play majestic black metal but not with the style of Emperor or the style of USBM

Naer Mataron---in their first album"Up from the Ashes"they have an atmosphaire as if they came from Ancient Greece,from"Skotos Aenaon"which is a great album they play pure Norwegian style...their old guitarist and former of the band Morpheas has moved now to Norway and plays in a band
but i dont really remember their name
30.01.2007 - 12:40
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=19568] on 30.01.2007 at 12:09

Most of you have not even mentioned the Greek Black Metal which is the best after the Norwegian(i dont say that,metal analysts havw written that)
Greece has offered a Black Metal sound tottaly different from the north one that Norwegians created...just check some bands and tell then your opinion

It's mediterainia man and those mountains and area what inspirete them summer, warm weather and all around, you know, its not depresive climate and no winter like thre thats why Meditereaian BM are diferent how Scabdic, and Scandic isnt best BM

PS Greeks dont burn churches thay burn gay13 clubs
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
30.01.2007 - 15:15
Written by [user id=19568] on 30.01.2007 at 12:09

Greek Black Metal is the best after the Norwegian(i dont say that,metal analysts havw written that)

i don't think so.
greek bm is very good, that's true, but the bands are somewhat distant, the whole scene is insular. and i don't mean underground.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.
30.01.2007 - 22:18
Account deleted
Oh i cannot listen again the same stories...Weather indeed affects psychology but not ONLY weather...have you ever why people in Ireland who live at north are happy people??
31.01.2007 - 20:31
italians, and mediterrans in general, have more endorphin than northern europeans, hence they are happier
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.
31.01.2007 - 21:17
Mr. Noise
Sounds like a reasonable explanation. Don't know if it's true for fact, but I'll believe your word on it.

Could this be the reason that there is so many BM from Norway? I've been wondering for a while now. I know Black Metal bands from quite a few countries, but it seems mostly to come from Norway. (I'm talking quantity of bands, not quality). Could the endorphin matter be influencial in this case, or is it really only because the second wave came from Norway and therefor BM is more popular there. And thus more followers?

Quite off-topic, but nonetheless something interesting to discuss about, me thinks. If anyone has some good argument for or against, post here or PM me.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
31.01.2007 - 21:20
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Damnated on 31.01.2007 at 20:31

italians, and mediterrans in general, have more endorphin then northern europeans, hence they are happier

I agree whit you totaly and 100%ist diference live in normal weather or in freezed land all year
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
01.02.2007 - 23:14
Account deleted
Naa I think thats just stereotiping over there. Happiness is a state of mind which affects the individual on the basis of his own experiences in life. If you are really happy you can be with good or shitty weather, if not, I guess a bit of sun doesn't harm. However I think the stylistic differences from country to country are more to be searched in the musical (and not) history of that place. Each culture has it's scapegoat and icons...
02.02.2007 - 00:52
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=1927] on 01.02.2007 at 23:14

Naa I think thats just stereotiping over there. Happiness is a state of mind which affects the individual on the basis of his own experiences in life. If you are really happy you can be with good or shitty weather, if not, I guess a bit of sun doesn't harm. However I think the stylistic differences from country to country are more to be searched in the musical (and not) history of that place. Each culture has it's scapegoat and icons...

I agree i dont see happyness in nordic bm, emotions yes, but not happyness
Italian BM ist something ther are soem sunshine in music and happyness too
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
06.02.2007 - 04:52
Immortal Plague
Man, if you guys wana hear some great local bands from here in Toronto Check out Woods Of Ypres, Will Of The Ancients, Eclipse Eternal. Really great bands, that need your support and im sure will be good in the future.

Back to the Main subject, the first album i heard that was real black metal, was when my friends accidentaly mixed up a Cradle of Filth album i wanted to borrow, and he gave me a Bathory album it was "Blood Fire Death" i heard it and said "wtf this isint Cradle Of Filth, omg that idiot" but i heard the rest of the album and died for it, it was amazing, i loved it, it was so great in everyway, i then went on the internet and downloaded alot of Bathory, instead of buying a bathory album, i soon after downloaded and burnt the Emperor album "In The Nightside Eclipse" after i heard that i was hooked, i loved it, i couldent stop listening to it, it was so good. The real reason why i like black metal is the whole Northern cold winter theme, and the beautiful intros and then with heavy beautiful riffs, and also the way the guitars compliment each other, and the drumms driving, and the higher pitched vocals. Its Amazing, even the make up the spikes, the Satanism feel, its just so exilerating, and so unique, its just amazing, and so captive, i love it. And i will never stop listening to it.
06.02.2007 - 16:57
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Immortal Plague on 06.02.2007 at 04:52

Man, if you guys wana hear some great local bands from here in Toronto Check out Woods Of Ypres, Will Of The Ancients, Eclipse Eternal. Really great bands, that need your support and im sure will be good in the future.

Back to the Main subject, the first album i heard that was real black metal, was when my friends accidentaly mixed up a Cradle of Filth album i wanted to borrow, and he gave me a Bathory album it was "Blood Fire Death" i heard it and said "wtf this isint Cradle Of Filth, omg that idiot" but i heard the rest of the album and died for it, it was amazing, i loved it, it was so great in everyway, i then went on the internet and downloaded alot of Bathory, instead of buying a bathory album, i soon after downloaded and burnt the Emperor album "In The Nightside Eclipse" after i heard that i was hooked, i loved it, i couldent stop listening to it, it was so good. The real reason why i like black metal is the whole Northern cold winter theme, and the beautiful intros and then with heavy beautiful riffs, and also the way the guitars compliment each other, and the drumms driving, and the higher pitched vocals. Its Amazing, even the make up the spikes, the Satanism feel, its just so exilerating, and so unique, its just amazing, and so captive, i love it. And i will never stop listening to it.

Woods of Ypres are in SM and I knwo them realy good band and one of poetical MBM bands in history
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
07.02.2007 - 03:33
Immortal Plague
Written by Bad English on 06.02.2007 at 16:57

Written by Immortal Plague on 06.02.2007 at 04:52

Man, if you guys wana hear some great local bands from here in Toronto Check out Woods Of Ypres, Will Of The Ancients, Eclipse Eternal. Really great bands, that need your support and im sure will be good in the future.

Back to the Main subject, the first album i heard that was real black metal, was when my friends accidentaly mixed up a Cradle of Filth album i wanted to borrow, and he gave me a Bathory album it was "Blood Fire Death" i heard it and said "wtf this isint Cradle Of Filth, omg that idiot" but i heard the rest of the album and died for it, it was amazing, i loved it, it was so great in everyway, i then went on the internet and downloaded alot of Bathory, instead of buying a bathory album, i soon after downloaded and burnt the Emperor album "In The Nightside Eclipse" after i heard that i was hooked, i loved it, i couldent stop listening to it, it was so good. The real reason why i like black metal is the whole Northern cold winter theme, and the beautiful intros and then with heavy beautiful riffs, and also the way the guitars compliment each other, and the drumms driving, and the higher pitched vocals. Its Amazing, even the make up the spikes, the Satanism feel, its just so exilerating, and so unique, its just amazing, and so captive, i love it. And i will never stop listening to it.

Woods of Ypres are in SM and I knwo them realy good band and one of poetical MBM bands in history

O i never knew, well mabey they are known pretty well, just i know they arnt touring alot and if they do not very far, because they dont have the support, Black Metal will easily be revived with the Support of us BM fans
07.02.2007 - 13:51
The Bard
I founded Black Metal thanx to my father, he is big Mercyful Fate, Venom, King Diamond and Bathory fan, he don't like Mayhem and staff a lot but when I was very young he kept telling me that it is Black Metal, once I went to CD shop and ask girl in that shop to give me some extreme black metal album and she brought me some of her staff cause it was some fancy no metal shop, luckily for me she was some metalhead and I got Mayhem, Emperor, Darkthrone... after I heard those blasphemies I just felt in love with everything related with that kind of sound, I was listening only to Black Metal for some time, now I am into power and heavy more but I still listen old good Black Metal albums everyday, I just hate new black metal genres so I am not into Black Metal anymore since that music no longer exists.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
08.02.2007 - 03:06
Orm KrigGud
@Aronax, your dad seems really cool mate.. Those are some serious foundation bands. I can't imagine my dad introducing me to Bathory lol..
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
08.02.2007 - 10:22
Account deleted
Written by Himann on 08.02.2007 at 03:06

@Aronax, your dad seems really cool mate.. Those are some serious foundation bands. I can't imagine my dad introducing me to Bathory lol..

hahaha, that would be a dream come true!
08.02.2007 - 10:39
Orm KrigGud
Written by [user id=5394] on 08.02.2007 at 10:22

Written by Himann on 08.02.2007 at 03:06

@Aronax, your dad seems really cool mate.. Those are some serious foundation bands. I can't imagine my dad introducing me to Bathory lol..

hahaha, that would be a dream come true!

Yeah man that would be just plain killer..
To be Draped by the Shadow of your Morbid Palace. Ohh, Hate Living...The only heat is warm blood

So Pure... So Cold
Transilvanian Hunger
23.02.2007 - 16:54
Black Serpent
Account deleted
I listen to Black Metal because I get an inner feeling of pure, divine hate and anger. The feeling of being majestetic and high-ranked.
It's a feeling that touches with my inner emotions^^

23.02.2007 - 17:16
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=15652] on 23.02.2007 at 16:54

I listen to Black Metal because I get an inner feeling of pure, divine hate and anger. The feeling of being majestetic and high-ranked.
It's a feeling that touches with my inner emotions^^

Hate and anger, well man its actualy reason why BM tired me and I get tired of it, if listen al time, IMO BM I like those where are songs about nature, past, heros its give some positive energy
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
23.02.2007 - 17:31
The Bard
I don't give a fuck about positive or negative energy, if I want some energy I would put some 7V+ batteries in my ass and pu my finger into an electric box, music is all I am interested in...
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
23.02.2007 - 17:56
Written by Bad English on 23.02.2007 at 17:16

Hate and anger, well man its actualy reason why BM tired me and I get tired of it, if listen al time, IMO BM I like those where are songs about nature, past, heros its give some positive energy

if you hear a black metal song, can you tell what the lyrics are about without reading them, or consulting MA? do you hear a difference between black metal wich is about hate and black metal wich is about nature? and stricktly on a musical level, not considering random effects, like wind, or animal sounds, shaman drums etc.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.
23.02.2007 - 18:18
Account deleted
Written by APOHAKC on 23.02.2007 at 17:31

I don't give a fuck about positive or negative energy, if I want some energy I would put some 7V+ batteries in my ass and pu my finger into an electric box, music is all I am interested in...

hahaha, now thats a funny way to look at it!
23.02.2007 - 18:36
Account deleted
Written by -tom- on 05.07.2006 at 14:16

i listen to black metal because its fans always have such intelligent things to say. for example, from another forum:

I sold my Absu when I realised the guy is now collaberating with kikes though.

23.02.2007 - 18:53
Account deleted
I listen to Black Metal because is the best music genre ever! The atmosphere is very inspiring! And some bands have such wonderful lyrics about the past, when paganism was brutally attacked by christianism and also about the pessimism of life, nihilism and stuffs like that..

I started to listen in my brother's house when I listened to "Born of the Flickering" by Old Man's Child, the first song was the first of this album, "Demons of the Thorncastle".. And it was such a different and great experience for me, it sounded very different of all bands that I listened before. Since this day, I just can't live without Black Metal.. hehe!
23.02.2007 - 20:56
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
@Damnated - I mean it because sometiumes Im tired of BM, sometimes not it depends of bands for example I can listen Negura Bunged ewery day, but Mayhem sometimes and also album cover for me are important like Emperor vs Gotgoroth, ewery where are energy and it make syou feel better or

Im sensitive
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
23.02.2007 - 23:30
Black Serpent
Account deleted
Written by Bad English on 23.02.2007 at 17:16

Written by [user id=15652] on 23.02.2007 at 16:54

I listen to Black Metal because I get an inner feeling of pure, divine hate and anger. The feeling of being majestetic and high-ranked.
It's a feeling that touches with my inner emotions^^

Hate and anger, well man its actualy reason why BM tired me and I get tired of it, if listen al time, IMO BM I like those where are songs about nature, past, heros its give some positive energy

Yeah, that too =) And the uniqe sound of the Symphonic parts!
23.02.2007 - 23:35
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by [user id=15652] on 23.02.2007 at 23:30

Written by Bad English on 23.02.2007 at 17:16

Written by [user id=15652] on 23.02.2007 at 16:54

I listen to Black Metal because I get an inner feeling of pure, divine hate and anger. The feeling of being majestetic and high-ranked.
It's a feeling that touches with my inner emotions^^

Hate and anger, well man its actualy reason why BM tired me and I get tired of it, if listen al time, IMO BM I like those where are songs about nature, past, heros its give some positive energy

Yeah, that too =) And the uniqe sound of the Symphonic parts!

Thats too IMO such parts make music more tastible and anjoyble, but only if ist neceserly and depends of band
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing