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Posted by Unknown user, 19.05.2006 - 13:08
Pretty much a legendary band amongst black metallers, due to 'Drawing Down The Moon' and 'The Oath of Black Blood' releases (but more so the former). Apparently though this band were quite hated, any insight into why would be interesting to hear.

Their early career consisted of quite nasty and raw (in a good way) sounding black metal before moving on to the midpaced, ambient fused brilliance of DDTM which truly is a groundbreaking album and a joy to listen to. After this they abandoned black metal in favour of some kind of electronic ambient hybrid which I'm not too familar with.

A very interesting band to say the least.
18.09.2008 - 20:17
Southern Wind
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Written by [user id=33061] on 18.09.2008 at 19:33

I've heard of Beherit but I never really gave them a listen. Any recomended albums I should listen too?

It would be rather fair to say Beherit is Drawing Down The Moon and nothing more... the earlier demos sound too shitty and their later durk ambient isn't really interesting.
18.09.2008 - 22:41
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Written by [user id=33061] on 18.09.2008 at 19:33

I've heard of Beherit but I never really gave them a listen. Any recomended albums I should listen too?

Drawing Down the Moon is obviously a must but also their Electric Doom Synthesis record, which I find to be even better than DDTM in many ways. Absolutely incredible metal/ambient/electro fusion. It honestly has one of the darkest and most forboding atmospheres I've ever heard on a record and considering it's a metal band that did such an album it just makes it even more special.
19.09.2008 - 00:02
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Written by [user id=4365] on 18.09.2008 at 22:41

Written by [user id=33061] on 18.09.2008 at 19:33

I've heard of Beherit but I never really gave them a listen. Any recomended albums I should listen too?

Drawing Down the Moon is obviously a must but also their Electric Doom Synthesis record, which I find to be even better than DDTM in many ways. Absolutely incredible metal/ambient/electro fusion. It honestly has one of the darkest and most forboding atmospheres I've ever heard on a record and considering it's a metal band that did such an album it just makes it even more special.

Thanks, I'll download the album then. The album sounds amazing from what you're saying.
19.09.2008 - 00:26
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Written by [user id=33061] on 19.09.2008 at 00:02

Written by [user id=4365] on 18.09.2008 at 22:41

Written by [user id=33061] on 18.09.2008 at 19:33

I've heard of Beherit but I never really gave them a listen. Any recomended albums I should listen too?

Drawing Down the Moon is obviously a must but also their Electric Doom Synthesis record, which I find to be even better than DDTM in many ways. Absolutely incredible metal/ambient/electro fusion. It honestly has one of the darkest and most forboding atmospheres I've ever heard on a record and considering it's a metal band that did such an album it just makes it even more special.

Thanks, I'll download the album then. The album sounds amazing from what you're saying.

Cool, hope you like it. 'Dead Inside' is an absolute choon.
19.09.2008 - 06:29
Southern Wind
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What do you people think of Black Crucifixion, Holocausto's side project? I had been pretty obsessed with their music lately, even although at first I didn't like it at all. It's not really dark as one could think considering its background, but it delivers some amazing atmospheres.
09.04.2009 - 03:08
From what people have been hinting,Beherit Engram (just released) is quite the album. Like a return to form for black metal, and then taking it to the next dimension past Burzum's Hvis Lyset Tar Oss. Really raw but really structured, with a deepening mood.

Anyone else looking forward to what could be the first classic of the black metal revival? Black metal has been so stale and boring for the last fifteen years, it's awesome to have something to look forward to with excitement again.
09.04.2009 - 03:26
If you read the first reactions in the other thread ("Beherit recording a new album"), it makes all this "a return to form for black metal" thingy sound as a marketing operation, nothing more.

Personally, I didn't listen to it but the first reactions seem to be very negative.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
09.04.2009 - 17:30
I listened multiple times and liked it:

Beherit - Engram review
09.04.2009 - 17:53
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Written by Conservationist on 09.04.2009 at 17:30

I listened multiple times and liked it:

Beherit - Engram review

You're easily pleased. The album is horrific at best.
09.04.2009 - 21:40
Account deleted
I've given the new album a listen and it's pretty good. How is it horrific?
09.04.2009 - 21:53
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Written by [user id=40515] on 09.04.2009 at 21:40

I've given the new album a listen and it's pretty good. How is it horrific?

My third copy and paste:

Frankly I'm shocked that anyone could give the new album any kind of praise, even by non-Beherit standards it fails on every level. There is a total lack of any kind of ritualistic presence, instead we're treated with an unbelievably bad attempt at sounding "evil" with the silly vocals (both clean and not so) and guitar tone. Even treated as a riff-based album it still doesn't work; the songs are repetitive(not in a good way), bland and uninspired. I can't believe this is the same band that brought us DDTM and Electric Doom Synthesis. There is no redeeming feature of this album. A complete and utter failure. Disappointment of the year. Gutted.
10.04.2009 - 00:41
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.04.2009 at 17:53

You're easily pleased. The album is horrific at best.

I disagree. I think it's a good album with a solid ritual presence. I think it also attempts songwriting ideas not found in black metal, nor within the grasp of most of these comelately bands. Furthermore, on its own it stands out quite well as a solid, communicative, self-reinforcing object.
10.04.2009 - 14:15
Mr FancyPants
It's a good album, I like it. I think that many people would like it even if it didn't have the Beherit name but I'm really not convinced that it would gain much popularity if the same recording was released under a different name and no one knew it was Beherit. I also don't think that this is some kind of saviour of modern black metal.

I think we all knew it'd be hyped to death. Good album but not worth mentioning in the same sentence as Burzum's HLTO. Supposing black metal was as it is today but 'Hvis Lyset tar Oss' had never been released and then in 2009 this album was released by an unknown band. I believe that HLTO would still be considered a masterpiece and would still be widely appreciated by BM fans. I don't feel the same about 'Engram'.
"This rudderless world is not shaped my metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs. It's us. Only us"

Read Watchmen.
10.04.2009 - 17:05
Written by -tom- on 10.04.2009 at 14:15
I think that many people would like it even if it didn't have the Beherit name

I agree on that.


Terrorizer: Has it been an easy transition to slide back into the metal world? Is there anything you're looking forward to? Anything you dread?

Holocausto: That's true, but what's so significant happening in metal music for the last ten years? There's not much innovation, except the sad fact that quite amount of metalheads moved to entertainment business. Hipsters flood over bulletin boards and black metal bands sounds like happy carnival melody music? I respect only handful of newer bands and talking about your metal world in general, I would rather go back to my cave.

Terrorizer Beherit interview

For those who are curious about such things, this is why bands like Beherit lead: the people behind them are realists, intelligent, and also care about the romance of life -- such as producing great art, art which values intensity of experience over safety; Satanic art, not God-will-save-your-dumb-ass art.
10.04.2009 - 17:45
Written by Conservationist on 10.04.2009 at 17:05

For those who are curious about such things, this is why bands like Beherit lead: the people behind them are realists, intelligent, and also care about the romance of life -- such as producing great art, art which values intensity of experience over safety; Satanic art, not God-will-save-your-dumb-ass art.

Beherit intelligent? Good joke.

What about those prank calls Nuclear Holocausto sent to Mika Luttinen of Impaled Nazarene and Samoth of Emperor?

And what about the fact Turbo Music were forced to release "Demonomancy" and "Dawn Of Satan's Millenium" under the name "The Oath Of Black Blood", because this 'intelligent' band spent the money the label gave them to record the album on alcohol and drugs?

I have a hard time to see anything intelligent in this.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
11.04.2009 - 02:13
I think I'd look at the music instead of rumors.

Is Oscar Wilde unintelligent because he spent much of his cash on alcohol, and ended up in prison for sodomy?
11.04.2009 - 16:23
Heard the album, I think its god awful. Then again, I don't think I've liked anything that they put out; guess its an acquired taste.
11.04.2009 - 17:31
Written by Sunioj on 11.04.2009 at 16:23

I think its god awful.

I believe the intention is to offend God.
11.04.2009 - 21:11
John Barleycorn
So they believe that God exists? I don't understand.
11.04.2009 - 21:54

Heard the album, I think its god awful. Then again, I don't think I've liked anything that they put out; guess its an acquired taste.

the album is truly good, give it a few more listens
12.04.2009 - 00:33
Written by Conservationist on 11.04.2009 at 17:31

Written by Sunioj on 11.04.2009 at 16:23

I think its god awful.

I believe the intention is to offend God.

Hah, not arguing that one.

Written by Metalhead2 on 11.04.2009 at 21:54

the album is truly good, give it a few more listens

Nah, its alright. Its just not my thing. I just found it even boring when comparing to standards of other atmospheric bm that I like though.
13.04.2009 - 14:21
Written by Lord_Regnier on 10.04.2009 at 17:45

Written by Conservationist on 10.04.2009 at 17:05

For those who are curious about such things, this is why bands like Beherit lead: the people behind them are realists, intelligent, and also care about the romance of life -- such as producing great art, art which values intensity of experience over safety; Satanic art, not God-will-save-your-dumb-ass art.

Beherit intelligent? Good joke.

What about those prank calls Nuclear Holocausto sent to Mika Luttinen of Impaled Nazarene and Samoth of Emperor?

And what about the fact Turbo Music were forced to release "Demonomancy" and "Dawn Of Satan's Millenium" under the name "The Oath Of Black Blood", because this 'intelligent' band spent the money the label gave them to record the album on alcohol and drugs?

I have a hard time to see anything intelligent in this.

I totally agree.

And i would like to add, that imo everything this "band" has done, is nothing more than a lame joke. Beherit sucks, big time. Probably the worst band ever.
"Reality is almost always wrong."
13.04.2009 - 18:41

Beherit sucks, big time. Probably the worst band ever.

Why not fix this?


My biological quality is low and since I am have been brainwashed by christianity like nobody before I have no will to get into any art, if the music doesn't impress me during the first listen it sucks, I don't have any will to upgrade my musical taste, to upgrade my brain strength.

Much better.

recommended reading
13.04.2009 - 20:16
There's no need to insult people only because they think a band sucks.

And this part about being 'brainwashed by christianity' is foolish. You don't know the guy, so how can you judge him on religious beliefs? You don't even know if he's christian or not.

You're the one who doesn't show any brain here, acting as an immature kid like you do. Stop this laughable bragging that gives the impression you believe to belong to some kind of superior race.

If people don't like something, it's only a matter of taste, nothing else. It has nothing to do with intelligence or the ludicrous concept of 'blood purity' (call it biological quality or genetics, or whatever you want, it's the same silly bullshit).
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
13.04.2009 - 23:36

If people don't like something, it's only a matter of taste, nothing else.

It is usually a matter of intelligence and not viewing the music as art.
14.04.2009 - 00:21
Written by Metalhead2 on 13.04.2009 at 23:36


If people don't like something, it's only a matter of taste, nothing else.

It is usually a matter of intelligence and not viewing the music as art.

Do you love classical music? Because, if I follow your reasoning, then if you're a pure 'troo kvlt' BM fan who despises any other kind of music, you can't be intelligent (according to you), since you fail to see that classical music is pure art.

I guess you are one of those people who would see genius art in the crappiest things, most likely, and try to justify your choices by calling things art and genius. Some people love to nourish the illusion that they're 'special'. Sorry to tell you, but you're basically a meatbag on legs like any other human being. In your case, douchebag would probably be more appropriate.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
14.04.2009 - 10:34

Do you love classical music?

Yes I do.
17.04.2009 - 03:38
Wicked Mung
New album is really, really good; in my opinion. I think it's one of their best.
17.04.2009 - 05:56
I still haven't heard it yet, will probably get on that tonight though.
18.04.2009 - 22:59
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Engram has the tenth spot in our national charts: