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Metal Storm Awards 2024


Metal Storm Awards 2024

Welcome, welcome, welcome, friends, well-wishers, curious onlookers, and anything else we can stick a bunch of commas in between: the Metal Storm Awards are back in town. We had a long, strenuous year, but now it's time to kick back and do a huge amount of hard work in honor of the music we like best.

Of course, that hard work is a constant, given how many artists we wind up nominating and how many more we have to consider throughout the year, but there's even more to it this year: we have overhauled our voting system and polished up our layout, ideally to make it easier for you all to see whom we have nominated, whom you have nominated, and how you can offer your opinions on the matter. Like everything else that is part of Metal Storm, the Awards system was long in need of some refurbishment and repair, so we’re hoping that things run a little more smoothly this year, in terms of both actually running and just making things a little easier on the eyes. Be sure to let us know what you think of things. Now, don’t go running too smoothly – you are, of course, still required to listen to every single nominee before voting. Not, you know, technically, but… morally. Look at how much fantastic music there is. How could you leave any of it on the table?

Good. Now we understand each other. The upgrades to the Awards platform aren't the only improvement we've made to Metal Storm in the last year, though: we've got ourselves a brand new mission statement. Really classes up the joint, don't it? Our goal is to keep Metal Storm free, fun, fair, and fashionable. Or at least the first three. And now we have a straightforward description of what we do here and, more importantly, why we do it. For the many returning users who will be celebrating Awards season with us, you've undoubtedly become familiar with the principles that have guided Metal Storm's rebirth over these last few years, even if we've only just gotten around to putting them in ink; for those of you who are joining us for the first time, we encourage you to read over our statement, as it's both goals for ourselves and expectations for you (also, welcome, you can vote for Blood Incantation right over there).

Before we start having fun (don't worry, we'll get to that soon), we would be remiss if we didn't recognize one last very important change. Only two weeks before the opening of the 2024 Metal Storm Awards, the world bid goodbye to David Lynch, a visionary artist who inspired not only many of Metal Storm's staff members and users but many of the musicians whose works we feature on this site. Lynch was Metal Storm's unofficial official director, owing to his featuring in an outsized proportion of the interviews we've conducted in the last few years. Some time ago, possibly sensing the comedic value of a guaranteed consistent answer, RaduP instituted a mandatory interview question: "If you could get one living director to direct a music video for your band, who would it be?" Invariably someone in the band will answer, "David Lynch". We had some very, very unrealistic aspirations of one day interviewing Lynch himself and asking him which Faroese doom/French black metal/American avant-garde band he'd most like to direct a music video for. Alas, not to be. Rest in peace, David Lynch; we hope you get good coffee in the White Lodge.

But at last, we come to a more uplifting note: the 2024 Metal Storm Awards are open for your listening and voting pleasure. From now until the end of February, these stunning hits from 2024 demand your attention, so go on, have some fun, enjoy the new look, and help us celebrate another successful edition.

More interested in discussing the awards? We have a thread for that, too.

Metal Storm Staff