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Thumbs up: +258
Beginner's Guide To Building A Prog Collection (Standards, And A Few Unorthodox Choices)

Limited to only those albums featured on Metal Storm.

[In suggested order of immersion and exposure]…

1.Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick
2.Rush - Moving Pictures
3.King Crimson - In The Court Of The Crimson King
4.Pain Of Salvation - Remedy Lane
5.Queensrÿche - Operation: Mindcrime

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Created by Introspekrieg on 03.03.2010

Thumbs up: +207
Worst Albums in the History of Music

Consider this an encyclopedia of music's worst entries.

1.Metallica - Lulu
2.Metallica - Lulu
3.Metallica - Lulu
4.Metallica - Lulu
5.Metallica - Lulu

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Created by Troy Killjoy on 03.11.2011

Thumbs up: +156
The Metal Art Of Thrashing (Ordered By Years)

**WARNING: Mega-list ahead**

So you're seeking some good ol' (or new) Thrash Metal and you don't know where to look? Recommendations are running low and you're tired of wandering…

1.Discharge - Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing
2.Metallica - Kill 'Em All
3.Suicidal Tendencies - Suicidal Tendencies
4.Slayer - Show No Mercy
5.Dr. Know - Plug-In Jesus

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Created by Guib on 24.05.2011

Thumbs up: +110
Tasty Stuff Not Currently Featured On MS

My other lists:
Most Talented Vocalists In Metal
So I Heard You Like Opeth...

The intent of this list is to expose some lesser known bands and ultimately see them added to MS. Thanks to everyone who…

1.Öz Ürügülü - Fashion And Welfare
2.Angerer - Multiple Tonality Disorder
3.Jun Mitsui - Evacuation
4.Bear Ghost - Blasterpiece
5.Blake Hobson - The Spectaculator

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Created by LeKiwi on 14.12.2013

Thumbs up: +104
The Encyclopaedia of Beautiful Metal Ballads

If you know other wonderful songs which are missing in this list, feel free to suggest them to me

1.Adagio - Underworld
2.Aerosmith - Aerosmith
3.After Forever - Prison Of Desire
4.After Forever - Decipher
5.After Forever - After Forever

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Created by ~Starchild~ on 28.12.2010

Thumbs up: +104
Marcel's Pedantic Top 50 Of The Naughties

This is the top 50 of my favourite 100 albums of 2000-2009.

1.Warning - Watching From A Distance
2.Esoteric - The Maniacal Vale
3.Primordial - To The Nameless Dead
4.Process Of Guilt - Erosion
5.Negură Bunget - OM

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Created by Marcel Hubregtse on 01.03.2010

Thumbs up: +92

Just Boobies!…

1.Abaddon Incarnate - The Last Supper
2.Abrasive - Awakening Of Lust
3.Abrasive - The Birth... Born In Sodom
4.Abrasive - Book Of Sin
5.Abysmal Gates - Divine Deception

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Created by Elektro-Hexer on 26.07.2010

Thumbs up: +86
Underrated and Overlooked Albums

1. One album per band
2. Alphabetic order
3. Only albums with less than 30 votes + albums not available on MS

Links to albums which are not featured on MS:

1.(EchO) - Devoid Of Illusions
2.5ive - Hesperus
3.7 Horns 7 Eyes - Throes Of Absolution
4.A Sorrowful Dream - Toward Nothingness
5.Aarni - Bathos

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Created by Hex_Omega on 22.08.2013

Thumbs up: +82
The Best "(Melodic) Death Doom" Albums

Here's a list that contains only Death Doom and Melodic Death Doom Metal albums, so Gothic (check out my other list for that), Funeral or Sludge Doom etc. are NOT included here (but elements from…

1.Katatonia - Brave Murder Day
2.My Dying Bride - Turn Loose The Swans
3.Saturnus - Paradise Belongs To You
4.Desire - Locus Horrendus - The Night Cries Of A Sullen Soul...
5.Disembowelment - Transcendence Into The Peripheral

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Created by Erik M. on 04.08.2013

Thumbs up: +79
Dark, Harrowing, And Ravaging Albums To Ruin Your Day

These obviously won't ruin your day. Chances are if you are into these styles you'll love this selection. No stylistic borders, but I'm limiting myself to one album per band. These aren't…

1.Ævangelist - De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis
2.Abruptum - Potestates Apocalypsis
3.Absolutus - Pugnare In Iis Quae Obtinere Non Possis
4.Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
5.Aderlating - Spear Of Gold And Seraphim Bone Pt. 1

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Created by Alex F on 11.09.2013

Thumbs up: +74
My Top 75 Albums Of All Time

My top 75 favourite albums of all time (initially it was a top 20 list, and after that top 50). Only 1 album per band. The list is in alphabetical order, so it doesn't represent explicitly which album…

1.After Forever - Decipher
2.Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
3.Alcest - Souvenirs D'un Autre Monde
4.Amorphis - Tales From The Thousand Lakes
5.Anathema - The Silent Enigma

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Created by Erik M. on 22.10.2012

Thumbs up: +69
A List Of Great Debut Albums

A lot of bands have great debut albums. Obviously this list is just a fraction of all the great debut albums out there, but it's a start. I'll keep expanding this list continuously, so all suggestions…

2.Aarni - Bathos
3.Arcturus - Aspera Hiems Symfonia
4.Diablo Swing Orchestra - The Butcher's Ballroom
5.Sadness - Ames De Marbre

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Created by Erik M. on 30.11.2012

Thumbs up: +66
Space Metal!

***Currently working through suggestions and adding some spacey non-metal things when they cross my mind***
As a lover of all things sci-fi I find metal to be the most accommodating of genres when it…

1.Atoma - Skylight
2.Ayreon - The Universal Migrator Part I: The Dream Sequencer
3.Dol Ammad - Star Tales
4.Star One - Space Metal
5.Pagan's Mind - Enigmatic : Calling

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Created by R'Vannith on 25.06.2011

Thumbs up: +65
The Best Of Unorthodox Black Metal

Within the past decade, black metal has seen bands from all over the world incorporating new sounds to the genre and changing its delivery like never before. As great as the classic bands are, BM bands…

1.Necromantia - Crossing The Fiery Path
2.Ved Buens Ende - Written In Waters
3.Woods Of Belial - Deimos XIII
4.Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
5.Blut Aus Nord - MoRT

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Created by Auntie Sahar on 05.06.2012

Thumbs up: +65
The Best Shit On MS

My top 100 metal albums of all time (featured on MS).

- one album per band.
- in alphabetical order.

1.!T.O.O.H.! - Order And Punishment (Řád A Trest)
2.Ævangelist - De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis
3.Acid Bath - When The Kite String Pops
4.Agruss - Morok
5.Ahab - The Call Of The Wretched Sea

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Created by Paz on 21.12.2011