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2002-  Roman Saenko - bass, guitars, vocals
2002-  Roman Blagih - keyboards, vocals
2006-  Vladislav Petrov - drums, keyboards
2006-  Krechet - bass
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2004-2006  Amorth - drums
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2002-2004  Yuriy Sinitsky - drums
2017  Mark Deeks - vocals


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Since their formation back in 2002, Drudkh have remained a consistent force and real household name in atmospheric black metal, creating many wonderful and memorable albums such as all time genre classics Autumn Aurora, and Blood In Our Wells. So here...
Review by AndyMetalFreak ››
A shameless, abortive attempt at re-creating the old sound and atmosphere. That's a TL; DR version for you if you aren't too big on reading. If you are, find out why below.

Drudkh is my second favourite black metal band, with only Enslaved...
Review by Daniell ››
How much are we, fans, willing to forgive our favourite bands? Or, in other words, how much change do we allow our favourite bands before we say "no"? Do we accept that some bands need or want to develop their sound, push forward their musical...
Review by Daniell ››
Those once so glorious, those once so brave. Those who disappointed us with their Songs Of Grief And Solitude, those who scared us all with the boring waste of vinyl that was Anti-Urban. Of course the band in question here is Drudkh, who have partially...
Review by Lucas ››
After four releases of great atmospheric Black Metal, Ukrainian band Drudkh decided it was for time for a change. They laid down there electric guitars and distortion peddles and grabbed nothing but an acoustic guitar, some weird folk instruments and...
Review by Lucas ››

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