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1991-  Ihsahn - bass, guitars, keyboards, vocals
1991-1992  Samoth - drums
› 1992-  -//- guitars
1995-2001  Trym Torson - drums
› 2005-2007  -//-
› 2014-  -//-
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1991-1992  Mortiis - bass
1992-1993  Faust - drums
› 2013-2014  -//-
1993-1994  Tchort - bass
1995-1998  Jonas Alver - bass
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1992  Hellhammer - drums
1993  Ildjarn - bass
1994-1995  Sverd - keyboards
1998-2001  Charmand Grimloch - keyboards
1998-2001  Tyr - bass
2005-  Secthdamon - bass, backing vocals
2005-2014  Einar Solberg - keyboards, backing vocals
2018-  Jørgen Munkeby - keyboards
1999  Attila Csihar - vocals
2009  Einar Solberg - keyboards

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What can one say about Them. Definitely They are one of the best black metal bands ever. They started as a cult name in the black metal (after their death metal past) scene and so they remained as the years started to pass by and the one great album was...
Review by KwonVerge ››

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