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1995-  Aðalbjörn Tryggvason - guitars, vocals
1999-  Sæþór Maríus Sæþórsson - guitars
2001-  Svavar Austman - bass
2017-  Hallgrímur Jón Hallgrímsson - drums
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1995-1997  Halldór Einarsson - bass
1995-2015  Guðmundur Óli Pálmason - drums
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2014  Hrafn Thoroddsen - hammond organ
2014  Bjarni M. Sigurðarson - banjo
2014  María Huld Markan Sigfúsdóttir - violin
2014  Sólrún Sumarliðadóttir - cello
2014  Hildur Ársælsdóttir - violin
2014  Edda Rún Ólafsdóttir - viola
2014-2017  Halldór Á. Björnsson - piano
2017  Ari Þorgeir Steinarsson - drums
2015-  Ari Þorgeir Steinarsson - drums
› 2023-  -//-
2015  Karl Petur Smith - drums
2015-2017  Hallgrímur Jón Hallgrímsson - drums
2018  Ragnar Zolberg - guitars
› 2019  -//- bass
2019-  Dalai Theofilopoulou - cello
2019  Ragnar Ólafsson - organ
2024  Kristján Einar "Skog" Guðmundsson - drums
1995  Sæþór Maríus Sæþórsson - vocals, guitars
1995-1996  Sindre W. Aarsbog - vocals
2011  Hallgrímur Jón Hallgrímsson - backing vocals

Latest reviews

What do you do when your past couple of releases have been pretty middling affairs? You remember that you used to be a black metal band once.
Review by RaduP ››
Another Sólstafir album, another pleasant but forgettable experience.
Review by musclassia ››
There's something naturally interesting about Icelandic music. Perhaps it's out of predilection for its origin, geographic distance and isolation at the top of the world. Whatever the case may be, there's one particular metal band who have...
Review by R'Vannith ››

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