terroriser Account deleted |
terroriser Account deleted
It's last day of May and I have my album of the year
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62376  |
Funny artwork for bm. Cool album, songs whit female guest vocals are great so far I am not desapointed
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Posts: 167
02.06.2024 - 22:00Rating: 9
Another great release from mighty Wormwood! This is probably my favorite release by this band. Great riffs and melodies all through the album as always, but there is really something special about this release
Top Releases of 2024
AndyMetalFreak A Nice Guy ContributorPosts: 5548  |
03.06.2024 - 19:27Rating: 8
This is such a unique and talented band that have a sound and style of their own, there's some great riffs and keyboard melodies and I very much like the general atmosphere, but the guitar solo's impress me the most of all.
terroriser Account deleted |
terroriser Account deleted
Written by AndyMetalFreak on 03.06.2024 at 19:27
This is such a unique and talented band that have a sound and style of their own, there's some great riffs and keyboard melodies and I very much like the general atmosphere, but the guitar solo's impress me the most of all.
I would call it "a touch of Pink Floyd"
AndyMetalFreak A Nice Guy ContributorPosts: 5548  |
04.06.2024 - 23:08Rating: 8
Written by [user id=124046] on 04.06.2024 at 18:12
I would call it "a touch of Pink Floyd"
I do hear some Pink Floyd your not wrong. The solo's sound like they have a touch of Gilmour.
Posts: 50  |
07.06.2024 - 03:33Rating: 9
I find it funny how I was stuck with their first album throughout 2017 and then I totally forgot about this band. Now I come back crawling, discovering an interesting work with the same style as their first album
--Non So Bill.
Aries Rising
Posts: 572  |
15.06.2024 - 07:04Rating: 7
Extremely overrated album.
Posts: 108  |
15.06.2024 - 17:20Rating: 8
Certainly not bad by any stretch, but I don't understand all the hype. Galactic Blood is an amazing track, but none of the other songs quite hit that peak for me. "Perfect" albums, to me, tend to ride high the entire album. I love the Dave Gilmour worship on this record, btw.
These are my opinions. You're welcome to discard them.
Find out more of my thoughts on Forgemaster Metal: www.youtube.com/@forgemastermetal
Dark Horizons
Posts: 131  |
14.07.2024 - 10:40Rating: 7
Good album, probably better than the last two... but I still miss the songwriting and the epic black'n'roll style of Ghostlands.
We are just a moment in time
A blink of an eye
A dream for the blind
Visions from a dying brain
I hope you don't understand
Posts: 959
29.08.2024 - 11:37Rating: 7
I liked their last one more than this. It had more catchy riffs. Still a beautiful album.
In the beginning I was made of clay. Then I bit the apple and they changed me to metal 🤘
Posts: 1440  |
13.10.2024 - 20:55Rating: 8
Would have prefered a bit thicker sound than this dark tranquility-like sound, however the aura they conjure with the album is great.
Posts: 42  |
16.11.2024 - 17:06Rating: 5
I quite liked their previous two albums, which is partly why I gave this one no less than 10 spins, I swear, and still couldn’t focus on it. What an utterly flat, dull, and overpolished piece of crap...
Posts: 2128
14.12.2024 - 14:45Rating: 9
Wormwwod rules man, almost a flawless discography with this album being no exception. Thousand flawless doors and ro are my favourite songs here.
Leeches everywhere.
Erik M. 2.0
Posts: 47  |
25.12.2024 - 23:05Rating: 9
Despite some great releases this year, this one is probably my AOTY.
The biggest surprise as well, with their unique style that I definitely became a fan of. I'm really liking the quiet, "atmospheric" parts. I think Ro is my favourite track, although all tracks are excellent.
I wonder how the previous Wormwood albums compare to this one.
Erik M. 2.0
Posts: 47  |
25.12.2024 - 23:08Rating: 9
Written by Aries Rising on 15.06.2024 at 07:04
Extremely overrated album.
How so? You didn't even give a reason why you think it's overrated.
I would say it's the opposite seeing the rating of an 8.2/10.