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Hangman's Chair - Saddiction

Saddicting metal
Mar 11
In an imaginary world, Type O Negative, The Sound, The Mission, Deftones, and Killing Joke walked into a studio, they became one band called Hangman's Chair, and recorded one album, titled Saddiction. They created a world of contrasts, introspection, and gloom by taking the melancholy of modern urban life and transforming it into a musical journey, packed with emotional depth, bare honesty, and moody atmosphere. Saddiction is a cathartic soundtrack for the lives of those addicted to sadness.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: RaduP

Havukruunu - Tavastland

Black / Folk metal
Feb 28
As the voting for the 2024 Metal Storm Awards draws to a close, the band who are without a doubt my favourite discovery through these Awards (topping the Folk category in 2020) release their fourth full-length album. Tavastland doesn't break the Bathory-inspired, folk-infused black metal mould Havukruunu have established over the last decade, and with good reason. An authentically solid album, that will surely be in the running to top their Awards category again this time next year.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Daniell, RaduP

Decline Of The I - Wilhelm

Post-black metal
Feb 19
There it is! Discovering these kinds of gems is exactly why I returned to Metal Storm a few months ago.

Wilhelm by Decline Of The I is an intense, shape-shifting beast – blending black metal’s rawness with post-metal twists, close-to avant-garde undertones, and eerie atmospheres – gradually pulling you deeper and deeper into a dark, atmospheric realm. Haunting, aggressive, and mesmerizing in equal measure, it’s a record that probably demands your attention. Like right now.

Be sure to check out musclassia’s review for a deeper dive into this dark masterpiece.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: corrupt, nikarg, RaduP, musclassia, Daniell, Starvynth
Released 30 years ago, Bergtatt knocked my socks off first listen, lulling me in with the pretty calm and charming intro before unleashing the metal. The Thunderclap still takes me by surprise hundreds of listens later. Remains among my "Ten 10's" on Metal Storm. If you've heard this one before, no doubt you understand why I love it so much and if you haven't, stop what you're doing and go check it out now. You might be 30 years late to the party (and maybe 15-20 years later than my arrival) but it's still going.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: nikarg, X-Ray Rod, RaduP, Daniell

White Snake Of Blackened Maze - By The Rivers Of Heresy

Avantgarde/Progressive Black Metal
Jan 21
By The Rivers Of Heresy is an album of dark and cinematic atmosphere, supreme melodies from the lead guitar, diabolical vocals in the form of throaty spoken word, furious blastbeats, gothic passages, and a progressive and avant-garde form of songwriting, without becoming overly complex or pretentious.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: corrupt, Starvynth
Oct 23, 2024
The debut album by Iron Maiden is the sound of every metalhead’s adolescence. It’s the sound of first discovery in the years of innocence, rebellion, and hope. It’s the emotional weight and the punk energy mixed inside a cauldron that shaped a new wave of metal. Paul Di’Anno’s voice will always be remembered by the child that still lives within each one of us; the child who used to sing alongside him: “Scan the horizon, the clouds take me higher, I shall return from out of the fire”.

R.I.P. Paul Di’Anno (May 17th, 1958 - Oct 21st, 2024)
Aug 15, 2024
Acid Bath’s explosive debut album, When The Kite String Pops, celebrates its’ 30th anniversary today. So I’m currently reminiscing on how this album hit me back when I was a teenager and where it currently stands.

And I gotta tell you, my friends, this album continues to have a permanent imprint on my life. The adrenaline rush from those stomping, morbid riffs. The careless attitude of those catchy southern rock leads. The unparalleled range of Dax Riggs’ vocals, who delivers some of the most twisted yet oddly beautiful lyrics I’ve ever read. This is not only my favorite sludge metal album. It is my favorite music album from the 90’s, period.
Play it wicked loud!

The kite string pops
I’m swallowed whole by the sky
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: nikarg, RaduP, ScreamingSteelUS

Saturnus - The Storm Within

Gothic doom metal
Jul 30, 2024
You'd think you'd get rusty after over a decade, but Saturnus delivers exactly what you want from them like having never been away. This album gels—every riff has its place, the songs create a beautiful, dynamic flow, the heavy/pretty contrast plays tug-of-war with the senses, all carried by the expansive, seamless sound they've nailed.

All of the above makes for an album you might need another 11 years to change in any way not for the worse. Looking at 2023's releases in hindsight, this came quickly to mind as better than most, if not all, of the year, and most, if not all, of The Storm Within could hardly have been a more powerful comeback statement.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Starvynth, Nejde, RaduP
Jul 02, 2024
Roughly twenty years ago today Neurosis dropped this 68 minute post-sludge monolith that is the sonic edging. They ramp up the tension, the listener keeps waiting for the train to go flying off the track, the levee to break, the volcano to finally go all Krakatoa... but it never really does. This was my first album of theirs based upon Jupe's review and some near 20 years later remains one of the only ten albums I've scored a "10". Don't listen to it often, but I enjoy it thoroughly each time I do spin it.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: RaduP, Daniell, X-Ray Rod, nikarg, Netzach

Lethe - Alienation

Avantgarde / Electronic / Alternative
Jun 04, 2024
The new Lethe album is out! Though not quite as out there as one would expect or possibly want it to be. It's most definitely a good mood-album. Not to mention that Anna Murphy's always a joy to listen to.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: RaduP

Ponte Del Diavolo - Fire Blades From The Tomb

Blackened, Punky & Occult Doom Metal
Apr 30, 2024
It’s a known tradition to have Italian bands play out-of-the-box doom metal. The latest very noteworthy export from the boot-shaped country comes in the form of Ponte Del Diavolo and their debut album, Fire Blades From The Tomb. This is a blackened doom revelation, full of occult rock, post-punk, and darkwave sensitivities. Atmospheric nightly soundscapes, fierce aggressive leanings, medieval mysteries, and ritualistic invocations of evil find their place in this engrossing manifestation of menacing doom, while the haunting melodies, the dual bass attack, the evocative clarinet, and the Siouxsie Sioux-esque vocals make for a bold sound that is both familiar and uncommon in its nature.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: musclassia, X-Ray Rod

Judas Priest - Invincible Shield

Chromium plated boiling metal
Mar 13, 2024
A band with absolutely nothing to prove to anyone releases one of the best albums in their incredible career, 50 whole years after their debut. Next time someone tells you that you should lower your expectations and just be grateful when a legacy band puts out new music, even when that music is objectively subpar/shite, slap them in the face with this album.

Invincible Judas Priest.

Solbrud - IIII

Atmospheric black metal
Feb 24, 2024
With IIII (and not IV, for a reason), Solbrud have delivered a musical opus of epic proportions, a work of art based on the four elements of nature, with a magnificent cover art that expresses the individuality of each of the four parts of the album. Each band member individually composed the tracks featured in each vinyl side, yet the flow and the cohesion of IIII is exceptional. This is a musical journey that is breathtaking when it is thunderous and intense, and mesmerizing when it gets emotional and reflective. A unique blend of moods, melodies, and atmospheres, all brought together for a 94-minute experience that can only be defined as cathartic.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Starvynth, RaduP

Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger

True Norwegian Black Metal
Feb 17, 2024
So pure. So cold. So old…
How old? 30 years old!

As an indisputable masterpiece of the genre, Darkthrone’s Transilvanian Hunger still plays a central role in the making of black metal. New acts seeking raw evil and hypnotic despair for their musical endeavours know the groundbreaking opening riff by heart. There is little left to be said about this album. So I’ll end this with the final lines of a short-but-sweet guest review, which described the album perfectly:

”Satan himself has certainly shed a tear facing so much genius - the art of regression and of musical purification, which is the climax of the beauty of evil...”
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: nikarg, RaduP

Glass Hammer - Arise

Prog meets space rock and stoner
Jan 17, 2024
It's always nice when form follows function and the message dictates the medium of its expression. What starts out as a somewhat ordinary prog rock album soon turns heavier and blends space rock and stoner to support the narrative of a space exploring android. I've always found bands to be at their most imaginative when they cross over into genres outside their established conventions. If unwilling to explore the album in full make sure you at least listen to the (mostly instrumental) closing track "The Return of Daedalus." It's some great songwriting and theme development right there with exceptional bass-work to boot. It's not an all around perfect album but some of it is quite spectacular indeed.
Staff pick by:
Endorsed by: Auntie Sahar