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Lamb Of God - As The Palaces Burn

8.1 | 559 votes |
Release date: 6 May 2003
Style: Groove thrash metal


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01. Ruin
02. As The Palaces Burn
03. Purified
04. 11th Hour
05. For Your Malice
06. Boot Scraper
07. Devil In God's Country
08. In Defense Of Our Good Name
09. Blood Junkie
10. Vigil
11. Ruin [demo] [Reissue bonus]
12. As The Palaces Burn [demo] [Reissue bonus]
13. Blood Junkie [demo] [Reissue bonus]

Additional info
The band released a 10th anniversary edition of the album on November 11, 2013, with remixed and remastered tracks, including bonus demo tracks.

Guest review by
After a very good release named "New American Gospel", I was waiting with great expectation Lamb Of God's new album. And it was worth the waiting. Three years after the bomb, comes the explosion. It's obvious the evolution of the band as deeper and more complex riffs and solos constantly appear. The songs are better written and the execution is great.

published 10.03.2004 | Comments (12)

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Comments: 13   Visited by: 445 users
03.01.2014 - 21:36
Rating: 10
This is one of my favorite albums of all time! it might be a bit underrated but i hope the new remastered edition will help this, as it makes the music clearer.
My only complain is that it's a bit short but who cares incredible groove, perfect drumming!
03.01.2014 - 22:05
Rating: 8
Troy Killjoy
The remaster does a great job of making this sound fuller and more complete - more Ashes of the Wake/Sacrament sounding, less New American Gospel. I'd probably initially give this a 6 but I definitely prefer the thicker remastered sound and different guitar effects, and would probably bump it up to a 7 accordingly. Still a few filler tracks in my opinion, from "Boot Scraper" to "Blood Junkie" there aren't a lot of standout moments. The first five tracks are great though, and "Vigil" works really well as a closer.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
17.02.2014 - 06:09
Rating: 9
Not a perfect album but has some great songs like "vigil" and "11th hour"...
18.04.2014 - 23:31
Rating: 10
Of Egypt
Written by MyNameJeff on 03.01.2014 at 21:36

i hope the new remastered edition will help this, as it makes the music clearer.

I hope they remaster Burn The Priest & New American Gospel too!
28.04.2014 - 05:15
Rating: 8
Alex F
Goddamn Vigil is an excellent track.
15.06.2014 - 05:13
Just Listened today, for the first time from Front to back. Overall good, will be spinning again soon to grasp the album as a whole better.
"While I live let me live deep."-Robert Howard
21.08.2014 - 05:36
Rating: 9
Written by Alex F on 28.04.2014 at 05:15

Goddamn Vigil is an excellent track.

Agreed. Personally I like how they kept it simple, it gives it so much space and power. Neck breaker that track.
21.08.2014 - 05:39
Rating: 9
Very powerful album. This album simply gives me that child-like giddy-ness that excites me. To each his own though.
21.08.2014 - 05:43
Rating: 9
Giant robot
I really never could decide which was my favourite. I love so many of them equally.
21.08.2014 - 09:09
Rating: 8
Evil Butterfly
Written by Ilham on 21.08.2014 at 05:43

I really never could decide which was my favourite. I love so many of them equally.

Same here, in fact before they have started to go through a downfall, one of the rare bands I like most of their songs
The Fangirl.
06.05.2020 - 02:44
Rating: 10
Absolutely great album here.
06.05.2020 - 05:27
Rating: 8
Troy Killjoy
Written by Troy Killjoy on 03.01.2014 at 22:05

The remaster does a great job of making this sound fuller and more complete - more Ashes of the Wake/Sacrament sounding, less New American Gospel. I'd probably initially give this a 6 but I definitely prefer the thicker remastered sound and different guitar effects, and would probably bump it up to a 7 accordingly. Still a few filler tracks in my opinion, from "Boot Scraper" to "Blood Junkie" there aren't a lot of standout moments. The first five tracks are great though, and "Vigil" works really well as a closer.

This is all just one long wrong opinion. Someone should have slapped me when they had the chance. I was practically begging for it.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
09.01.2023 - 18:25
Bad English
Tage Westerlund

Many old bands celebrates x or y album anniversaries. well in some way maybe some special at home town where all beggings play in its entry but I think its hard to jam and practice to play whole album.
All bands should maybe play one gig for legendary album adversaries.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing

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