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1995-2007  Stephane Soutreyard - vocals, guitars
1995-2007  Laurent Harrouart - drums
1996-2003  Geoffrey Gautier - keyboards
› 1996-2007  -//- guitars, keyboards
2000-2007  Victorien Vilchez - bass
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1995-1996  Paul "Toto" Banas - guitars, vocals
1995-1996  Sébastien Carron - bass
1996-1997  Jérôme Baroin - guitars
1996-2000  Kristofer Lorent - bass
2000-2003  François Falempin - guitars
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2004  Dirk Verbeuren - drums
2003  Dirk Verbeuren - drums
2007  Nicklaus Bergen - guitars
2006  Andy LaRocque - guitars

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Brutal Death Metal with knack is what Yyrkoon does best. Those guys brought something original to the scene with their 2004's "Occult Medicine", which has become one of my favorite albums. Now, they are doing it again with "Unhealthy...
Review by Dream Taster ››
My home country of France is not so well-known for its Metal bands, but over the years bands such as veterans Massacra and Loudblast wrote the handbook of Brutal Death Metal. So, I am pleased to introduce the successors of this glorious past, please welcome...
Review by Dream Taster ››


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