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This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


NA-  Tassos Deligiannis - drums
NA-  George Politis - bass
NA-  Stefanos Zafeiropoulos - vocals
NA-  Aris Papadimitriou - drums, vocals
NA-  Panagiotis Mylonas - vocals
1996-  Gouaime Divanis - vocals, guitars, keyboards, samples
1998-  Kostas Korkidas - piano, keys

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It's been a while that I follow the musical road of Tears a young band of progressive metal from Greece. On every demo that they've released, the combo was surprising and original, with a really unique sound. The less that I can say is that...
Review by Jeff ››
After a first demo that was extremely interesting, the Greek band, Tears is back with four new songs featured on a new CD, "Emptiness". If "Falling Certainly" was already promising, it's obvious that the band is better this time....
Review by Jeff ››


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