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Johnny Gordon


1996-2010 Viuda Negra - drums  

Personal information

Born on: 30.10.1974

He was born on October 30th 1974 in Ibarra. Since he was a child he has been involved to music through an organ – keyboard that was his first instrument, being keyboardist in some bands before Viuda Negra and even in it at the beginning.

His love for music brought him to perform many genres and that is why it wasn’t weird to see him playing boleros, tropical music or heavy metal. Thanks that he has got quite experience and recognition.

Along with Santiago Silva they are the only two survivors of Viuda Negra’s first line up, even though he separated from the band to undertake other challenges.

In 2002 he came back to Viuda Negra, but now as the drummer. He also has other side projects in different genres that give him experience for his personal development.