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Be'lakor - Of Breath And Bone review


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Band: Be'lakor
Album: Of Breath And Bone
Style: Melodic death metal
Release date: June 01, 2012
A review by: Troy Killjoy

01. Abeyance
02. Remnants
03. Fraught
04. Absit Omen
05. To Stir The Sea
06. In Parting
07. The Dream And The Waking
08. By Moon And Star

In what can only be described as a natural progression of one of the most highly regarded melodic death metal albums of the decade in Stone's Reach, Be'lakor have taken to the studio once more with the hopes of building on their already unrelenting momentum.

Of Breath and Bone begins as if "Countless Skies" was a season finale that left its audience begging for answers, building upon the exact qualities responsible for the praise of its predecessor. The dense, almost depressive atmosphere is as prominent as ever, separating the band from the sea of melodic death metal as oil asserts itself atop water. Their songwriting prowess is put on display as early as the opening track, "Abeyance", and just gets better and better throughout the course of the album. A noticeable difference this time around is the more folk-influenced guitar melodies, and a stronger focus on piano passages - both of which add to the overall somber mood. It's far from being monumentally different, but that's not going to upset a great deal of fans by any means.

In spite of the subtle changes, the album as a whole works perfectly as a direct follow-up to Stone's Reach, as some of the riffs even sound similar in the sense that - again - a story is being concluded. The fact that this ability spans two albums and not just two songs is rather impressive in itself, but this isn't the band's most appealing quality. That distinction would go to the accessibility, which of course at this point is synonymous with the genre, but here Be'lakor have an advantage. Building on the aforementioned atmosphere, these guys manage to include some incredibly catchy riffs and haunting melodies that are capable of inducing a man-tear or two while the headbanging quality is top-notch. Think Amon Amarth at their manliest or Insomnium at their bleakest. The band members deserve kudos if not only for incorporating elements from both bands while maintaining their own voice - something that is unique in this genre.

Songs begin and end in what is fast becoming "typical fashion" for the band, with introductions that build up a bombastic body of work before closing out with even more fervent proficiency, and yet another break in the action by way of an acoustic instrumental track ("To Stir the Sea") keeps the album from becoming one continuous melting pot of overlapping riffs.

Simply put, Of Breath and Bone is more of the same but in a more continued sense that will undoubtedly cause the same stir as its predecessor. This album doesn't mark a new direction and maintains the same successful formula as before, but this time around the entirety of the band's sound comes off as more direct, and even slightly more daring. With a mixture of fluffy, light-hearted melodies and brutal fist-pounding riffs backing up the always delectable growls of George Kosmas; a heavy production that lends a major hand to the doleful vibe, thanks in large part to Jens Bogren; and insanely catchy, yet forward-thinking compositions, these Australians have delivered exactly what fans of the band have been eagerly awaiting. No unpleasant surprises, no needless changes or drastic transitions - just well-executed melancholic melodic death metal that further builds upon a foundation that is largely considered to be one of the strongest currently in the scene.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 9
Originality: 7
Production: 10

Written on 23.05.2012 by I'm total pro; that's what I'm here for.

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Comments: 90   Visited by: 1039 users
26.05.2012 - 13:41
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
We all know you listen and praise generic funeral doom. At least MC play their own brand

But let's not get off-topic too much, even thoguh tallking about boring and generic is extremely on-topic when it come to all of Be'lakor's albums
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

26.05.2012 - 14:17
Stoned Crow
Account deleted
Then all metal is generic, it's called Metal- a "genre" of music.
generic - Characteristic of or relating to a class or group; not specific:
Hence- all metal is generic, as long as the names of bands don't follow in the line of Band #1, Band #2, Band #3, etc.
Even then, the numerical distinction would still separate them.
What other band, when you listen to them, makes you say "They sound like Be'lakor"?
In a post-modern world, what isn't generic?
But, I know. Let's pretend we are all original and agree to see eye to eye when we're six feet deep/cremated. fuck it- dead.
I thought music was sensual- meaning a form of entertainment, expression, etc.
Verbally jousting over what band is good, better, best is pretty deadening in of itself- are we dead already?
Forgive me, I'm stoned.
26.05.2012 - 14:22
Rating: 9
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=131073] on 26.05.2012 at 14:17
generic - Characteristic of or relating to a class or group; not specific:
What other band, when you listen to them, makes you say "They sound like Be'lakor"?

I'm on "your side" in this and I still disagree here.

You're describing generic as a categorization. Marcel meant generic as in "common", "not original/unusual", etc.

And most people would argue Insomnium, Omnium Gatherum, and to a lesser extent, Noumena, all sound like Be'lakor.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
26.05.2012 - 14:27
Stoned Crow
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 26.05.2012 at 14:22

Written by [user id=131073] on 26.05.2012 at 14:17
generic - Characteristic of or relating to a class or group; not specific:
What other band, when you listen to them, makes you say "They sound like Be'lakor"?

I'm on "your side" in this and I still disagree here.

You're describing generic as a categorization. Marcel meant generic as in "common", "not original/unusual", etc.

And most people would argue Insomnium, Omnium Gatherum, and to a lesser extent, Noumena, all sound like Be'lakor.

Sorry for my additional edits. I didn't mean to infringe on your response.

I'm sure if we all listen to enough metal, loud and thumping in our ears, what sound is becomes quite personal.
But "common" is a categorization, so is "unusual". In this sense, it's not a commodity, like the words 'Doom' or 'Death', but they are still categorizations.

It just seems more prone of metal fans who listen to more distinctive, and "original" metal tend to blast what is "common". I rarely see someone who listens to what is "common" under "elitist" (If I can dare use that word) band threads bashing them for it.

As for this being Stone's Reach Part II, I think the one characteristic of their music they need to drop after this release is the 8-bit midi sounding sections throughout their music. If you focus on the instrumentation around these parts, and even underneath them, there is obvious progression in their music. These sections are what make me think "Stone's Reach Part II".

I'm not trying to argue with Marcel, I'll admit, I'm not into Doom, but I do respect it. I honestly haven't consumed enough of it to have a definite statement about Doom. But Warning's song Footprints is stellar, the entire album is amazing. I'm more into Death elements, I like fast more so than heavy. But heavy is good, no doubt. It's just not always my cup of tea. I'm listening to this again, after stepping away from it for awhile, listening to other stuff, and I like it even more. I wish it were a track or two longer- pretty much my only complaint.

And another thing, why is Mournful Congregation a hidden band? As Troy pointed out under "The Book of Kings"
Written by Troy Killjoy on 01.11.2011 at 03:15

Written by R'Vannith on 01.11.2011 at 03:03
Cheers for the link!

No problem, more people need to be aware of this band/album.

Why is something so original hidden? What else are you elites hiding? tsk tsk....
I'm off to listen to "The Book of Kings", since I've found it. It's odd to blame people for not knowing of the hidden treasures of metal when you fuckers are hiding it. Who runs this pirate ship?
26.05.2012 - 17:06
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 26.05.2012 at 13:41

But let's not get off-topic too much, even thoguh tallking about boring and generic is extremely on-topic when it come to all of Be'lakor's albums

Agreed on this...
27.05.2012 - 04:29
Written by [user id=131073] on 26.05.2012 at 14:27

...I think the one characteristic of their music they need to drop after this release is the 8-bit midi sounding sections throughout their music.

The spike riffs? That's classic Be'lakor man!
27.05.2012 - 06:33
Stoned Crow
Account deleted
Written by Timmeh on 27.05.2012 at 04:29

Written by [user id=131073] on 26.05.2012 at 14:27

...I think the one characteristic of their music they need to drop after this release is the 8-bit midi sounding sections throughout their music.

The spike riffs? That's classic Be'lakor man!

I know- I'm saying they need to move on. From 1:45-2:15 on Abeyance- and other sections throughout, I'm not a fan of. I don't mind them, but I'm happy when the music gets past them. When it's minimally used, like on By Moon and Star, at 3:41, I like it, but the previously mentioned portion of Abeyance, I really don't like it at all. I feel that way about most of these sections in their music, some I like, some I don't.
27.05.2012 - 06:39
Rating: 9
Troy Killjoy
Written by [user id=131073] on 27.05.2012 at 06:33
I know- I'm saying they need to move on. From 1:45-2:15 on Abeyance- and other sections throughout, I'm not a fan of. I don't mind them, but I'm happy when the music gets past them.

You do realize their band name comes from a Warhammer character, right?
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
27.05.2012 - 06:43
Stoned Crow
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 27.05.2012 at 06:39

Written by [user id=131073] on 27.05.2012 at 06:33
I know- I'm saying they need to move on. From 1:45-2:15 on Abeyance- and other sections throughout, I'm not a fan of. I don't mind them, but I'm happy when the music gets past them.

You do realize their band name comes from a Warhammer character, right?

27.05.2012 - 07:15
Stoned Crow
Account deleted
But, if I remember correctly, I've read interviews where the band claims the music isn't derived from the game itself. That the name was a suggestion, because a "couple" of the band mates play it.
"Yes, that was the origin of the name. A couple of the guys played Warhammer and Be'lakor was suggested as a potential band name. I remember that at first I was skeptical about the name, because at that stage I wanted something more 'typical' I suppose. However, looking back, I am really glad that we chose this name, because it's quite a different name when compared to many of the other metal band names out there." @ Teeth of the Divine
"GK: Be'lakor is a character name we derived from the fantasy world of Warhammer, which several of our members enjoyed. The name itself has no particular significance; we chose it because it was short, sharp and phonetically pleasant." @ Metal Mayhem UK
27.05.2012 - 07:17
Rating: 9
Troy Killjoy
For someone whose signature is "it's whatever", you seem to have difficulty just leaving well enough alone.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
27.05.2012 - 07:33
Stoned Crow
Account deleted
27.05.2012 - 12:42
Rating: 9
Picking this up as soon as it is available at my local metal shop
27.05.2012 - 17:56
Account deleted
Yeah pretty much "Stone's Reach 2.0" - Same vibe but Ive only listened through it once. Hopefully it will grow enough on me to pick it up soonish.
27.05.2012 - 18:08
Rating: 10
Wandering Midget
Written by [user id=1909] on 27.05.2012 at 17:56

Yeah pretty much "Stone's Reach 2.0" - Same vibe but Ive only listened through it once.

Yep, very natural progression. I would say the overall sound is more uniform compared to Stone's Reach.
29.05.2012 - 23:57
I've liked Be'Lakor a lot since discovering their first album, one of my favorite bands. While their music definitely doesn't jump out at you, offer anything completely new, or even showcase amazing technical skill, the song writing is completely top notch. I love the progression of the songs and the organic transformation that takes place. There is a great mix of up-tempo, down-tempo and atmospheric elements. Normally I never really get into bands like this but for some reason they strike a chord with me. I have yet to listen to this album but am about to. Their production on the last two albums was "good enough" but never great. That's the strangest thing about this band for me, other than song writing no one element stands out but together it just works.
31.05.2012 - 23:08
Rating: 10
This album is perfect in every way. I cant stop listening to it
01.06.2012 - 20:41
Rating: 10
Finally! Another perfect production of one of my favorite bands. It's been months of waiting, there's no words to express the awesomeness of this album, every track is epic as hell. I simply can't stop listening.

"In Parting" and "The Dream And The Waking" (and of course "Fraught"!) are my favorite tracks.

It's not the best album of the year, it'ts the best album of recent years! Perfect.
05.06.2012 - 16:40
Account deleted
Very good review.

A good release, definitely a grower.
12.06.2012 - 23:35
Rating: 8
gloom cookie
So Troy, in your opinion, this is Be'lakor's Above The Weeping World-moment?
7.0 means the album is good
13.06.2012 - 00:31
Rating: 9
Troy Killjoy
Written by Milena on 12.06.2012 at 23:35
So Troy, in your opinion, this is Be'lakor's Above The Weeping World-moment?

It's tough to say. I mean, Stone's Reach was already so good... their discography is shaping up to look rather similar compared to Insomnium's though.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
26.06.2012 - 00:43
Rating: 9
Troy Killjoy
Written by Lustful Maid on 25.06.2012 at 23:14
This is an Experimental Death Album. Trying to combine styles of Swallow The Sun's The Morning Never Came and Agalloch's The Mantle. Making use of Death style to keep your emotion high, and mixing Agalloch's experimental style to soothe you. Unfortunately, it was not well blended, always make my attention wander. Techinically they are no match with S.T.S and Agalloch. The music failed to keep your emotion steady could be the reason to make you feel bored.

The guitarists picked their string a lot in their first few song, similar to "staccato" technique in keyboard was innovative. Very Experimental.

There really isn't anything experimental going on here; it's a fairly straight-forward melodic death metal album that emphasizes a somber atmosphere. These guys have never had anything to do with the melodic death doom style of Swallow the Sun, nor do they have any ties to the atmo-black/dark folk hybrid of Agalloch.

I can understand someone not liking this album for a variety of reasons - but because it sounds like a poor version of Swallow the Sun or Agalloch? I honestly don't even understand how either of those two bands were brought up in the discussion.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
26.06.2012 - 15:26
I started on Stone's Reach before I listened to The Frail Tide and I liked the sound from The Frail Tide better than Stone's Reach even though it was more polished - I found that to be much the same for Of Breath and Bone. Then I saw them live, playing from all the albums and the live sound of the latest albums is much more powerful. I think that the CD releases cleans up the sound a bit too much, especially how the "8-bit midi" sound as another poster put it is rather jarringly audible on the CD yet actually works really well live.
04.07.2012 - 03:21
John Shock
Nice review men!
04.07.2012 - 06:15
Rating: 8
Ace Frawley
The Spaceman
Agree that this is a good review. Very well written. And I happen to agree with the sentiments expressed.
The sun shines over The Fool...
11.07.2012 - 03:42
Rating: 10
Until the End
I wouldn't say it's experimental, just very (very,very,very,very x1 trillion) well performed melodic death metal with a good atmosphere and very few flaws. There's not particularly a point in the album where I feel the need to skip and that defines what a good album is to me. It's also one of those albums which has grown on me the more I've listened to it and sounds better after every play through. Needless to say, it'll probably be in my top 3 for the year.
22.08.2012 - 09:30
Coconut Racecar
This band is another one of those gems I magically managed to overlook.. I've been really in to the melodic/doomy sound lately and these guys, Insomnium, Enslaved and Woods Of Ypres have quickly become favorites. Awesome music, and the album cover is also a favorite.
12.10.2014 - 15:09
Excellent album from start to finish, a must buy for almost everyone who likes melodic death metal.
09.06.2016 - 09:48
Rating: 8
I have finally fallen for this band whose name I often met here and there. Definitely this album is great, full of inspiration and great moments. Funnily some parts remind me of early Amorphis albums ! Yet it is also quite a quiet album and atm I cannot think of it being played live. Anyway time to check the tracks from the forthcoming album
13.03.2019 - 18:23
Rating: 8
Very good record indeed, but not as good as other Be´lakor releases. Still a really good CD. Very melodic and intense.

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