musclassia StaffPosts: 7951  |
02.09.2018 - 00:20Rating: 7
Pretty solid summary of it, it's fine and all, but I'm not going to find myself coming back to it often. Suprised you didn't single out All I Am - on my first listens, it was the one song other than Drone that made me stand up and pay attention
RaduP CertifiedHipster StaffPosts: 9200  |
RaduPCertifiedHipsterStaffPosts: 9200 
Written by musclassia on 02.09.2018 at 00:20
Pretty solid summary of it, it's fine and all, but I'm not going to find myself coming back to it often. Suprised you didn't single out All I Am - on my first listens, it was the one song other than Drone that made me stand up and pay attention
I'm not sure I should admit it, but I was done writing the review by the time I got to All I Am
It wasn't my first listen or anything, just the one in which I wrote the review
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
Posts: 589
Sounds fair to me. They allways keep falling short of recapturing the magic. Everything is good and all just not great. I dont want to say its exclusively because of the lack of Laine but....
nikarg StaffPosts: 7661  |
They do have their own personality. They sound unique and are instantly recognisable. Of course, this does not necessarily mean their music is always good. It is more often than not though.
Auntie Sahar Drone Empress
Posts: 5989  |
Good album, but that's about it. Score somewhere between 6 and 7 seems to be about accurate. This is admittedly the first time I've actually listened to any of their post reunion material though, are there any albums from the Duvall era that are better than this, or would you say they're all about the same quality?
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.
RaduP CertifiedHipster StaffPosts: 9200  |
RaduPCertifiedHipsterStaffPosts: 9200 
Written by Auntie Sahar on 02.09.2018 at 17:33
Good album, but that's about it. Score somewhere between 6 and 7 seems to be about accurate. This is admittedly the first time I've actually listened to any of their post reunion material though, are there any albums from the Duvall era that are better than this, or would you say they're all about the same quality?
One is better, one is worst, neither by a noticeable margin
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62573  |
Does anybody still cares about this band. As some here in ms say IM, saxon must stop writing albums, be live band, I say this band must do this, even stop playing live
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Posts: 707
03.09.2018 - 22:05Rating: 9
It´s definitely a grower. Some of the songs of this record really become Alice in Chains instant classics. An improvement comparing to their previous release, which was awsome aswell, but this one is even better. I love "Rainer Fog", "Red Giant", "Maybe", "Never Fade" and "All I Am". But the whole piece is splendid. Long live this amazing band.
Marcel Hubregtse Grumpy Old Fuck ElitePosts: 40071  |
Written by Bad English on 02.09.2018 at 22:41
Does anybody still cares about this band. As some here in ms say IM, saxon must stop writing albums, be live band, I say this band must do this, even stop playing live
Difference is that this band wroites loads better music than Saxon or IM nowadays.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal
Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
Posts: 12
"Nothing Alice In Chains has released or will release after their reunion will come close to being as good as their pre-breakup stuff."
With all due respect, I'm glad that the reviewer has conveniently put this sentence at the beginning of his review, so he saved me the trouble of reading through the rest of it. This is inexplicably short-sighted, given the quality of albums that band has released since Layne's death. These albums are, in my opinion, more consistent and layered than Dirt and Alice In Chains and it takes quite a lot to come through what the surviving members came through and make this sort of effort to stay relevant while creating something fresh, without breaking clean off past era and respect they have for Layne and Mike Starr.
I feel sorry for their musical legacy at times because people will always be looking for them to simply repeat the sound they had on Dirt. I'm thankful that won't be happening any time soon (although I am and always will be desperate for them to try and find inspiration to record something similar to Sap and Jar Of Flies). This is not a band living off past glory and shoveling anything down their fans throats as a means to earn a few more quid. People forget this is not a bunch of angsty kids with a death wish looking to score drugs anymore. They are grown up men with wealth of emotional experience and songwriting skill, operating as a cohesive unit with a clear direction, releasing new music on their terms and that should be appreciated.
Although there is something of a pattern on last three albums in terms of their outline (brooding guitar sound, darker and heavier riffs, a crushing block of melancholy dropping in on the listener, a catchy couple of songs per album as singles, the rest longer than usually, a heart-wrenching ballad for a closer), I literally couldn't find a song that I don't return to or that I skip when listening to whole album at once. A personal taste, of course, not everyone will feel like it but this is coming from someone who literally refused to listen to Black Gives Way To Blue because of my conviction that it's a rehash of their old stuff and a way to profit from Layne's memory. I couldn't have been more wrong and I'm glad that I was able to admit my mistake. Whoever stumbles upon this, I hope they will pay attention and give this new iteration of the band a chance like I eventually did.
RaduP CertifiedHipster StaffPosts: 9200  |
RaduPCertifiedHipsterStaffPosts: 9200 
Written by Grave_Digger on 10.09.2018 at 19:12
With all due respect, I'm glad that the reviewer has conveniently put this sentence at the beginning of his review, so he saved me the trouble of reading through the rest of it.[...]
With all due respect, I'm glad the commenter has conveniently put this sentence at the beginning of his comment, so he saved me the trouble of reading through the rest of it.
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
Auntie Sahar Drone Empress
Posts: 5989  |
Written by Grave_Digger on 10.09.2018 at 19:12
With all due respect, I'm glad that the reviewer has conveniently put this sentence at the beginning of his review, so he saved me the trouble of reading through the rest of it.
Typing some lengthy comment you're probably looking for a response to but prefacing it with an implication that you didn't even bother to read all through a review to consider what the writer had to say isn't the best tactic, for future reference
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena
Posts: 7783  |
Don't worry, Heart Collector. I read your full message. I'll tell you something - it is not worth reading.
Posts: 3596  |
Heart Collector made a good and well articulated point and I can see how that first sentence can give an impression that the reviewer didn't really give the album a chance. Ironically his comment also states he didn't give the review a chance, because if you read the rest you know that the reviewer gives the album a fair go.
"Nobody expects a new Alice In Chains album to hold a candle to Dirt. Now that we got that out of the way, let's try to look at Rainier Fog through its own merits."
That alone would have made a better introduction if you ask me.
RaduP CertifiedHipster StaffPosts: 9200  |
RaduPCertifiedHipsterStaffPosts: 9200 
Written by Zap on 11.09.2018 at 11:00
"Nobody expects a new Alice In Chains album to hold a candle to Dirt. Now that we got that out of the way, let's try to look at Rainier Fog through its own merits."
That alone would have made a better introduction if you ask me.
That's a fair point. I wouldn't have expected my first sentence to be a controversial one.
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
Posts: 12
Written by Auntie Sahar on 10.09.2018 at 22:47
Written by Grave_Digger on 10.09.2018 at 19:12
With all due respect, I'm glad that the reviewer has conveniently put this sentence at the beginning of his review, so he saved me the trouble of reading through the rest of it.
Typing some lengthy comment you're probably looking for a response to but prefacing it with an implication that you didn't even bother to read all through a review to consider what the writer had to say isn't the best tactic, for future reference
You are right, I spoke out of turn and out of frustration. I don't have anything against the reviewer personally, nor was I trying to insult him or provoke a reaction (to be honest, I had expected that he would have ignored my comment), even though it turned out like that. My frustration was born out of cornucopia of similar comments, especially when it comes to older bands. I find Alice In Chains quite a bit different to majority of those older bands that made comebacks because I don't think I've heard one that offers this level of consistency, creativity and grit. For example, the likes of The Obsessed and Sleep have returned with fantastic, strong stuff but they are still just one-offs (hopefully they won't be but I'm not holding my breath on that). Maybe you can count Judas Priest there when it comes to Firepower as well but that's for another story.
Half of the comments I bump into are of "these old suckers have returned to squeeze a bit more money before heading out to retirement home" and/or "they will never live up to past glory" variety. Reviewer's opening statement was dismissive and of absolutist variety. For example, I think that Type O Negative are the biggest band of all time but it's my opinion, not the absolute truth, right? I find such statements offensive, especially as metal audience is different to any genre out there. In a sea of those bands who really look to squeeze money out of their fans, the likes of Alice In Chains are few and far between. All I'm saying is that we should be more appreciative and supportive of such bands, it's not easy coming through what they've come through and compose stuff they have been composing for past ten years.
Posts: 147
13.09.2018 - 05:19Rating: 9
This is a great album. I just finished listening to it and I want to start again. The whole album is solid, but Red Giant is classic Alice, and All I Am is in a league of it's own. Its mesmerizing. I liked the review although in my opinion this album is better than their later work with Layne, especially the Alice in Chains album or the MTV album which kind of told us which direction Layne was sadly going. Even Jar of Flies to me wasn't that great other than the last 30 seconds of I Stay Away. Facelift, Dirt, and SAP were incredible, but the Duval era has produced some truly great music. Keep it coming.
RaduP CertifiedHipster StaffPosts: 9200  |
RaduPCertifiedHipsterStaffPosts: 9200 
Written by Grave_Digger on 11.09.2018 at 16:33
Half of the comments I bump into are of "these old suckers have returned to squeeze a bit more money before heading out to retirement home" and/or "they will never live up to past glory" variety. Reviewer's opening statement was dismissive and of absolutist variety.
I wasn't trying to completely dismiss post-reunion AiC nor call them sell-outs or anything. I'm glad they are still making music of considerable quality that isn't entirely a safe rehash. My opening statement was more about how ideally, Rainier Fog shouldn't be compared to their pre-reunion stuff since the band has been kinda trying to form its own separate identity since.
The rest of the review is a bit dismissive over issues like the overuse of vocal harmonies, the lack of memorability upon initial listen (this is subjective, I'm sure the album would grow on me with further listens) and the feeling of it being stuck between wanting to be its own thing and trying to live up to the legacy. I did praise the dark tone and the heavier parts, but all in all, I still feel there's unrealized potential if only AiC would either go way heavier or just stop emulating older days.
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
Posts: 12
Written by RaduP on 13.09.2018 at 07:12
Written by Grave_Digger on 11.09.2018 at 16:33
Half of the comments I bump into are of "these old suckers have returned to squeeze a bit more money before heading out to retirement home" and/or "they will never live up to past glory" variety. Reviewer's opening statement was dismissive and of absolutist variety.
I wasn't trying to completely dismiss post-reunion AiC nor call them sell-outs or anything. I'm glad they are still making music of considerable quality that isn't entirely a safe rehash. My opening statement was more about how ideally, Rainier Fog shouldn't be compared to their pre-reunion stuff since the band has been kinda trying to form its own separate identity since.
The rest of the review is a bit dismissive over issues like the overuse of vocal harmonies, the lack of memorability upon initial listen (this is subjective, I'm sure the album would grow on me with further listens) and the feeling of it being stuck between wanting to be its own thing and trying to live up to the legacy. I did praise the dark tone and the heavier parts, but all in all, I still feel there's unrealized potential if only AiC would either go way heavier or just stop emulating older days.
It's a matter of personal taste but the moments in which I hear similarities with older stuff are quite rare for me - maybe it's due to production of newer albums? On Drone, for example, those higher notes sound like they would be a perfect for Layne's vocals and I also thought that the opening riff in So Far Under sounded like something you'd have heard on their self-titled album. I'm very much enjoying the vocal harmonies, though, they are one of the main reasons why I got into AIC.  I'm struggling to find bands in metal that use vocal harmonies in that manner, unfortunately.
I know that this iteration of the band isn't everyone's cup of tea but I sometimes feel they are being unfairly judged against their previous work. The only part of their "old" sound that I feel is lacking is their famous acoustic work. I feel they have enough heaviness in their newer work, especially considering their musical background and influences - maybe we just have different definitions of heavy but I also never felt their old material is heavier than their new.