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American Head Charge - The War Of Art review


44 users:
Band: American Head Charge
Album: The War Of Art
Style: Industrial metal, Nu metal
Release date: 2001
A review by: Herzebeth

01. A Violent Reaction
02. Pushing The Envelope
03. Song For The Suspect
04. Never Get Caught
05. Self
06. Just So You Know
07. Seamless
08. Effigy 23
09. Americunt Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage
10. Shutdown
11. We Believe
12. Breathe In Bleed Out
13. Fall
14. Reach And Touch
15. All Wrapped Up
16. Nothing Gets Nothing

First a band called Ministry amazed me, then a band called Static-X blew my mind, I mean how Industrial Metal could have amazed me? I don't know but at least those bands are good, I thought Industrial Metal couldn't get any better than those two bands...Well I was Wrong, I was so wrong as when David Blaine pulled his heart out in national T.V. Because suddenly I found about a band that apparently have one good album, so I decided to give them a try, after all American Recordings released and Slayer album right? Well my friends I was surprised when I heard this band, not as good as Ministry but by far better than Static-X, this band my Friends is called American Head Charge.

The War Of Art is a pure Industrial album with all those electronic effects (girls breathing, a lot of synthesizer, long intros, etc.) the vocals are not very good (those complex beats.

The album have some incredible songs, "Americunt Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage" is one of the best songs, (lyrically is also the best one, a social critic) with a powerful intro among some special effects, and actually an awesome bass solo, the vocals (filled with Pro Tools effects) are quite decent in this song, the drumming again is cool, not the best drums in the album because those fast beats sound really tense and not fluid, anyway this song is the most powerful track in this album, another Good song is the great "We Believe" (again filled with a lot of effects and distortion) a straight song with some good riffs, good bass-lines, and average vocals, not very powerful but certainly very enjoyable.

It's very difficult to find decent industrial metal bands, really difficult as a matter of fact, but well American Head Charge does not belong in the mediocre bands list, actually they are very good, another thing that is impressive is that they manage to create all kind of melodies throughout the album, and in the end this album doesn't become boring or dull or repetitive, so it would be a good purchase if you decide to add Industrial metal to your collection.

Follow: "Americunt Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage", "A Violent Reaction", "All Wrapped Up".

Written by Herzebeth | 10.01.2005


Comments: 2   Visited by: 25 users
25.05.2012 - 04:54
Rating: 8
AHC is back together and doing shows!
Old enough to be your Daddy... speaking of which... you look familiar... do I know your mother???
18.07.2012 - 22:56
Cüca Beludö
Account deleted
Sounds more Nu metal than Industrial. I found it very boring, not because it's Nu metal.

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