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Before The Dawn - The Ghost review


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Band: Before The Dawn
Album: The Ghost
Style: Melodic death metal, Gothic metal
Release date: March 26, 2006
A review by: Jeff

01. Disappear
02. Repentance
03. Away
04. Scar
05. Angel's Tombstone
06. Black Dawn
07. Enemy
08. Stormbringer
09. Ghost Town
10. ...Nowhere

Third album of the finish compositor Tuomas Saukkonen, "The Ghost" is a mix of Gothic music and fast Death Metal. I don't even know actually in which musical category I must put this band but whatever we don't really care of these kinds of designations anyway and the thing is that "The Ghost" is just nothing special, not bad but not good too?

"The Ghost" is not a bad album. There are some good points on this album and some songs, in reason of their force, are even catchy. But when I listen to this album I have a feeling of déja-vu. And that's right, the originality is not the strong point of this release? I cannot blame the performance of the musicians, but the compositions just lack of work.

It's really simple and sometime I even have the feeling that I'm listening to a basic Nu Metal album in Gothic/Dark mode. Evidently, it doesn't mean that it is horrible and it's not horrible but something is missing in these songs and at the end it's really simplistic and even a bit boring. Don't read however that it is the worst album of the year, as I said in the beginning of my review, this album is not bad, you'll never have a disgusting feeling but this is this kind of album that you'll listen two or three times and simply forget after a break of one week. Too bad because there are some good ideas (like for the good ambiances of the CD) but the songs deserve a bit of work and Tuomas Saukkonen will have to chose between Gothic music or fast aggressive stuff one day.

The potential is here, but something is lacking on this release so I just hope that Before The Dawn will have the possibility to show me that they can do something a bit more complex in the future. They can do it? About this album, I don't ask you to forget it but please be sure to try it before that you buy it?

Rating breakdown
Performance: 7
Songwriting: 5
Originality: 5
Production: 8

Written by Jeff | 27.06.2006


Comments: 5   Visited by: 93 users
27.06.2006 - 20:47
Rating: 10
this is the 4th album actually...
Music is like a treasure hunt
you go around the world looking for it scrapping the useless maps that lead you nowhere
then you finally find that spot and it's up to you to decide whether you wish to keep it to yourself
or share it with the world.
27.06.2006 - 21:10
Freaky Admin
Well this is the 3rd one actually... (Gehenna is a mcd) my fault : o)
Come with us to Hellfest 2011!
27.06.2006 - 23:30
Account deleted
I don't know too much about gotic metal, but I like Bfore The Down very much. Good music
28.06.2006 - 10:18
Account deleted
Wow it finally reached here , amazing ... well its obviously their 3rd CD, the first one where Tuomas makes evthing, and clearly the worst of all, cause its closer to the "gothic" label than the "dark" one where they belonged with My Darkness, and maybe 4 a.m.. About the album itself, id give it a bit more in points, but Jeff is right not a bad or good album, its an
in-between But id never call it GOTHIC metal as label in the review.

Maybe ud prefer the songs that appear in Dawn of Solace - The Darkness (again that word as 1st album of a Tuomas band .... hehehehe), that are slower and maybe a bit darker ... check it out, cause its all the same Tuomas, Tuomas, Tuomas .....

Pity he has chosen the stand alone path, the music was better and much more varied/rich with a good band behind.
30.06.2006 - 08:25
Jason W.
Utterly forgettable. I deleted it after the first listen.
"After silence that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." - Aldous Huxley

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