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Drudkh - Відчуженість (Estrangement) review


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Band: Drudkh
Album: Відчуженість (Estrangement)
Style: Atmospheric black metal, Pagan black metal
Release date: August 31, 2007
A review by: Lucas

01. Самiтня Нескiнченна Тропа (Solitary Endless Path)
02. Небо У Наших Нiг (Skies At Our Feet)
03. Там, Де Закiнчуються Обрiї (Where Horizons End)
04. Тільки Вітер Пам'ятає Моє Ім'я (Only The Wind Remembers My Name)

Those once so glorious, those once so brave. Those who disappointed us with their Songs Of Grief And Solitude, those who scared us all with the boring waste of vinyl that was Anti-Urban. Of course the band in question here is Drudkh, who have partially redeemed themselves with their latest achievement: "Estrangement". Specifically mentioning the word 'partially', because in my humble opinion, they haven"t redeemed themselves completely (yet).

The main thing with "Estrangement" is not the music itself. As a matter of fact, this is one good release on it"s own. The riffs are once again repetitive as hell, wavering on in their endless solitude and damnation. Both the keyboards and the guitars are focusing on painting the best landscapes for the mind's eye, with only sparse company of vocals. Close your eyes and wander through the forests they built, drenched in Ukrainian folkstories. If you care for their lyrics, you might want to try and hunt down the special limited edition release by Supernal only, as it contains an extended booklet with lyrics trandslated to English. Not much to say for the drummers among us, as they won't be amazed with the technical skills that are shown. They could see this as a lesson in effectivity, though.

So what is exactly my problem with this release? After all, I specifically stated that they have only partially redeemed themselves. And Drudkh is a one-of-a-kind band, there are no bands out there that bring us the forests in our bedrooms the way they do. Yet, even if they are a unique band, they still sound pretty much the same on each release. On it's own, there is not much wrong with doing the same thing over and over again. As a matter of fact, many bands do it. There is only one thing that I ask, no, that I demand, and that is improvement. If you are going to stay so close to what you did last album, then at least make sure you do it better. And that is where they fail.

For a couple of closing words, this is not a bad album by any means. "Estrangement" is one hell of an improvement from Anti-Urban and it also beats the sheer boredom of "Songs" by far. In comparison to "Autumn Aurora" or "Blood In Our Wells" however, it bites the dust. But who really expected they could top these albums so quick? The only thing that matters for me is that they are definitely back on the right track.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 8
Songwriting: 8
Originality: 8
Production: 8

Written on 13.11.2007 by If you're interested in extreme, often emotional and underground music, check out my reviews. I retired from reviewing, but I really used to be into that stuff.


Comments: 11   Visited by: 181 users
14.11.2007 - 05:36
Love this album, especially Only The Wind Remembers My Name.
14.11.2007 - 09:09
Account deleted
well the review is good written, probs for that, but i can't agree with your statement, that they didn't change from the last album. that's absolutely not true, they changed a lot, and made it much better than anti-urban. i wanted to write a review for it, but then i saw that it's not allwoed to post reviews here which are posted elsewhere. i wrote one for it on metal-archives, we have the same opinion about the music, but yeah, they did it much better than on anti-urban.
14.11.2007 - 22:03
Rating: 6
The Ancient One
was an ok album. the problem is it's Drudkh. had some new band i just discovered released this album, i probably would have scored it an 8 to 8.5.

but it isn't just another band, it's Drudkh, and compared against "Blood in our Wells" and "Autumn Aurora" it's a 7-7.5. it just didn't enthrall me like those did.

i'll split the difference between the two and call it a 7.75.

(good review!)
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
14.11.2007 - 22:31
Mr. Noise
Written by [user id=26778] on 14.11.2007 at 09:09

well the review is good written, probs for that, but i can't agree with your statement, that they didn't change from the last album. that's absolutely not true, they changed a lot, and made it much better than anti-urban. i wanted to write a review for it, but then i saw that it's not allwoed to post reviews here which are posted elsewhere. i wrote one for it on metal-archives, we have the same opinion about the music, but yeah, they did it much better than on anti-urban.

Ok, thanks for your comment. What did they actually change then, according to you?

@Bitter, thanks.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
25.02.2008 - 13:43
Rating: 7
Lactation Cnslt
I love the hook in the beginning of Solitary Endless Path. That riff is so fucking killer! And I didn't notice until now, but you can clearly hear the bass guitar all the time...I don't remember hearing it before. hmm oh yeah and the snare drum sounds like shit tbh.

I also like the fact that there aren't any long nature sounds on this album until the very end. I DON'T WANT TO HEAR A FUCKING BIRD IF I DID I'D OPEN MY FUCKING WINDOW tbh.
25.02.2008 - 15:31
Written by Dangerboner on 25.02.2008 at 13:43


haha, classic tbh.

overall this album was good compared to previous Drudkh albums, but it wasn't impressive compared to the other albums from last year.
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

29.02.2008 - 01:03
Metal Master
I'd give more than 8. Maybe 8,5 because of the last track.
15.01.2009 - 21:31
Fuck, i just bought this album, i put it in to my computer Itunes came up and it said its some fucking electronic/funk band called "fujiya & myagi" an album called "transparent things". fuck, the pic on the cd looks alright.... but the actual music is not drudkh, i think this one's going back...
18.09.2009 - 11:31
Heaven Knight
Really great album
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

04.11.2009 - 10:06
Liver Failure
Heh, maybe they have take a look on this review. Microcosmos seemed like a good improvement.

Completly agree, this album is good, but its also the same

member of the true crusade against old school heavy metal, early 80s thrash, NWOBHM, traditional doom, first and second wave black metal, old school death metal, US power metal, 70s prog rock and atmospheric doomsludgestoner. o/
22.01.2022 - 15:38
Rating: 9
Drudkh's entire identity revolves around repetition, so if there is any band on earth where it is somewhat odd to criticize them for sameness it would be this one. If you enjoy the formula of their earlier stuff, there's still plenty to love here even if it's not quite AA or Blood. It's still a hypnotic and meditative experience, still immersive and full of folk and nature elements. The leads on the final track really add an extra layer of color AND, since we are talking about repetition vs variety here, also add something that you don't always hear on every Drudkh track.

Where I live, we have a lot of Mexican restaurants. For the most part, you get the same options at almost all of them. The food quality is similar from one to another as well. But I've gotta tell you, a good plate of fajitas is a good plate of fajitas. No matter how many times I order them, I never get tired of it. I know that's something of an odd analogy, comparing a Ukrainian black metal band to burritos. But sometimes you have something that is so delicious you are happy to go back for more of the same.

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