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Delain - Lucidity review


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Band: Delain
Album: Lucidity
Style: Symphonic metal
Release date: September 04, 2006
A review by: Dream Taster

01. Sever [feat. Marco Hietala]
02. Frozen
03. Silhouette Of A Dancer [feat. George Oosthoek]
04. No Compliance [feat. Sharon Den Adel & Marco Hietala]
05. See Me In Shadow [feat. Liv Kristine]
06. Shattered
07. The Gathering [feat. Marco Hietala]
08. Daylight Lucidity [feat. Marco Hietala]
09. Sleepwalker's Dream
10. Day For Ghost [feat. Liv Kristine & Marco Hietala]
11. Pristine [feat. George Oosthoek]
12. (Deep) Frozen [feat. George Oosthoek] [bonus]
13. Silhouette Of A Dancer [acoustic version] [Japanese bonus]
14. Frozen [acoustic version] [US bonus]
15. See Me In Shadow [acoustic version] [US bonus]
16. No Compliance [Charlotte version] [US bonus]

In the dawn of Symphonic Gothic Metal, bands like After Forever and Within Temptation impressed everybody with their poise and out-of-this-world female singers. Nowadays, their monopoly is long over with countless acts following in their footsteps. After leaving Within Temptation for health reasons, founding member and influential keyboard player Martjin Westerholt decided to show the world how to do things right with his new venture called Delain. Another Dutch female fronted band, Delain waited debut-album was simply called Lucidity.

The formula has been used many times. Beautiful female vocals with a female choir, lots of keyboards, well-chosen breaks in song structures, streamlined guitar sound with the occasional impressive bits? However, it is done so well on this album that it cannot be ignored for its simple lack of apparent creativity. Some elements might still be surprising, but what separate Lucidity from other albums is its homogeneity in song quality. Every single track is a keeper.

Westerholt was able to involve his professional network with guest musicians such as iconic singers Liv Kristine Espenaes Krull [ex-Theatre of Tragedy, now with Leave's Eyes] and his former angelic vocalist Sharon den Adel. Needless to say, this adds even more to the value of Lucidity. However, I firmly believe that their young singer Charlotte Wessels would have been able to carry the whole album alone on vocals.

It is polished, layered, arranged but skilfully produced. Of course, having one killing hit does not hurt; 'No Compliance' would be it for me. Guest-starring Finland's best singer Marco Hietala [Nightwish] and no other than Sharon den Adel, this song is the perfect representation of Lucidity, characteristic but brilliant.

To fully pass the test, Delain had to be able to record at least one standout ballad. 'See Me In Shadows' would fulfill this purpose easily. They manage to avoid sounding cheesy while really going emotional.

Martjin Westerholt left Within Temptation with reasons, and this debut album underlines how much his former band must miss him. Delain's Lucidity might just be 2006's best symphonic metal album of the year. Crafted in vintage Dutch symphony know-how, this album is sure to open doors for Delain and it should rank high on every Symphonic Gothic Metal fan wish list.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 8
Originality: 8
Production: 9

Written on 08.12.2007 by Bringing you reviews of quality music and interesting questions such as:

"A picture is worth a thousand words. How many words is a song worth?"

I have only got so much patience and skills, you do the math.


Comments: 6   Visited by: 139 users
18.09.2009 - 11:16
Heaven Knight
I was fascinated first time, unfortunately bored after couple of listenings...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

21.09.2009 - 03:40
Rating: 10
The Shooter
Awesome and fantastic album!!!
12.09.2010 - 19:47
Rating: 9
Carl Berg
Carl Berg
Brilliant symphonic metal work.
25.02.2011 - 03:39
Account deleted
Well, they're already better than Within Temptation ever was. This album is overproduced and there's practically zero originality, but the songwriting is rather good. Epica, Nightwish and especially the late After Forever remain light years ahead, but this is an album that I might actually buy. This isn't very relevant to the music, but See Me In Shadow has one of the most amazing videos I have ever seen. Somebody knew what he/she was doing when making that one. Good review too, on par with grandma's pancakes.
16.09.2011 - 03:47
This albums contains many beauty songs with excellent voices....NICE WORK
26.01.2014 - 18:14
Rating: 10
Best Delain album IMO, and then they just gone so boring by becoming terribly pop.

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