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Darkthrone - Dark Thrones And Black Flags review


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Band: Darkthrone
Album: Dark Thrones And Black Flags
Style: Crust punk, Black metal, Heavy metal
Release date: October 20, 2008
A review by: BitterCOld

01. The Winds They Called The Dungeon Shaker
02. Oath Minus
03. Hiking Metal Punx
04. Blacksmith Of The North
05. Norway In September
06. Grizzly Trade
07. Hanging Out In Haiger
08. Dark Thrones And Black Flags
09. Launchpad To Nothingness
10. Witch Ghetto

It's another year and that means another offering from Darkthrone's dynamic duo of Gylve "Fenriz" Nagell and Ted "Nocturno Culto" Skjellum. Their latest opus, "Dark Thrones and Black Flags" marks their fifth release in the last six years and their 14th release since 1991's "Soulside Journey."

"Dark Thrones?" continues to see the band fuse elements of their traditional sound as well as their metal and punk influences into one caustic witches brew. The end result is that "DKaBF" sounds like the bastard union of their take on the more traditional metal sound of "F.O.A.D." with the bombast and energy of their crustpunk influenced "The Cult is Alive" - and it's a damn enjoyable album.

Their latest effort clocks in at the usual near 40 minutes, this time with a full 10 tracks whereas in the past most Darkthrone albums had six to eight songs. The end result is songs that are shorter, more driven, and more to the point.

The strongest aspect of the new album is the guitar work. Guitar duties were split between Nocturno and Fenriz, and it seems both showed up at Necrohell II studio with their "A" material. For the most part, the songs are dynamic, shifting riffs and tempos, and each song as at least one really cool riff that makes you take notice. Nothing earth-shattering that will have <insert your favorite axe deity here> furrowing his brow and spending hours sequestered in the back of the tour bus trying to decipher, but good, solid metal craftsmanship that will have you tossing the horns and raising some pints.

Vocal duties, as with the riff creation duties, were split between Gylve and Ted. The vocals were slightly annoying at first as they're all recorded a little heavy on the reverb, but that was easy to get used to/over on repeated listens. They do get a bit expressive at times, much to my chagrin, as with the slightly over dramatic chorus to the opening track? "the winds? they called? THE DUNGEON SHAKERRRRRRR!!!, but it all adds to the enjoyment of the album.

Fenriz put in a Fenriz-like performance behind the kit, with the drums pounding along, propelling the songs forward purposefully. As with the riffing, nothing fancy, just a good workmanlike skins to back-up the riffs and keep the energy high.

Production is pretty much what you'd expect from Darkthrone. They've their own portable studio. They pick a weekend, they each bring their respective instruments and a couple cases of beer, meet up, plug in, and get to recording. Nothing fancy here, folks.

I've used the phrase "nothing fancy" a couple times over the course of this review because "Dark Thrones and Black Flags" isn't anything fancy. It's Darkthrone. It's ugly. It's rough. It's dirty. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

If you like the direction Fenriz and Nocturno Culto have taken since "Hate Them", by all means, check this out. If you're one of those that don't like anything they've recorded since "Panzerfaust", maybe your time would be better spent raiding your mom's make-up cabinet and posing in your back yard at night with whatever implements of landscaping you have handy.

Stand out tracks: "The Winds?", "Oath Minus", "Norway in September", and "Witch Ghetto"

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 9
Originality: 8
Production: 8

Written on 30.10.2008 by BitterCOld has been officially reviewing albums for MetalStorm since 2009.

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Comments: 78   Visited by: 469 users
04.12.2010 - 20:23
Account deleted
This album, imo, is way more evil and "tr00 kvlt" than stuff like Transylvanian Hunger (god I hate that album). Here you find originality, aggressivity; this album is a kick in your balls
05.12.2010 - 00:45
Written by [user id=109376] on 04.12.2010 at 20:23

This album, imo, is way more evil and "tr00 kvlt" than stuff like Transylvanian Hunger (god I hate that album). Here you find originality, aggressivity; this album is a kick in your balls

This album sucks. Only a shitty Motorhead wannabe. Believe what you want, "Transylvanian Hunger" is much more Black Metal than this garbage. And I don't see how someone can consider this album more aggressive than TH. Vocals suck so much, it's laughable (sounds like a grumpy old drunk man yelling).
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
05.12.2010 - 02:08
Account deleted
Written by RavenKing on 05.12.2010 at 00:45

Written by [user id=109376] on 04.12.2010 at 20:23

This album, imo, is way more evil and "tr00 kvlt" than stuff like Transylvanian Hunger (god I hate that album). Here you find originality, aggressivity; this album is a kick in your balls

This album sucks. Only a shitty Motorhead wannabe. Believe what you want, "Transylvanian Hunger" is much more Black Metal than this garbage. And I don't see how someone can consider this album more aggressive than TH. Vocals suck so much, it's laughable (sounds like a grumpy old drunk man yelling).

that's what makes it aggressive, brutal. that's a drunken masterpiece, that's disgusting, that smells beer and sweat, that's a fist in your face and a kick in your balls, a "fuck-off we play the music we like go die if you don't like it". TH is just a candy-haters songs collection, re-using the old sauce that had worked on UaFM or aBitNS (but this time it's not innovative anymore; that's like a marduk album.). Plus, half of it has been written by Varg; and when you see the crap he delivered in Burzum...
05.12.2010 - 02:36
Written by [user id=35732] on 05.12.2010 at 02:28

Varg wrote lyrics for the last four songs on TransI(not Y)lvanian Hunger. No songwriting.

True. And, judging by how poor I consider Burzum when it comes to songwriting, it's better he only wrote lyrics for TH and not music.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
05.12.2010 - 02:46
Written by [user id=109376] on 05.12.2010 at 02:08

Written by RavenKing on 05.12.2010 at 00:45

Written by [user id=109376] on 04.12.2010 at 20:23

This album, imo, is way more evil and "tr00 kvlt" than stuff like Transylvanian Hunger (god I hate that album). Here you find originality, aggressivity; this album is a kick in your balls

This album sucks. Only a shitty Motorhead wannabe. Believe what you want, "Transylvanian Hunger" is much more Black Metal than this garbage. And I don't see how someone can consider this album more aggressive than TH. Vocals suck so much, it's laughable (sounds like a grumpy old drunk man yelling).

that's what makes it aggressive, brutal. that's a drunken masterpiece, that's disgusting, that smells beer and sweat, that's a fist in your face and a kick in your balls, a "fuck-off we play the music we like go die if you don't like it". TH is just a candy-haters songs collection, re-using the old sauce that had worked on UaFM or aBitNS (but this time it's not innovative anymore; that's like a marduk album.). Plus, half of it has been written by Varg; and when you see the crap he delivered in Burzum...

Things like beer, drugs, fuck or whatever mean nothing to me when it comes to rate music.
Music on "Transylvanian Hunger" is more aggressive than on the 'wannabe-Motorhead' Darkthrone albums. However, there's a point on which we agree. Among what we can refer to as 'Darkthrone's Peaceville trilogy', I prefer both ABITNS and UAFM to TH.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
05.12.2010 - 03:05
Rating: 7
X-Ray Rod
I think that we can agreethat not all the metalheads like ALL Darkthrone albums. Most of them are just acquired taste.

And I like Burzum Have a nice day guys.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

16.04.2011 - 06:01
Rating: 7
The Ancient One
Overrated this one back early in my review days. like it a lot, but should be a full point lower.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
17.04.2011 - 23:33
Rating: 7
X-Ray Rod
Written by BitterCOld on 16.04.2011 at 06:01

Overrated this one back early in my review days. like it a lot, but should be a full point lower.

I did put a 7 for this cd. Good indeed, but not worth of an 8, let alone something higher.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

03.01.2013 - 22:01
Cool album. "Does your metal knows what metal really means?"

As for the ridiculous genre arguments, as far as I'm concerned, there are only two genres: music one likes and music one doesn't. At the end of the day, classification shouldn't matter; only quality should.
My lo-fi synth project:
03.01.2013 - 22:11
Account deleted
Written by strade on 03.01.2013 at 22:01

As for the ridiculous genre arguments, as far as I'm concerned, there are only two genres: music one likes and music one doesn't. At the end of the day, classification shouldn't matter; only quality should.

I'm pretty sure you wouldn't think so if that was case.

"Oh my God this band is amazing!"

You: "Cool, what do they sound like?"

"They sound like awesome!"

And say you wanted to search for a particular sound on metal storm, metal archives etc.:

Advanced Search > Genre >

1. Good Metal
2. Bad Metal

You: "Eh?"

and so on.
03.01.2013 - 22:19
Written by [user id=4365] on 03.01.2013 at 22:11

Written by strade on 03.01.2013 at 22:01

As for the ridiculous genre arguments, as far as I'm concerned, there are only two genres: music one likes and music one doesn't. At the end of the day, classification shouldn't matter; only quality should.

*true response, fair enough, though not exactly what I was going for*

That is very much true, but I was looking at it more from the fault of many who seem to associate genre with quality. Many naysayers here seems to act like something not qualifying as metal (or black metal in particular) automatically makes it an inferior breed of music in comparison. Obviously finding music and describing it helpfully would be more difficult without classifications, but I was using hyperbole.
My lo-fi synth project:
04.01.2013 - 00:24
Account deleted
Written by strade on 03.01.2013 at 22:19

That is very much true, but I was looking at it more from the fault of many who seem to associate genre with quality. Many naysayers here seems to act like something not qualifying as metal (or black metal in particular) automatically makes it an inferior breed of music in comparison. Obviously finding music and describing it helpfully would be more difficult without classifications, but I was using hyperbole.

Well in that case I agree with you even if I do make sweeping generalisations about genres myself (i.e. power metal).
04.01.2013 - 13:02
Written by strade on 03.01.2013 at 22:01

As for the ridiculous genre arguments, as far as I'm concerned, there are only two genres: music one likes and music one doesn't. At the end of the day, classification shouldn't matter; only quality should.

Give this man a glass of good whisky.
04.01.2013 - 14:05
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Daniell on 04.01.2013 at 13:02

Written by strade on 03.01.2013 at 22:01

As for the ridiculous genre arguments, as far as I'm concerned, there are only two genres: music one likes and music one doesn't. At the end of the day, classification shouldn't matter; only quality should.

Give this man a glass of good whisky.

No, because of the exact reason JOOE posted immediately after the post you quoted
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

04.01.2013 - 15:19
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 04.01.2013 at 14:05

No, because of the exact reason JOOE posted immediately after the post you quoted

Opinions, arseholes... You know how it goes.

Yesterday I listened to the following albums:
Agruss "Morok"
Sulphur Aeon "Swallowed By The Ocean's Tide"
Flotsam and Jetsam "The Cold"
Pink Floyd "Saucerful of Secrets"
Peter Gabriel "So"

What do they have in common genre-wise? Nothing. Screw genres, listen to music you like.

P.S. I do realise we've had this argument several times and I do realise we will never agree, but well, we can always have the argument all over again
04.01.2013 - 15:26
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Daniell on 04.01.2013 at 15:19

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 04.01.2013 at 14:05

No, because of the exact reason JOOE posted immediately after the post you quoted

Opinions, arseholes... You know how it goes.

Yesterday I listened to the following albums:
Agruss "Morok"
Sulphur Aeon "Swallowed By The Ocean's Tide"
Flotsam and Jetsam "The Cold"
Pink Floyd "Saucerful of Secrets"
Peter Gabriel "So"

What do they have in common genre-wise? Nothing. Screw genres, listen to music you like.

P.S. I do realise we've had this argument several times and I do realise we will never agree, but well, we can always have the argument all over again

you think those albums are all awesome but if someone asks you to recommend something like Agruss, I hope you won't say "well since Peter Gabriel is awesome you should definitely check it cause you will like it" I am sure 99% of the people you so that to in that in instance will run away screaming since it is musically totally different. That's wjy genres are needed to make it easier to recoomiend and find stuff you might like.
We might as wel do away with sepcies names of vegetables, fruit, meat etc as well, since it's all vegetable, fruit, meat etc
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

04.01.2013 - 16:57
Rating: 7
X-Ray Rod
If I jump into a discussion that goes like "so what kind of stuff are we talking about" "Oh you know... Good music".
They are just wasting their breath. That's not how a conversation works. It's not like you can recommend stuff like Agruss to anyone.

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 04.01.2013 at 15:26
We might as wel do away with sepcies names of vegetables, fruit, meat etc as well, since it's all vegetable, fruit, meat etc

I can see how that will turn out:
"I like meat"
"me too, you should try this" *gives him a clam*
"What is this?"
"It's some kind of meat... if you like meat then you will like this one too"

Dude dies because he's alergic to most seafood. I know this is hyperbole but fuck it... It's the same reasoning if someone just tells me some band is just good when I'm actually asking how do they sound like.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

04.02.2013 - 00:41
Rating: 9
Written by [user id=1909] on 23.10.2009 at 23:46

The only reason people would listen to this is due to the so-called "status" they think it gives them in the metal world. Musically this is fucking crap

If you seriously think metal is about status, you should probably get out...

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