LeChron James Helvetesfossen
Posts: 3561  |
I saw a commercial for this album yesterday on VH1 and i was confused. Not that it was on VH1, but because Stratovarius decided to advertise this album on TV and not any others.
Kick Ass, Die Young
Less is More
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Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
LordFezzington Lost To Apathy
Posts: 399  |
Not really listened to any Stratovarius since Elements Part 2, might have to check this out though!
Dark Blood The Avenger
Posts: 1435  |
Written by Angelic Storm on 26.01.2011 at 14:34
Written by YoreLore on 26.01.2011 at 13:03
Why is someone who labels a band as "flower metal" doing a review? The hatred towards one of metals most popular and established genres is tiresome. You review this album as someone who obviously does not really enjoy this music and throw in some lines for other people who are in the same boat as you, acting like Power Metal is some sort of guilty pleasure you can enjoy in secret. Awful.
I do think giving someone who has a very obvious dislike for a certain genre, an album from said genre to review is a bit stupid and counter-productive. Its really no different to someone reviewing an album from a genre with which they give every band unwavering praise. I find the best reviews are from people with no pre-disposed bias to a specific genre, one way or the other. I think this review is interesting though, as Doc obviously finds quite a bit to enjoy in this album, despite the fact he doesn't normally like the genre it's from. When you take that into consideration, 8.0 is actually a great score, and high praise for the album indeed. I do find the term "flower metal" nauseating, but everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how unpalatable that might be for some to take. I don't think Doc (or anyone else for that matter) should be criticised merely for voicing their opinion. *gets off soap box* 
I myself would rate the album 8.5, maybe a 9 if I was feeling generous. Stratovarius have done better, but this is the best work they've put out in many years. Nice album, and good review! xD
I agree with you about the different opinions. And honestly I hate the term "flower metal" too but I think he based his review in facts, and I think he did a nice job.
Although this term doesn't come from reviewers or anyone like that, this comes from the so called hater community, people who don't listen to power metal and are more familiar to other genres. What annoys me about this is the fact that Power was labelled as "flower" by people who's tastes have nothing to do with it. I can't imagine myself labelling things I don't like (and therefore, don't listen). I simply move away from it, and keep the opinions for myself. I would never bring down Black metal for example. I tried to get into it, and I can't enjoy most of the bands from that genre (I'm talking about pure raw Black btw) but that's not a reason to bring it down. But of course, that's the opposite of what most people would do, sadly.
Anyways, about the review. I think it was smartly written. And it made me want to check out this album, which I wasn't intending to.
It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
Ag Fox Angel No More ElitePosts: 4774  |
01.02.2011 - 19:03Rating: 7
Ag FoxAngel No MoreElitePosts: 4774 
Wow... I was just dropping by to thank Dr Rock for guiding me into check this out by reviewing it. Instead I see a truckload of drama lol
What's wrong when someone who doesn't normally like the genre and gives the album high praises? Doesn't it make it an even better reason to check out the album, especially for people like me who have quite a sceptical attitude towards this band based on their recent outputs? I know I'm not the only one (=
Besides, those who have been around for a while would realise Doc bashes every genre anyway when given the chance. I'd much prefer that over some song by song description of a review.
If you don't like the review style here, either write your own or start your own metal site  Piece of cake.
loves 小巫
Mountain King K i K o
Posts: 1361  |
02.02.2011 - 17:20Rating: 9
Every genre has it's generic bands and it's overused sound specially 80's heavy metal and 80's thrash. Tons of bands sounded the same. That is the case with Death metal too where almost every bands sounds the same to me at least. It's not just about Power Metal, Prog metal has a million bands that sound like dream theater or other famous bands! Important thing is that we enjoy anything we like. My favorite genres are heavy and power metal but i enjoy many songs from different genres (Melodeath to Industrial and symphonic). And people talking about Power metal as happy and soft?!!! A lot of Power Metal songs are more technical, heavier, faster and more evil than a lot of Melodic Death or whatever genre that is said to be so brutal...
Luneth Account deleted |
Luneth Account deleted
Written by Dark Blood on 01.02.2011 at 18:03
Written by Angelic Storm on 26.01.2011 at 14:34
Written by YoreLore on 26.01.2011 at 13:03
Why is someone who labels a band as "flower metal" doing a review? The hatred towards one of metals most popular and established genres is tiresome. You review this album as someone who obviously does not really enjoy this music and throw in some lines for other people who are in the same boat as you, acting like Power Metal is some sort of guilty pleasure you can enjoy in secret. Awful.
I do think giving someone who has a very obvious dislike for a certain genre, an album from said genre to review is a bit stupid and counter-productive. Its really no different to someone reviewing an album from a genre with which they give every band unwavering praise. I find the best reviews are from people with no pre-disposed bias to a specific genre, one way or the other. I think this review is interesting though, as Doc obviously finds quite a bit to enjoy in this album, despite the fact he doesn't normally like the genre it's from. When you take that into consideration, 8.0 is actually a great score, and high praise for the album indeed. I do find the term "flower metal" nauseating, but everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how unpalatable that might be for some to take. I don't think Doc (or anyone else for that matter) should be criticised merely for voicing their opinion. *gets off soap box* 
I myself would rate the album 8.5, maybe a 9 if I was feeling generous. Stratovarius have done better, but this is the best work they've put out in many years. Nice album, and good review! xD
I agree with you about the different opinions. And honestly I hate the term "flower metal" too but I think he based his review in facts, and I think he did a nice job.
Although this term doesn't come from reviewers or anyone like that, this comes from the so called hater community, people who don't listen to power metal and are more familiar to other genres. What annoys me about this is the fact that Power was labelled as "flower" by people who's tastes have nothing to do with it. I can't imagine myself labelling things I don't like (and therefore, don't listen). I simply move away from it, and keep the opinions for myself. I would never bring down Black metal for example. I tried to get into it, and I can't enjoy most of the bands from that genre (I'm talking about pure raw Black btw) but that's not a reason to bring it down. But of course, that's the opposite of what most people would do, sadly.
Anyways, about the review. I think it was smartly written. And it made me want to check out this album, which I wasn't intending to. 
I tend to believe now that the majority of people who use the term 'flowermetal' know about the Power Metal genre; I kinda understand to a small extent why certain bands get that label, but in relation to this review, there's absolutely no reason for any controversy, reviewer doesn't even like the genre much but thinks highly of the album, I think 8 is too generous and love Power Metal.
Posts: 34  |
Kotipelto's singing is bugging me on this album. It sounds good, and in choruses there's nothing wrong with it. But outside the chorus, he always sings somewhat in the same stretchy melody. That makes the songs sound like modified copies of the first one (I'm judging singing here only). I enjoyed this album a lot when I first listened to it on the background doing other stuff at the same time, but when I sat down and actually listened it, I found myself just more and more annoyed by how he sings outside of choruses and hoping that the next song is different and has some good tunes and melodies even outside the chorus, but no.
Milena gloom cookie StaffPosts: 4603  |
Milenagloom cookieStaffPosts: 4603 
The review is perfectly fine, except fitting Sonata Arctica into the flower-power metal scene, they dropped that thing, like, ages ago.
7.0 means the album is good
Luneth Account deleted |
Luneth Account deleted
Written by Milena on 06.02.2011 at 22:43
The review is perfectly fine, except fitting Sonata Arctica into the flower-power metal scene, they dropped that thing, like, ages ago.
Yeah...by becoming shit. No one counts Unia or Days of Grays in the equation.
Milena gloom cookie StaffPosts: 4603  |
Milenagloom cookieStaffPosts: 4603 
Your opinion
7.0 means the album is good
Posts: 717
07.02.2011 - 23:28Rating: 9
What I love about Strato is they are damn cheesy - but at least they're GOOD at being so damn cheesy. Theres a lot of bands that just don't cut that fine line.
Posts: 32
It's just one of those things where the reviewer probably didn't think anyone would take offense, gotta be careful when writing reviews there are some passionate fans out there. I'm a recent fan of Stratovarius, I don't think their lack of heavier songs warrants a "flower power" rating but whatevs. It's good quality music through and through. To each his own...
Posts: 179  |
23.02.2011 - 22:45Rating: 8
Long time fan of Stratovarius. I think Lauri Porra was the unsung hero of this album. Well done. I'd give this a 8.3.
Posts: 3
I think this isn't a bad album but it's far from what Stratovarius used to be... I still remember fast rythm epic songs... they are missing from this and Polaris. In my point of view there is too
much mid-tempo songs reminding more Hammerfall but having a lot more difference in riffs in one song. As for Kotipelto, he's good songwriter but still his solo work sounds better than
songs he made for these albums. Remember it's just my opinion... Looks for me now that finally Sonata Arctica has passed Stratovarius or it passed them before Tolkki left.
Posts: 2  |
I just say that I have VISIONS and EPISODE and Destiny and I never get tired of listening to them, Is a great band and music regardless the members and genre categorization, Look forward to hear this latest album Elysium.
Break the system and be free inside to reach the goal and find peace of mind.
ErnilEnNaur Account deleted |
ErnilEnNaur Account deleted
Written by Doc G. on 26.01.2011 at 13:26
Perhaps you should also consider the fact that maybe, just maybe the reason I'm not terribly crazy about this genre is because of the sheer amount of generic bands I've come across using the same overused sound, not just in power metal. Though my comments regarding this genre may be rude, they're not exactly untrue, it's one of metals softer, more melodic genres, perhaps I should start pumping out dry, boring reviews that won't offend anyone.
The hatred for your review is quite unreasonable. People really need to learn to not take every damn line in a review so personally. I love power metal (when it's done well) and if anything, I think you went a little bit too easy on this album. I find Elysium to be a pretty good album, but not in the same league as Strato's best albums.
Posts: 8
I just can't enjoy Stratovarius after Tolkki and Kainulainen left.
The two Timo's were a great team together, and though they're doing quite good separately, it just isn't the same anymore...
Posts: 717
13.12.2012 - 23:29Rating: 9
Written by GammaRayForever on 21.08.2011 at 21:32
I just can't enjoy Stratovarius after Tolkki and Kainulainen left.
The two Timo's were a great team together, and though they're doing quite good separately, it just isn't the same anymore...
I think if Tolkki were to re-enter the band, that would be very risky. Chances are high that another 'Elements Part 2' would be churned out.. or something like the Symfonia release we heard last year. Not that I really dislike Elements 2, but Strato needed to test some new waters. At least with this lineup, we are seeing more consistency in releases and even some of that memorability is returning, the kind of approach that was there in the mid 90's (their pinnacle of music imo) and not so prevalent in the 2000s. I personally look forward to hearing their later releases, even if it doesn't sound the same. The lineup is very talented and with enough effort there could be some great songs in the future. Not only is there a return to form, but a return in band chemistry which had definitely disappeared in the last Tolkki 2005 self titled album.
"It's without a doubt Stratovarius"
Quote this from the review
Posts: 94  |
I love stratovarius with a passion to me this was a reasonably good effort id give it an 8.8 or 8.9 , i didnt really like tolki , he was a good musician but just an asshole ...
Posts: 5
Written by Angelic Storm on 27.01.2011 at 18:55
Written by [user id=107773] on 27.01.2011 at 18:44 Too bad the album doesn't match the epicness of it. I think this album is absolute shite.
And here, we have entered the Twilight Zone.. where someone who normally hates power metal likes this album, and a power metal fan hates it. Its a strange world.. lol 
I am a big Stratovarius fan and I didn't like the album either  . Though I don't consider myself as a big power metal fan. Other than Blind Guardian and some Dragonforce (if I feel cheesy) I don't listen to it. Still this album sounded very unimpressive. Stratovarius' past below avarage work is more interesting than this imo.