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Enthring - The Grim Tales Of The Elder review


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Band: Enthring
Album: The Grim Tales Of The Elder
Style: Melodic death metal, Symphonic metal
Release date: October 30, 2011
A review by: Doc G.

01. I, The Exiled
02. Silent Chanter
03. Mellowheart
04. Rend Me Asunder
05. Citadel
06. The Last Heartbeat Of An Era
07. The Vengeance Orchestra
08. The Grim Tales Of The Elder

Well I'll be damned. Independent bands can pull of orchestral without it sounding like crap. In fact, it's actually pretty difficult to believe Enthring did this without any bigger label backing them. The riffs are mature, the symphonic bits don't sound too obviously synthy (most of the time), and the overall song writing just sounds like a band that's been around longer than 5 years.

It's an album that does have a very identifiable sound, but is difficult to fit into a neat little box. Some could say this is folk metal in the same vein as Ensiferum, but with more aggressive black metal parts thrown in. Some of the keys and heroic leads that come bursting through wouldn't sound out of place in a power metal album. Let's not be mistaken though - this is a supremely aggressive album beneath all the epic melodies. Think of it this way; if bands like Ensiferum and Equilibrium appeal to you, then Grim Tales... is right up your alley. As a bonus, it's still got a decent amount of rough-edges, which definitely makes Enthring much more of a steamroller than some of their over-polished contemporaries.

*adjusts glasses and takes large heave from a puffer*

On closer inspection, the mixing does seem a bit strange. There's so much going on between the thick riffs and the even thicker synths, it's not uncommon to see some aspects, namely the vocals, get completely buried and obscured. However, that's on meticulous inspection; if you're too busy rocking out to the great song writing (which you should be), then the minor production flaws just add more character to the whole thing.

Enthring certainly have a full-length debut to be proud of here. This isn't one of those "Oh, isn't that cute, a debut? I suppose I'll be nice to them..." type reviews, no sir. Submitted to the same scrutiny other revered names are in this genre, this is a band that really holds its own and then some.

Written on 07.11.2011 by Former EIC. Now just a reviewer guy.


Comments: 15   Visited by: 274 users
07.11.2011 - 23:06
Pagan Angel
Sounds good. Are there any tracks that stand out?
07.11.2011 - 23:08
Troy Killjoy
I was kind of excited at first. High rating, indie band, symphonic elements... Then Ensiferum and Equilibrium and I lost interest.

Nice review though.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
08.11.2011 - 01:04
Rating: 9
Folk You!
Not bad at all.

I was kind of excited at first. High rating, indie band, symphonic elements... Then Ensiferum and Equilibrium were just what I needed to decide listening to the album.
08.11.2011 - 03:03
Account deleted
There's also a Moonsorrow-like touch to the music imo, not bad at all gonna dig it
08.11.2011 - 03:26
Account deleted
It kind of sounds like some of Children Of Bodom's older and blacker works, except with all the lead guitars done by keyboards. Speaking of the keys, some of the piano parts remind me of Embraced a bit too.
08.11.2011 - 04:00
I'd be more inclined to call them symphonic melodeath over extreme folk honestly.

Then I lost all the interest
08.11.2011 - 04:56
Written by bloodwrage on 07.11.2011 at 23:06

Sounds good. Are there any tracks that stand out?


Ensiferum/Wintersun tag-teams with Summoning.

Excellent album for a band that came outta nowhere for me. Looking forward to following these guys.
08.11.2011 - 12:23
Written by Kintu on 08.11.2011 at 01:04

Not bad at all.

I was kind of excited at first. High rating, indie band, symphonic elements... Then Ensiferum and Equilibrium were just what I needed to decide listening to the album.

08.11.2011 - 17:39
if bands like Ensiferum and Equilibrium appeal to you, then Grim Tales... is right up your alley.

Ok, lets check this out
08.11.2011 - 19:48
Written by Windrider on 08.11.2011 at 17:39

if bands like Ensiferum and Equilibrium appeal to you, then Grim Tales... is right up your alley.

Ok, lets check this out

I'm with you, definatley worth checking out I should think
09.11.2011 - 05:38
Okay.. okay. Interest piqued
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
10.11.2011 - 12:41
White Winter Sun
Laboratory's Rat
Your pick has caught my attention. After several listening, I must say that I appreciated a lot this piece of Ensiferum, Equilibrium or whatever you want steamroller Folk Metal. Indeed they have bigger balls than many others who evole in this genre. Thanks a lot Doc for pointing this album out!
10.11.2011 - 15:00
gloom cookie
Written by Vikingr on 08.11.2011 at 19:48

Written by Windrider on 08.11.2011 at 17:39

if bands like Ensiferum and Equilibrium appeal to you, then Grim Tales... is right up your alley.

Ok, lets check this out

I'm with you, definatley worth checking out I should think

Me three, I rarely, if ever, listen to folk metal, but I'd like to hear more of it in vein of Ensiferum.
7.0 means the album is good
10.11.2011 - 17:29
I really dig Equilibrium myself so I'd enjoy hearing something on that same level
14.01.2012 - 02:54
Fils du Lys
Very Finnish and Ensiferumesque... I don't see any clear connection to Equilibrium though.
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