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jmm - Album collection


1998 - Oceanborn9
2000 - Wishmaster10
2001 - Over The Hills And Far Away [EP]8
2002 - Bless The Child [Single]9
2002 - Century Child9
2004 - Once10
2007 - Dark Passion Play7
2011 - Imaginaerum9


Top styles

Power 73%
Symphonic 27%


We analyze favorite bands, album collections, ratings and try to find users with similar tastes. The number on the right is the 'similarity rating' - hover the mouse for explanation.

KodokSangJibrieliant 500
Hugoj33 226
ManowarImmortal 226
Wolf_13 225
Mehdi Taba 225
lucas777ita 224
helmutap 224
Permafrost 222
Metal_4Ever 222
Etaín 222


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