Teenage Metalstormers
Original post
Posted by akvan, 20.01.2011 - 14:44
Elodie Artour Slania |
27.02.2011 - 19:27
@Luneth: Liking some "mixtures" at Starbucks does NOT malke me an Americanised person.
---- Speak up dear 'cause I cannot hear you...
Luneth Account deleted |
27.02.2011 - 19:49 Luneth
Account deleted Written by Elodie Artour on 27.02.2011 at 19:27 Hey, chill out, I didn't say one was causal of the other I know it's very possible to go to Starbucks and not be Americanised.
Elodie Artour Slania |
27.02.2011 - 20:05
As long as you don't judge me, it's okay.
---- Speak up dear 'cause I cannot hear you...
Ragana Rawrcat |
27.02.2011 - 22:24
Well, who cares where that coffee comes from or how it tastes? As long as no one forces you to drink it, everything should be fine. :> I stand for normal, home-made coffee though. I usually don't drink coffee outside my house, it does not feel right, you know...
Zuzuz0r |
27.02.2011 - 22:32 Written by Ragana on 27.02.2011 at 22:24 At least the taste is important for me, lol.
---- If this grand panorama before me is what you call God Then God is not dead.
Luneth Account deleted |
28.02.2011 - 00:03 Luneth
Account deleted Written by Elodie Artour on 27.02.2011 at 20:05 I judge no man. Or woman
whatsacow |
28.02.2011 - 08:34
Back on the coffee convo? Lol. Judging people is fun.
---- When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
ß Problem? |
28.02.2011 - 22:10
Coffee is serious business
whatsacow |
28.02.2011 - 22:26
Coffee is serious business, and as a personal coffee snob, I approve of this conversation. I am just amused that normal people (I use that term very loosely) are having seriously longwinded arguements about coffee. But back to being judgemental, they're all a bunch of no hope losers with too much time on their hands. But that goes for all of us forum writers
---- When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
Ragana Rawrcat |
01.03.2011 - 01:55 Written by Zuzuz0r on 27.02.2011 at 22:32 I meant that one's likes/dislikes is non of your (any of you) business. Maybe it'd be more interesting to discuss when and how you drink your coffee or something? XD
Luneth Account deleted |
01.03.2011 - 02:07 Luneth
Account deleted Written by Ragana on 01.03.2011 at 01:55 If the discussion is coffee, people should be prepared to have their views on the subject either accepted or questioned without getting emotional, that goes for anything lol. Forum= Place for public discussion... but going over it constantly is futile, I agree.
Ragana Rawrcat |
01.03.2011 - 02:48
All I wanted to say is that no one really should point out what's true/real and what's Americanised, Mexicanised or any other -ised, adding (not actually saying it, though) that it's less good because he/she does not like it. I do not approve the tea my sister drinks (seems like there's more sugar and milk than tea itself) but I'm not telling her she's drinking fake tea and that the one I drink is more pure because it has no sugar or milk in it. Just gotta accept things about other people. Anyway, I sense that discussions like these usually continue and eventually end badly exactly because of getting too personal... so I suggest the change of topic. (in fact, I actually wondered why you people didn't start talking about Mcdonald's when the term/word "Americanised" appeared in the conversation...)
Zuzuz0r |
01.03.2011 - 03:58
In fact, the whole world is Americanized, and also, I think it's a synonym for Westernized(used by people living in the eastern part of the world I guess).
---- If this grand panorama before me is what you call God Then God is not dead.
whatsacow |
02.03.2011 - 13:29
Western doesn't entirely mean Americanised. America only holds so much influence because it is a major world power, financially, through media and other exports etc. Other Western civilisations such as the british empire have had a profound effect on the rest of the world. British pop is a major influence on popular music these days, bands like coldplay proving immensely popular. But Westernisation has its benefits. Like anything it has its faults, but it's not entirely bad. A lot of people are ignorant and stupid, thinking Americans are ignorant and stupid. But it's the same as any stereotype. There is always good that can come out of anything.
---- When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
Zuzuz0r |
02.03.2011 - 19:51
Yeah, what I wanted to say is that some people use Westernized as a synonym for Americanized, I know it's not entirely the same thing, because, even being a major western world power, it's not the only one who has an influence on everyone(as said on the post above me).
---- If this grand panorama before me is what you call God Then God is not dead.
Luneth Account deleted |
02.03.2011 - 23:18 Luneth
Account deleted Written by Ragana on 01.03.2011 at 02:48 We can agree to disagree here. But yeah, these kinda discussions end badly most of the time and there's no need to argue over coffee...that would be the epitome of stupidity.
whatsacow |
04.03.2011 - 02:31
New topic!
---- When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
Luneth Account deleted |
08.03.2011 - 02:24 Luneth
Account deleted
So...global warming, huh...? What's up with that?
Ragana Rawrcat |
08.03.2011 - 02:57
Words "warming" and "freezing" in Latvian are very similar (they differ only by one letter), so when it gets really cold, we say it's global freezing. Honestly, though, we here get that global "warming" only in summers when it's already hot (and then the heat seems unbearable) whilst in winters we really have global freezing. Other countries seem to get only the warming...
Luneth Account deleted |
08.03.2011 - 03:51 Luneth
Account deleted Written by Ragana on 08.03.2011 at 02:57 That must be a bloody nightmare. I actually don't know anything geographical about Latvia [aside from the fact it's in Europe of course ]...do you go through El Nino/La Nina cycles?
Ragana Rawrcat |
08.03.2011 - 23:18
El Nino and La Nina have nothing to do with the weather changes in Europe, but that does not mean it's all cool in Europe. I mean, many countries experience major floods, storms, heat waves and whatnot... I don't believe it's the way it has always been. Something has changed. It's like snowing in Hawaii or something. Totally wrong, right? Anyway, the weather here perfectly represents all four seasons. We might whine about it sometimes but compared to other places in the world, this is a very safe region. No big storms, no floods, no earthquakes or unpronounceable volcanoes... We're also getting "greener" every day (the price of fuel keeps rising). About the times when the weather is extremely cold or hot... well, I don't envy those people who work outside. XD
Luneth Account deleted |
09.03.2011 - 00:53 Luneth
Account deleted Written by Ragana on 08.03.2011 at 23:18 Yeah that's true, though its [El Nino] effects do contribute to weather in Western Europe to some degree, but on a minor level. And at least you don't live in England
Valentin B Iconoclast |
10.03.2011 - 12:37 Written by Ragana on 08.03.2011 at 23:18 i'd say Latvia is too far north for winters to have a normal duration. this is what usually should happen in Romania 3 clearly defined months for each seasons, but in the past few years the winters have been quite long and cold as fuck.
whatsacow |
10.03.2011 - 12:45
Yay, global warming. The theory is in itself even more futile than our last conversation
---- When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
Valentin B Iconoclast |
10.03.2011 - 12:46 Written by whatsacow on 10.03.2011 at 12:45 how is global warming futile? it's something quite important and concerns all of us.
whatsacow |
10.03.2011 - 14:11 Written by Valentin B on 10.03.2011 at 12:46 Well, when I hear two or more scientists who can say the same thing about it, then I'll believe in it. Well, I mean I believe global warming is real, I just don't believe it is as extreme as they say it is.
---- When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
Luneth Account deleted |
10.03.2011 - 18:44 Luneth
Account deleted Written by whatsacow on 10.03.2011 at 14:11 In a literal sense of course it isn't. But scientists are long term thinkers, and in the long term, it is a very real problem. By the way, that's 'long term' in an immortal frame of mind
whatsacow |
10.03.2011 - 22:11 Written by [user id=107773] on 10.03.2011 at 18:44 But can't we just do what every other generation ever has done and say "Fuck it, someone else can deal with it."
---- When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
Luneth Account deleted |
10.03.2011 - 22:35 Luneth
Account deleted Written by whatsacow on 10.03.2011 at 22:11 Could do, but there's no point being ignorant about these kinda things generally. Ignorance is for the stupid. It's not like you have to be some ridiculous advocate of 'pro green' ideals doing things like recycling regularly, paying attention to turning your lights off and turning the tap off when brushing your teeth etc. I myself litter, rarely recycle and constantly have electricity flowing, my carbon footprint is absolutely huge [there is a site you can check this on, can't remember it though], but I'm still aware of the problems and don't act like what I'm doing is beneficial for anyone...I just don't care.
Ragana Rawrcat |
11.03.2011 - 02:48
I think that generation is us. The Earth's gonna be fucked up sooner than we think. Written by Valentin B on 10.03.2011 at 12:37 Well, the winter here has expended in the last few years. I don't know how it was 20 years ago but when I was little, winters weren't as cold nor last as long as now. And I don't mind heavy snowing which is why I kinda feel sorry for those parts in Europe that get only rain in winters. I mean, that can't feel right. XD But yeah, if winter was exactly three months long and November wasn't such a boring month (cold weather + rain), it'd be great.