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The origin of your username

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Posted by GT, 29.05.2006 - 21:04
What is the story behind your username (and your custom title if you have one)?

In my own case it quite simple. Just the first letters in my first and last name. Boring and easy to remember
08.01.2008 - 14:37
@Ascalon: cool with the historical's always nice when there is a story behind a name

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
08.01.2008 - 20:21
Duy Hung
Account deleted
My user name = my real name, quite simple , you can just simply call me Hung
11.01.2008 - 23:17
I R Serious Cat
My new CT is Neofelis...

Which is the genus for two species of big cats: "the Clouded Leopard and the Bornean Clouded Leopard. The genus is considered distinct because of the difference in skull structure compared to the other big cats."
Taken from wikipedia.

Since it's a new year, I'm a new man now that I found love, and a job, and I'm about to graduate and eneter a new stage of my life, I wanted to have something that reflected this new stage, but preserving my real nature... What a cheesy argument don't you think?
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
12.01.2008 - 06:17
mine is from iced earth, but i guess it doesnt take a genius to know that, it was either this, or "the coming curse"
i couldnt decide, so i went with whichever song i liked best
(from the album "something wicked this way comes")

12.01.2008 - 06:30
Account deleted
Written by Fuath on 12.01.2008 at 06:17

mine is from iced earth, but i guess it doesnt take a genius to know that, it was either this, or "the coming curse"
i couldnt decide, so i went with whichever song i liked best
(from the album "something wicked this way comes")

Too bad it wasn't Nuclear Assault's brilliant album "Something Wicked", which is also worth checking out
12.01.2008 - 06:33
Written by [user id=12867] on 12.01.2008 at 06:30

Written by Fuath on 12.01.2008 at 06:17

mine is from iced earth, but i guess it doesnt take a genius to know that, it was either this, or "the coming curse"
i couldnt decide, so i went with whichever song i liked best
(from the album "something wicked this way comes")

Too bad it wasn't Nuclear Assault's brilliant album "Something Wicked", which is also worth checking out

i love nuclear assault, ill give it a look

06.02.2008 - 18:08
hehe Mine is a nickname a childhood friend tried to give me, Æbsi, it never got stuck on me since it bugged me allot hehe, but years later when I was registering on web pages and some games and stuff I suddenly remembered this nickname I used to hate, and I loved it for a user name, weird how things change in time. So I just made it more English friendly Aebsi.
Just be Yourself
06.02.2008 - 21:22
rageing atheist
Account deleted
I shortened the old name of my then favorite band Atheist (Raging Atheists Vowing A Gory End), changed it from plural to singular, and misspelled "raging" as "rageing"
06.02.2008 - 23:16
I R Serious Cat
I changed my CT to old cat following a suggestion my Fuath. I have attitudes of an old guy, such as being an order freak and waking up early.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
14.02.2008 - 18:25
X-Ray Rod
Mr. Doctor .......
He is the mastermind of the band Devil Doll
One of the best vocalist I heard in my life... and the music he creates is just... Disturbing, sick yet elegant.

For me it was the best name I could take... The name has of course a meaning.

Mr (Hyde) Doctor (Jekyll) ... from the old history you know... It shows the 2 sides of a split personality.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

14.02.2008 - 18:38
Lone wanderer
28.02.2008 - 20:18
my name is the name of a Byzantine general when the empire was at its height. he was probably the best general under Justinian. he defeated the vandals, ostrogoths, sassanid persians, bulgarians,... but the legend said that he was deceived by his secretary and was found guilty of corruption. the emperor ordered to put out his eyes and he lived for the rest of his life as a blind beggar.
for more information check
the reason why i've chosen this name is that i think that even the greatest are blind to see the world in its full spectrum.
I am a God in the deepest corner of my mind
02.03.2008 - 10:53
Written by belisarius on 28.02.2008 at 20:18

my name is the name of a Byzantine general when the empire was at its height. he was probably the best general under Justinian. he defeated the vandals, ostrogoths, sassanid persians, bulgarians,... but the legend said that he was deceived by his secretary and was found guilty of corruption. the emperor ordered to put out his eyes and he lived for the rest of his life as a blind beggar.
for more information check
the reason why i've chosen this name is that i think that even the greatest are blind to see the world in its full spectrum.

Damn you've done your research...and a nice twist with the philosophical thing in the end

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
02.03.2008 - 18:44
Well my name is in latvian, which means witch. Many friends of mine calls me like that, although I have a second nickname - Demigod. Easy.
09.03.2008 - 11:07
Account deleted

Chosen for no particular reason except the connection to music.
18.03.2008 - 14:51
I combined Slayer with MetallicA,at the time it was what came to my head...
One Pound Of Flesh, No More No Less, No Cartilage, No Bones, But Only Flesh...
18.03.2008 - 14:54
Hangar XVIII
Well, it's either a military base, or a Megadeth song, with roman numerals.
It was my band name before a forum name. I used to o by The Supreme Inquisitor or TheSupremeI, since it was the name of a recurring character in the RPGs I make, but then I found out it was also a magic card, so I changed it.
My new black metal project.
19.03.2008 - 11:09
The Sorcerer
it cames from a Rhapsody of Fire song Knightrider of Doom
29.03.2008 - 05:33
Mine is kind of nerdy - it's the name of a villain in an old Mighty Mouse cartoon.
Pardon me while I wreak my vengeance.
23.04.2008 - 15:17
Account deleted
first i registered here by the name blackgod but i didnt get any emails from metalstorm then i changed it to THE_BLACK_GOD and i had to change the email too-my email was but i changed it into cause metalstornm didnt let me to use the other one.
black god is taken from My Dying Bride's song Turn Loose The Swans's Last Song "Black God" and this is the lyrics:

7. Black God

Thy every look and every grace
so charm whenever I view thee,
'til death overtake me in the chase
still will my hopes pursue thee

Then when my tedious hours have past,
be this my last blessing given
low at thine feet to breathe my last
and die in sight of heaven.
24.04.2008 - 01:44
hi-fi / lo-life
i came up with my username in about 1996, when I was trying to come up with a password for my email at the time that I would find easy to remember.
i was into Samael at the time and Passage was an album I would listen to a lot.
There is a song on that album called "Jupiterian Vibe", which is where the idea for Jupiter came from. At first, the password was jupiterass (as in, ass the size of Jupiter) and later got truncated into jupitreas, which conveniently also sounded like the nicknames the guys from Samael were using.

Pretty soon I decided it would make a cool nickname since it sounds somewhat mysterious and dark, while at the same time actually meaning "ass the size of jupiter".

Much later I discovered that I actually used the principles of sigilization to come up with a username, which made me like it even more and this is why i decided to stick to it!
24.04.2008 - 10:28
@Jupi: I've been wondering about your name ever since I joined the site...finally I get a explanation. Quite funny and pretty cool that you used existing principles without being aware of it.

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
26.04.2008 - 00:48
Mine was 'Morbid' before, then decided to change it to a persian one ('Akem Manah' or 'Aeshpa'); first one got my attention more

Akem Manah (Akәm Manah) is the Avestan language name of Zoroastrianism's demon of the "evil mind" or "evil purpose" or "evil thinking" or "evil intention".

Manah denotes a state of mind, and akem manah may thus be more accurately described as the state of mind (or being) that prevents an individual from accomplishing his (moral) duties. The hypostasis of this malign influence is the demon (daeva) Akem Manah, who appears in later texts as Middle Persian Akoman and New Persian Akvan.

The concept of akem manah is already attested in the Gathas, the oldest texts of Zoroastrianism and believed to have been composed by Zoroaster himself.
Written by Konrad on 10.12.2009 at 22:41

Hey, if you put your mind to something, you can accomplish it...just don't give up.

26.04.2008 - 02:41
Nox Lux
Ether - air, one of the all important pagan elements. Also, thoughts are in the air
- a highly reactive chemical
- a drug - a ref. to Fear and Loathing - paraphrased, it's something about not having complete control of what you're doing, but just watching and enjoying as your body does the silliest things. To me it's a metaphor for life. Possibly even spirituality. Who the fvck knows what we do? It's a little passive, so don't take it too seriously, it's not generally ok to not know what the fvck you're doing. It's just an interpretation I am familiar with in life. A quote to sum it up is "The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage." by T.E Lawrence. Whether you are atheist, religious, agnostic or satanist I think everyone can empathize with this to a certain degree.

- my artist name when it comes to my music, which is being written but not recorded much at the moment. Just 5 tracks. I used to use Abyssus as my artist name and username on MS but there are many bands with similar names. Mostly heard of seems to be Abyssos, with an O.
I also changed it since Abyssus ties me specifically to metal. Ether has more flexible connotations.

I chose Abyssus before because the dictionary says it was the latin word for nothingness, or an Abyss, but the second meaning was Hell. I liked the idea that in Latin culture the concept of Hell was not torture or negativity, but a complete lack of thought, creation, people, ideas. It shows a lust for life and people.

- Ether is a character in a supposed book I'm pretending to write.

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"Thoughts fall in season with the right stand, rake the land
This Autumn's early leafshed a recompense for Summer's wane."
~ Nox Lux
26.04.2008 - 02:53
Nox Lux
Written by Aebsi on 06.02.2008 at 18:08

hehe Mine is a nickname a childhood friend tried to give me, Æbsi, it never got stuck on me since it bugged me allot hehe, but years later when I was registering on web pages and some games and stuff I suddenly remembered this nickname I used to hate, and I loved it for a user name, weird how things change in time. So I just made it more English friendly Aebsi.

That's cool. Could you clarify - is Aebsi a made up word or does it mean something over in Iceland?
][{ ]|/ ][_ "][" -- ][3) ][_ /=|[ [( ][{ -- ][][][ |E[ "][" ]|= ][_

"Thoughts fall in season with the right stand, rake the land
This Autumn's early leafshed a recompense for Summer's wane."
~ Nox Lux
26.04.2008 - 03:48
Written by Nox Lux on 26.04.2008 at 02:53

Written by Aebsi on 06.02.2008 at 18:08

hehe Mine is a nickname a childhood friend tried to give me, Æbsi, it never got stuck on me since it bugged me allot hehe, but years later when I was registering on web pages and some games and stuff I suddenly remembered this nickname I used to hate, and I loved it for a user name, weird how things change in time. So I just made it more English friendly Aebsi.

That's cool. Could you clarify - is Aebsi a made up word or does it mean something over in Iceland?

As far as I know it's just a made up word, at least I haven't heard of that Aebsi means anything in Icelandic... I think the idea is that the pronounce of the nickname Aebsi is a bit shorter than Ævar
Just be Yourself
26.04.2008 - 03:56
Account deleted
26.04.2008 - 17:05
Written by Mosquiller on 26.04.2008 at 00:48

Mine was 'Morbid' before, then decided to change it to a persian one ('Akem Manah' or 'Aeshpa'); first one got my attention more

Akem Manah (Akәm Manah) is the Avestan language name of Zoroastrianism's demon of the "evil mind" or "evil purpose" or "evil thinking" or "evil intention".

Manah denotes a state of mind, and akem manah may thus be more accurately described as the state of mind (or being) that prevents an individual from accomplishing his (moral) duties. The hypostasis of this malign influence is the demon (daeva) Akem Manah, who appears in later texts as Middle Persian Akoman and New Persian Akvan.

The concept of akem manah is already attested in the Gathas, the oldest texts of Zoroastrianism and believed to have been composed by Zoroaster himself.

good choise friend you MUST find a title for me too
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


26.04.2008 - 21:44
Written by Nox Lux on 26.04.2008 at 02:41

Ether - air, one of the all important pagan elements. Also, thoughts are in the air
- a highly reactive chemical
- a drug - a ref. to Fear and Loathing - paraphrased, it's something about not having complete control of what you're doing, but just watching and enjoying as your body does the silliest things. To me it's a metaphor for life. Possibly even spirituality. Who the fvck knows what we do? It's a little passive, so don't take it too seriously, it's not generally ok to not know what the fvck you're doing. It's just an interpretation I am familiar with in life. A quote to sum it up is "The living knew themselves just sentient puppets on God's stage." by T.E Lawrence. Whether you are atheist, religious, agnostic or satanist I think everyone can empathize with this to a certain degree.

- my artist name when it comes to my music, which is being written but not recorded much at the moment. Just 5 tracks. I used to use Abyssus as my artist name and username on MS but there are many bands with similar names. Mostly heard of seems to be Abyssos, with an O.
I also changed it since Abyssus ties me specifically to metal. Ether has more flexible connotations.

I chose Abyssus before because the dictionary says it was the latin word for nothingness, or an Abyss, but the second meaning was Hell. I liked the idea that in Latin culture the concept of Hell was not torture or negativity, but a complete lack of thought, creation, people, ideas. It shows a lust for life and people.

- Ether is a character in a supposed book I'm pretending to write.

And explain your 'sign' plz;
i'm wondering what it says !

Written by Varegan on 26.04.2008 at 17:05

good choise friend you MUST find a title for me too

Written by Konrad on 10.12.2009 at 22:41

Hey, if you put your mind to something, you can accomplish it...just don't give up.

27.04.2008 - 09:22
Nox Lux
serious? It says Kvlt Black Metal
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"Thoughts fall in season with the right stand, rake the land
This Autumn's early leafshed a recompense for Summer's wane."
~ Nox Lux