Teenage Metalstormers
Original post
Posted by akvan, 20.01.2011 - 14:44
26.02.2012 - 22:44 Written by [user id=114505] on 26.02.2012 at 19:49 For the love of god please change your profile pic.
Cuca Beludo Account deleted |
27.02.2012 - 03:35 Cuca Beludo
Account deleted Written by Boxcar Willy on 26.02.2012 at 22:44 Anything for the love of god. The truth is, I don't know which picture to upload, but this shit should be good.
Slayer666 |
27.02.2012 - 21:02 Written by Conemetal on 22.02.2012 at 02:12 I don't think that highly of it, really. Metal evolved for the best, and I like it that way. 70's and 80's stuff sounds pretty boring and outdated most of the time to me.
Milena gloom cookie Staff |
03.03.2012 - 21:14 Written by Conemetal on 22.02.2012 at 02:12 This year in September I will not qualify as a teen anymore, but here's an opinion: it really rocks. Queen is still my all time favorite band, and I absolutely adore old school heavy metal bands, as well as a lot of rock bands. I don't think it's outdated, it has soul. And a lot of youngsters start on it. Your generation brought us kick ass music
---- 7.0 means the album is good
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena |
03.03.2012 - 21:29
Need to mention this,"Teenage Metalstormers are t00 g00d with xXdeathcoreXx st00f". K@@p it Up!
whatsacow |
05.03.2012 - 05:29 Written by Cynic Metalhead on 03.03.2012 at 21:29 Sarcasm will not be tolerated on the internet.
---- When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
whatsacow |
05.03.2012 - 05:31 Written by Milena on 03.03.2012 at 21:14 Whoo! I am older than someone for once!
---- When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena |
05.03.2012 - 07:15 Written by whatsacow on 05.03.2012 at 05:29 You just had a "moo" opinion. anyways, opinions do vary.
whatsacow |
05.03.2012 - 08:36 Written by Cynic Metalhead on 05.03.2012 at 07:15 Im probably going to look like a retard for asking this, but what is a "moo" opinion?
---- When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena |
05.03.2012 - 11:30 Written by whatsacow on 05.03.2012 at 08:36 It's a cow's opinion. Do give a respect to it.
vezzy Stallmanite |
07.03.2012 - 18:23
A cow's opinion is moot. Damn, I'm good.
---- Licensed under the GPLv3. Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
akvan |
20.07.2012 - 21:02
What's happening here ? i wasn't here for a few days , what's discussion ? i'm in
---- Think about it . Every generation gets some new frontier to tackle . Einstein got relativity , The Nasa cowboys got the moon . All the easy stuff is taken , Artificial consciousness is the next frontier !
Thrashette Account deleted |
21.07.2012 - 01:00 Thrashette
Account deleted
I remember those good old days when I was a teenage metalstormer... I suddenly feel old now lol
Reza Account deleted |
21.07.2012 - 02:20 Reza
Account deleted Written by [user id=27368] on 21.07.2012 at 01:00 Time goes too fast !
Thrashette Account deleted |
21.07.2012 - 03:53 Thrashette
Account deleted Written by [user id=41780] on 21.07.2012 at 02:20 Yea, but the only thing I actually miss about my teen years is all the time I had on my hands
21.07.2012 - 06:11
Y'all need to GTFO, were talking about getting our first cars, and getting drunk because were underage.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist Staff |
21.07.2012 - 17:05 Written by Boxcar Willy on 21.07.2012 at 06:11 Says the kid who posts in the 35+ thread.
---- "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
21.07.2012 - 17:52 Written by Troy Killjoy on 21.07.2012 at 17:05 It doesn't matter, I'm a teenage rebel.
Thrashette Account deleted |
21.07.2012 - 18:05 Thrashette
Account deleted
There's no thread for 20-34 year olds (as far as I know), so that's my excuse for posting here
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena |
21.07.2012 - 18:32 Written by [user id=27368] on 21.07.2012 at 18:05 Babe, we can meet somewhere else.
Sync Account deleted |
21.07.2012 - 20:38 Sync
Account deleted
I'd like to think of myself as really hardcore; - I steal 'Pick 'n Mix' - I smoke chocolate cigarettes - Everytime my dad isn't looking, I take a sip of shandy before I get dizzy - I talk like shit to people - on the internet - I stay up past 8:30 Dare anyone beat me?
vezzy Stallmanite |
26.07.2012 - 11:09 Written by [user id=122079] on 21.07.2012 at 20:38 ...This person has skill. I don't dare challenge him.
---- Licensed under the GPLv3. Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
snake? snaaaake! Account deleted |
26.07.2012 - 15:25 snake? snaaaake!
Account deleted Written by [user id=122079] on 21.07.2012 at 20:38 YOU BASTARD!!! It was you who ran woolworths out of business wasn't it?
Sync Account deleted |
26.07.2012 - 15:39 Sync
Account deleted Written by [user id=115335] on 26.07.2012 at 15:25 First it was those little Milka bars, then it went onto those Triangle Quality Streets. And then, soon after that they didn't know what hit then. BAM! THEIR MASSIVE COLA BOTTLES! But taking Pick 'n Mix in Blockbusters is another challenge. Goddamn CCTV.
Guib Thrash Talker |
23.08.2012 - 06:46 Written by [user id=27368] on 21.07.2012 at 18:05 Good one, it seems when you reach 20.. you're an uninteresting shit lol nobody cares about you trying to own a house, pay your newly found bills and try to fucking survive in a world filled with rich ass fuck baby boomers.
---- - Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff - Guib's List Of Essential Albums - Also Thrash Paradise Thrash Here
Warman Erotic Stains |
23.08.2012 - 14:38 Written by Guib on 23.08.2012 at 06:46 People always claim that "the teenage years are hard and confusing". Well boo-fucking-hoo. Life gets so much harder the older you get. What's hard and confusing as a teenager? Watching your penis grow (although it kinda hurt when my testicles were growing)? Except for the major changes in your body, when you leave the teenage years everything you thought was hard just gets harder. Instead of elementary and high school you get the university, which can't barely even be compared to each other. Instead of having parents paying for food and a bed to sleep in, you have to do it, with money you earn, with a job that took you ages to get, coming home to a crappy apartment with bills that you didn't even knew exist a couple of years ago to pay (Home insurance bill? WTF? Do I have that? And didn't I just pay that for the whole year? Has it gone a year already?). Worrying about getting a cool boy- or girlfriend? That also gets harder when you get older, because you're soon at an age where you maybe have to think about starting a family, if you ever thought about having one. So you have to be a lot more thorough when looking for a partner, because you don't have years to waste on someone you actually weren't really sure about in the beginning. And this was not a rant over this topic or the people writing in it. I just came to think of this when you said that you're not that interesting anymore when you've passed 20. This was just a rant over the situation I think many of us are in. Overall, it's not that bad really. And I actually don't have a crappy apartment, I have a great one.
Thrashette Account deleted |
24.08.2012 - 03:50 Thrashette
Account deleted Written by Warman on 23.08.2012 at 14:38 Totally agree. One can only wonder what life becomes when we reach 30... I guess teens have it hard in the sense of still trying to find their place and there's a lot of emotional growing up as well. I think that can continue well passed the teen years to some extent, but at least people gain more insight and experience with age. And of course there's unstable teenage hormones and stuff. I was depressed a lot during my teen years, and I get way more annoyed when people say being a teenager is the best time of your life. Fuck, I'd hate to see the rest of life if that's true... It probably didn't help that I was really shy and socially awkward at that time though. I moved back in with my parents last year, so I don't have it as hard as some other people in the same age group and my only big expenses are school stuff and transportation. And I also have the excuse that I can't worry about starting a family since I'll be in school for a good while longer. But I do know how it is having to take the idea of a relationship more seriously. I feel like I had to give up so many things I enjoy for school and work. I remember back in my teen years when I actually had time for everything I wanted to do, and still had countless extra hours to waste. Now I'm lucky if I get to watch tv for a bit or have the occasional night out with friends.
Cuca Beludo Account deleted |
27.08.2012 - 03:18 Cuca Beludo
Account deleted Written by [user id=122079] on 21.07.2012 at 20:38 YOU ARE HERE TO DRINK MILK! I almost broke one rule...
Guib Thrash Talker |
27.08.2012 - 05:11 Written by Warman on 23.08.2012 at 14:38 I like you dude...
---- - Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff - Guib's List Of Essential Albums - Also Thrash Paradise Thrash Here
CobiWan1993 Secundum Filium |
05.10.2012 - 18:53
I'm part adult / part teen here. lol
---- Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe (Lao Tzu).