Clandestine Cuts Vol. 9 Issue #12 - Awesome New Demos and EPs

Written by: | Nefarious, RaduP, nikarg, Starvynth |
Published: | January 14, 2020 |
Clandestine Cuts Volume 9, Issue #12
The Metal Storm Demo/EP Spotlight
Brand New Independent Metal Lives Here.
Welcome to the Clandestine Cuts!
Welcome to the Clandestine Cuts!
Is independent, unsigned, and underground metal what you seek? Weary traveller of the metal world, rest here a while. Clandestine Cuts are the best demos and EPs from these bands, the heart and soul of metal music. These musicians are slaves to their passions, and their blood keeps the metal machine alive and turning. Support them with a simple listen, and discover the future.
Metal Storm users: you can vote in the poll below to choose your favourite demo/EP of the issue. The winners each year are nominated in our annual Metal Storm Awards so exercise your rights: this is the one category chosen completely by YOU the readers. Make sure your favourite independent metal is recognized each year!
(Think your band has what it takes to be featured in the Cuts? Email to submit your music.)
In case you're new at this, go back and enjoy our last few issues:
Clandestine Cuts Vol. 9 #11
Clandestine Cuts Vol. 9 #10
Clandestine Cuts Vol. 9 #9
And now to the new music...
Exomnia - Aftermath [Melodeath] Listen at Bandcamp This is the debut EP of a Greek band, but honestly I wish it was a demo instead, for the simple reason that it would mean these songs would eventually get re-recorded with more experience and a bigger budget down the line once more people get ahold of the potential at play here. The songs here are obviously in a fairly raw form, but the signs of amateurism aren't as obvious as I would've expected. Though the music isn't very original, some slightly folky, slightly proggy brand of Scandinavian melodeath, it does have a bit of ambition within it and it did manage to actually get me to care about the melodies that it brought forth and even surprise me once or twice. Hence why I would enjoy hearing them in a more polished form. But it's not like I doubt the band's ability to scrap these songs and actually create something even better. Maybe even go a bit harder on the death and prog parts of their sound. Regardless, something to look forward to. by RaduP | ![]() |
![]() | Chat Pile - Remove Your Skin Please [Post-Punk / Noise Rock / Sludge] Listen at Bandcamp You know, that's something I've been searching for such a long while to varying degrees of success, but there it fucking is. A blend of post-punk and metal that actually works. Because they found out that the melding substance between the two should be copious amounts of 90s noise rock. Oklahoma's Chat Pile did release another EP this year, This Dungeon Earth (listen here), which was significantly darker and sludgier. Remove Your Skin Please did make for a release with a much more uncomfortable and ominous sound, very reminiscent of Daughters' latest album. Some of the tracks are closer to the pure 90s noise rock worship, others take the gothic post-punk (especially in the drumming) and manage to make the bass so heavy and noisy and honestly gigantic to blend it so seamlessly with the sludgy tendencies. Cathartically insane vocals to help complement it all, sometimes even getting into pure metal territories along with the bordering on death metal buzzsaw sound that the bass can get. I certainly want more of the post-punk sound blended with metal, but so far noise rock is still the main dish that Chat Pile serve. But damn what a great serving. by RaduP |
Undeath - Sentient Autolysis [Death] Listen at Bandcamp What the fuck is going on in that cover art? It's like a comic panel but like one drawn by Junji Ito on meth. And just as filthy and indecipherable is the death metal on Sentient Autolysis. Sixteen minutes of riffs that would've sounded grand, but are so covered in bloody slime and rot that there's barely anything left other than a sentient corpse of what could be a Bolt Thrower-esque record on a good day but is now a caveman on your front porch. It is the absolute opposite of cavernous death metal. It's still raw and muddy, but it's out there in the open. And it will kill you. A death chunky and ugly, just like the metal on this demo. I almost almost don't wanna hear the riffs in a more pristine sound because the slime is so good, but also the riffs are so good that I kinda wanna, and this is killing me. by RaduP | ![]() |
![]() | Lamp Of Murmuur - Melancholy Howls In Ceremonial Penitence [Black] Listen at Bandcamp Lamp Of Murmuur plays lo-fi, second-wave, raw, bleak, miserable and hostile black metal. No news here. But the ambience is so nocturnal and frightening, and the blending of chaos and melody makes for such a compelling dark ritual that feels as trve as they come. Of the three demos released in 2019, my favourite is Melancholy Howls In Ceremonial Penitence. Unfortunately, you can't stream/download more than one track from either this demo or from Chasing The Path Of The Hidden Master, which came shortly after it, because the band wants you to buy physical copies. Guess what though; they are all sold out. So good luck with your YouTube search (there is an unofficial upload that I am not allowed to link) and also the first demo, [url=]Thunder Vigil And Ecstasy[/url], is actually available to download for free. by nikarg |
Chthonic Deity - Reassembled In Pain [Death] Listen at Bandcamp Chthonic Deity is a three-piece from Denver, Colorado featuring members of Scolex (Erika Osterhout), Ascended Dead (Charlie Koryn), and Blood Incantation (Paul Riedl). The band has released a split EP with Runemagick prior to this debut demo and the songs on Reassembled In Pain are evidently crafted and performed by seasoned and talented musicians. Their death metal is cavernous and old-school, with a punky, d-beat side mixed with a doomier and more crushing approach. There is no guitar wankery present, just actual killer riffs. Discussing originality is useless here; these people just make death metal that sounds like death metal. by nikarg | ![]() |
![]() | Sanguisugabogg - Pornographic Seizures [Brutal Death] Listen at Bandcamp Unreadable logo and trippy artwork; these two things usually are enough for me to check out a release but this one comes recommended by Perturbator as well. So yeah, another reason to listen. Sanguisugabogg (whatever that means) come from Ohio and claim that they "are not responsible for any instantaneous vomiting upon listening". It's not that they don't try hard enough with Pornographic Seizures; their death metal is based on caveman riffs and vile vocals that hurt the ears and upset the stomach. This debut EP is some really filthy piece of sludgy and brutal death metal, down-tuned and putrid to the core, that you can play to someone who asks you how you define "heavy". And the drumming is awesome. Now, go empty your bowels before you listen. by nikarg |
Crypts - Promo / Demo [Death] Listen at Bandcamp It was December 28, 2019 in the city of Lingen when the mighty thrash metal veterans of Sodom were on the road to perform the third from last set of their Thrashing December German Tour 2019. Now that I am aware of this past event, I really wish I could have been there - to see the supporting act and to get my hands on a physical copy of their first promo demo... Crypts were formed in 2018 by members of Mourning Caress, Savagery, Warhead and Black Space Riders, but contrary to most of the aforementioned bands, Crypts have devoted their talents to play old school death metal and damn it, do they have delivered a truly excellent piece of work here! If these two tracks of straightforward but catchy, flawlessly executed and simply adorable OSDM are supposed to be just the foretaste of an already announced album of the same quality, then 2020 might even see the day to finally forgive and forget all the misery and the world's woes of 2011 - who knows? by Starvynth | ![]() |
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