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When bands change their singer?

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Posted by ToMegaTherion, 30.09.2009 - 06:44
I guess this is fairly open topic, talk about some aspect of this concept.
What do you do when your favorite band changes its singer?
Have there been any bands who have changed their singer for the better/worse?
Best/Worst singer change?

Anyway the general idea is to open up this discussion, because Im curious what people have to say about this. Because its one thing to change a drummer or a bass player, or an ok guitarist, a band can replase them and move on, but it is to a much less extent for singers. Yes there have been some good changes ie, Paul Di Anno - Bruce Dickinson, Tom Greely - Mat Barlow as well as probably a few others.
Overall I would say if you change your singer you change the most 'human' element of the music, very few bands do it and maintain their album sales and quality.

BTW - Tarja Turunan - Anette Olzen was a great move by Nightwish
30.09.2009 - 16:03
Lactation Cnslt
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 30.09.2009 at 15:51

Written by Dangerboner on 30.09.2009 at 15:49

Yeah I know. Bush still sucks though

No, he doesn't
He's a brilliant vocalist. I can fully understand why Metallica wanted him on vocals originally.

I like how he sounds on Raising Fear by Armored Saint, but he took a more dull approach on vocals for Anthrax. Whether or not it was by choice or age I dunno, but his singing lacked the personality that Joey had. But, even Joey's voice couldn't help their shitty album, Persistence of Time lol
30.09.2009 - 20:07
Account deleted
Yeah generally its a disaster when it happens, yet in some cases it changes for the Joutsen going to Amorphis was a helluva improvement. Recently Scar Symmetry got 2 vocalists to replace Christian Alvestam - which worked out ok. The problem isnt the quality of their vocals, Robert Karlsson's growls are sometimes indistinguishable from Alvestam's and the clean vocals of Lars are good. The problem is they probably arent as talented as Alvestam when it comes to WRITING the vocal passages and Lars especially seems to fall a little flat when it comes to the vocal melodies. He sings well enough, but I dont think hes got the talent or the range to sing the way Alvestam does.

Who knows, its his first album with the band, I think he probably tried to play it safe which is understandable. Hopefully he will be a bit more daring on the next album..
30.09.2009 - 20:30
It is diffrent when singer who is not fontman of the band leaves the band.For example,If james hetfiled would leave metallica it would be terrible.But in some other cases would be diffrent.You can't imagine bands like metallica,Megadeth Iron Maiden etc. without their singers.
Will the ones who live after our end
Worship the goddamn cross again?
30.09.2009 - 20:46
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by terrorist on 30.09.2009 at 20:30

It is diffrent when singer who is not fontman of the band leaves the band.For example,If james hetfiled would leave metallica it would be terrible.But in some other cases would be diffrent.You can't imagine bands like metallica,Megadeth Iron Maiden etc. without their singers.

What do you mean a singer who is not a forntman?
The singer is always the frontman. The term frontman refers to the vocalist and not to for example the non-singing guitarist, non-singing bas player, non-singing drummer (although those are somehow never reffered to as frontman) etc.

Btw, for me it is possible to imagine Iron Maiden without their singer...because to me Paul DiAnno was actually better than Bruce Dickinson and I also like Dickinson singing in Maiden.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

01.10.2009 - 00:57
Written by GamlaSonn on 30.09.2009 at 14:55

Yes, what you say makes sense, I agree it probably was for the better for both parts, but just commented it must suck for him to get booted by his friends. Hm, I'm not sure if the average AE fan cares more about the Amott's or Angela, people tend to think the front(wo)man is most important, don't you think? I mean, teenage girls is fascinated by Angela "omg she can growl and she's a girl shes my idol" etc. Of course, anyone with a clue about Michael's history would see the obvious choice.

Yeah it would suck, but its not exactly the first time its happened. Just look at Dave Mustaine with Metallica. You are quite correct a lot of people are very curious about Angela on the basis of "She is a woman". I must admit when I first saw them I was more than a little curious, so it is hard to say wether or not people in general like the band for Angela or the Amotts. I suppose it would be something of a mix.
As for Michaels history, she was his girlfriend wasn't she? I did read about it a few years ago, but my memory isn't the most relyable.
01.10.2009 - 01:06
Written by terrorist on 30.09.2009 at 20:30

It is diffrent when singer who is not fontman of the band leaves the band.For example,If james hetfiled would leave metallica it would be terrible.But in some other cases would be diffrent.You can't imagine bands like metallica,Megadeth Iron Maiden etc. without their singers.

I don't think it is posible that the singer is not in the front of peoples minds when they see a band. You can see and average band with a great singer and still enjoy it, but if you see a brilliant band with a crap singer suddenly it dosn't sound so good. Because their voice is 'human', it will naturally draw more attention than say a bass player or drummer. But it is not to say singers arn't replaceable, but 9 times out of 10 it is a desaster.
01.10.2009 - 17:35
X-Ray Rod
Written by Dangerboner on 30.09.2009 at 14:05

Another plus: Mortuus/Arioch becoming the Marduk vocalist

I fully agree with that one... I always thought that the vocals before wwere pretty generic. Mortuus/Arioch has a really impressive voice.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

01.10.2009 - 17:59
Erotic Stains
The only band that has bothered me so far with the change of a singer is Nightwish. Other than that I don't think I can complain so far.
01.10.2009 - 19:38
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Warman on 01.10.2009 at 17:59

The only band that has bothered me so far with the change of a singer is Nightwish. Other than that I don't think I can complain so far.

Well I totaly agree whit you, but also 3th and the Mortal when Kari left, Thatre of Tragedy, The Gathering , some 80's bands to, but NW is TOp1 dispaoiment after Traje left and will be till Steave Harris kick out Bruce and take Tokojo hotel singer
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
01.10.2009 - 20:25
hi-fi / lo-life
Uh, Mike Patton.

Yes, I know there are some misled people out there who prefer Chuck Mosley, but I'd advise them to stop snorting coke...
01.10.2009 - 20:51
Valentin B
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 30.09.2009 at 20:46

Written by terrorist on 30.09.2009 at 20:30

It is diffrent when singer who is not fontman of the band leaves the band.For example,If james hetfiled would leave metallica it would be terrible.But in some other cases would be diffrent.You can't imagine bands like metallica,Megadeth Iron Maiden etc. without their singers.

What do you mean a singer who is not a forntman?
The singer is always the frontman. The term frontman refers to the vocalist and not to for example the non-singing guitarist, non-singing bas player, non-singing drummer (although those are somehow never reffered to as frontman) etc.

well out of memory i can only name Manowar as a band which has a instrument player that also talks extensively to rouse up the audience etc... maybe Iced Earth too but Jon leaves that to Barlow mostly, though i'm sure there's more bands like that. i would say Joey DeMaio is a half-frontman(along with being a half-wit and a half-decent bass player)
02.10.2009 - 00:50
Account deleted
It doesn't bug me entirely if a band decides to change up it's vocals, and bring someone else into the mix, however if the singer being replaced has a long-standing history and influence on the overall sound of the band that would be compromised if replaced, then I mind.
Sometimes the singer in a band makes up a certain whole of that band, and would leave a missing fraction of the group, and the material it releases if changed.
However ; If a band can successfully change it's singer, and maintain the same sound, style, and influence as they did before the switch, then I don't really mind at all.
02.10.2009 - 00:58
Written by Warman on 01.10.2009 at 17:59

The only band that has bothered me so far with the change of a singer is Nightwish. Other than that I don't think I can complain so far.

Myeah, same here. Though. No, wait. Scar Symmetry. <_<
Nightwish has totally changed their style since Tarja was kicked out of the band, that's confusing me but otherwise - no big deal if the music doesn't change much.
02.10.2009 - 01:12
Fat & Sassy!
Written by jupitreas on 01.10.2009 at 20:25

Uh, Mike Patton.

Yes, I know there are some misled people out there who prefer Chuck Mosley, but I'd advise them to stop snorting coke...

Yeah, Mike saved that band. While, at times, Chucks's vocals were funny... he sorta sucks.
02.10.2009 - 01:38
Written by jupitreas on 01.10.2009 at 20:25

Uh, Mike Patton.

Yes, I know there are some misled people out there who prefer Chuck Mosley, but I'd advise them to stop snorting coke...

Actually this is a good one, Mike Patton is an amazing musician.
02.10.2009 - 22:19
Fat & Sassy!
(Hope this isn't off-topic, but...) Actually, I sort of wish that Black Sabbath would have had a different singer during their first few albums... Ozzy just bores me, but the music is just so good. What do you guys think?
03.10.2009 - 03:16
Chucky's Bride
Written by Fat & Sassy! on 02.10.2009 at 22:19

(Hope this isn't off-topic, but...) Actually, I sort of wish that Black Sabbath would have had a different singer during their first few albums... Ozzy just bores me, but the music is just so good. What do you guys think?

I think Dio is better than Ozzy as frontman for Sabbath, the change also helped the band move into the 80s. Basically to me Sabbath is six albums, the first four with Ozzy and the two with Dio, Dio sort of revitalised the band who again seemed to fade out when he left.

To me the best vocal change of all time is the Misfits. Both periods are fantastic. The Danzig one was dark and raw and the Graves one more polished and aggresive. I honestly love both eras of the band and do not consider losing Danzig as a disaster as the band went on the write excellent music in concordance to its times and probably avoided the inevitable, "this is becoming boring" that most bands go through.

"Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun and the rain (we can be like they are)."
03.10.2009 - 22:39
Fat & Sassy!
Written by Haddonfield on 03.10.2009 at 03:16

Written by Fat & Sassy! on 02.10.2009 at 22:19

(Hope this isn't off-topic, but...) Actually, I sort of wish that Black Sabbath would have had a different singer during their first few albums... Ozzy just bores me, but the music is just so good. What do you guys think?

I think Dio is better than Ozzy as frontman for Sabbath, the change also helped the band move into the 80s. Basically to me Sabbath is six albums, the first four with Ozzy and the two with Dio, Dio sort of revitalised the band who again seemed to fade out when he left.

To me the best vocal change of all time is the Misfits. Both periods are fantastic. The Danzig one was dark and raw and the Graves one more polished and aggresive. I honestly love both eras of the band and do not consider losing Danzig as a disaster as the band went on the write excellent music in concordance to its times and probably avoided the inevitable, "this is becoming boring" that most bands go through.

Dio actually is on 3 Sabbath albums (Heaven and Hell, Mob Rules and Dehumanizer).

And yeah, Matt Graves is just as raw as Danzig.
04.10.2009 - 21:24
Chucky's Bride
Written by Fat & Sassy! on 03.10.2009 at 22:39

Dio actually is on 3 Sabbath albums (Heaven and Hell, Mob Rules and Dehumanizer).

My bad but I've never managed to get into the other albums, just the six mentionned.

"Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun and the rain (we can be like they are)."
04.10.2009 - 21:33
Fat & Sassy!
Written by Haddonfield on 04.10.2009 at 21:24

Written by Fat & Sassy! on 03.10.2009 at 22:39

Dio actually is on 3 Sabbath albums (Heaven and Hell, Mob Rules and Dehumanizer).

My bad but I've never managed to get into the other albums, just the six mentionned.

Naturally, those are the only albums that are worth listening to anyway. Also, the latest Heaven and Hell (formally known as Black Sabbath) is pretty good. Dio is on that one too.
04.10.2009 - 21:39
Chucky's Bride
Written by Fat & Sassy! on 04.10.2009 at 21:33

Written by Haddonfield on 04.10.2009 at 21:24

Written by Fat & Sassy! on 03.10.2009 at 22:39

Dio actually is on 3 Sabbath albums (Heaven and Hell, Mob Rules and Dehumanizer).

My bad but I've never managed to get into the other albums, just the six mentionned.

Naturally, those are the only albums that are worth listening to anyway. Also, the latest Heaven and Hell (formally known as Black Sabbath) is pretty good. Dio is on that one too.

I've heard but I'm sceptic about it, you know the fear of sudden disapointment.

"Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun and the rain (we can be like they are)."
17.10.2009 - 15:34
Speed Metal God
Well My Biggest Breakdown when lance king left Pyramaze in 2006 and left behind him 2 masterpieces !! then who replaced him was the front singer of iced earth Matthew Barlow ..this change fucked me up specialy when they released the new album with him !! so bad album( in singing section ) comparing to lace king's previous releases !!
Lance King is the only american dude who i respect his vocals and musicianship in general !! he left a great impact in the danish crue !!
Wintermoon Calls you, Follow It And You Will Be Proud Forever.
19.10.2009 - 18:56
Account deleted
I dont care for sepultura after arise but i must say that derrek greene sucks.
19.10.2009 - 19:39
Yeah, Sepultura changed Max Cavallera to Derek Green.
Kipelov went away from Aria, and Artur Berkut is now in Aria.
Turonen Tarja - off the Nigthwish.
I think that it sometimes useful to refresh sound and to create perspective albums.
19.10.2009 - 20:24
Dark Phoenix
I bascially hate it when a band changes a singer of a totally differenty quality and ascpect of singing. I'm not saying bands should get a copy, far from that, diversity is admirable, but when the difference between the original vocalist and the current is too big, it reflects negatively on their older songs.

For example, I can't get over Maryangela Demurtas singing songs Vibeke Stene originally did with Tristania. Vibs was an operatic singer, whilst Maryangela has this badass rock stlye and when she sings anything up to Ashes, it's just horrible. And I don't find Mary a bad singer, far from that, but she just can't interpret the older songs and thus, for me, ruins it.

As oppose to that, Nell Sigland was a great replacement for Liv Kristine in Theatre of Tragedy, both have this gentle, sweet voice; Nell's a bit colder than Liv was, but she handles the old songs very well.
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
15.01.2010 - 05:32
Exodus sounded better back in the day but the change was good because the band didn't decrease the sound was different but nothing bad.
21.12.2010 - 19:08
As a metal band, I don't definitely focus on the vocalist of the band. If we treat singer as one sort of instruments who expresses concepts or emotions just by words, then, singers are nothing special than other parts of the band. I mean, I always put premium on whole balance and the feeling of any songs, not just listen to the singers totally. Maybe we would not accept new voice, and familiar singers are attractive, but no longer come back. From another aspect, vocalists can't always stand most part in metal fans' heart. I think that the best part of metal is the whole construction and the pure expression toward music. This work is shared equally by vocalist, bass, guitar,keyboard and drums. None of them can emphasizes the importance of it's existence.
21.12.2010 - 20:21
Account deleted
Good topic!

well, there's always a risk when bands change their vocalist because obviously, sometimes it works, sometimes it does not. And there are many examples for both situations. For example I like Bush era Anthrax; I think it worked well for them. Dio replacing Ozzy worked well as well, Heaven and Hell is a great album. Coverdale and Hughes joining Deep Purple worked great as well, Burn is an amazing album if you ask me, and the two follow up albums are good albums as well. I cannot say the same thing about the Joe Lynn Turner album (Slaves and masters), although not a bad album, I for one don't wanna hear JLT sing in Purple, it's one of DP's weakest efforts.

Ray Adler joining Fates Warning worked out well, too. Zachary Stevens joining Savatage was an improvement IMO to Jon Oliva's singing.

Some examples when the change did not work would be John Lawton replacing David Byron in Uriah Heep. Lawton sounded bluesier, not bad, but Byron had an amazing vocal range, Lawton did not. To make matters worse, the singer to replace Lawton was even worse, the young John Sloman who sang on Conquest (1980).

Ian Gillan singing in Black Sabbath was a mistake in my humble opinion, I for one was rather confused . The songwriting on that album was poor and Gillan did not deliver a good performance.

Paul Rodgers joining Queen was bad idea in the end simply because the studio album they did together was simply dull.

Blaze Bayley was a wrong choice to replace Bruce Dickinson, although I do like The X Factor. he is way inferior to Bruce and the band did not use him properly, the guy is pretty talented (or so i realized listening later to his albums).

I'm not very fond of Ripper Owens in Judas Priest although i can't say the albums they made with him are bad.

That's all i can think of right now, I'll be back if I remember other situations.
21.12.2010 - 20:35
Account deleted
I don't care if they changed the vocal if they still strong in the instrumental part, like Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy, Morbid Angel, and Decapitated etc.
23.05.2011 - 06:24
I much prefer Paul Baloff over the other Exodus vocalists.