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Posted by Unknown user, 30.11.2011 - 21:04
Now im just curious, but i wanted to know if there are any mormons on this site. I am, and pretty much everyone i know who is also mormon does not like metal because they think its evil, with exception to a few of my friends and my dad, who all know more about metal than the average person. Now im not here to preach to anyone and i dont want to hear your anti-mormon bullshit. But if you have anthything worth saying on this matter then i would be pleased to hear about it.
Do you have mormon friends, or are you mormon? Say what ever you would like, just no bashing or arguing.
05.12.2011 - 23:53
Troy Killjoy
Written by Dangerboner on 05.12.2011 at 22:53
Identifying Mormonism with polygamy is like identifying Catholicism with child rape.
And I don't know why the OP says Mormons think metal is evil, unless he lives in some isolated part of humanity

Catholicism =/= child rape? :s

As for the second part, I think he's part of the stereotypical Mormon scene - the one that does go hand-in-hand with polygamy.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
06.12.2011 - 00:02
X-Ray Rod
Written by Troy Killjoy on 05.12.2011 at 23:53
I think he's part of the stereotypical Mormon scene - the one that does go hand-in-hand with polygamy.

From what I've seen, the stereotype you're talking about seem to be a far smaller group to be called stereotype. I don't know if it's an US thing or not but I have NEVER heard "polygamy" and "mormon" in the same sentence either in Sweden and Chile. It almost seems to be some really old stuff that most mormons stopped to do and a few "old-fashion" mormons continue to do and because it's not considered "normal"then they get more attention than those who don't do polygamy.

Just a theory there...
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

06.12.2011 - 00:04
Troy Killjoy
Written by X-Ray Rod on 06.12.2011 at 00:02
Just a theory there...

Most likely true. In Western culture we have different stereotypes of things.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
06.12.2011 - 00:51
Account deleted
Written by Dangerboner on 05.12.2011 at 22:53

Mormons are no more or less absurd than any other Christian religion. Identifying Mormonism with polygamy is like identifying Catholicism with child rape.

And I don't know why the OP says Mormons think metal is evil, unless he lives in some isolated part of humanity

Now my bishop told me that i really shouldnt be listening to bands like "Megadeth" or "AC/DC" or "Slayer" because it detracts from the spirit of the Holy Ghost and brings forth the spirit of Satan, plus many of the super mormon kids and adults in my seminary and church do feel as if metal is pretty much evil because of the same reasoning. Everyone has their beliefs, i do follow my churh but i love metal as well, and i do have some mormon enough friends that love metal as well. Plus i live in Utah so there are alot of mormons here.
12.12.2011 - 07:41
I thought about starting up a Mormonism thread earlier, but I got beaten to the punch.

I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints since birth (Utahn), but I've been in metal for only about five years. My parents kind of hung on to the "metal is bad" thing, so I really didn't seek it out until I went on my mission where one of my companions (we work in twos) was a major metalhead. Totally blew me away. Anyways, I come home and he sends me a handful of metal music in the mail and (essentially) the rest is history. My parents don't care about it that much ("You're an adult, blah, blah, blah"), mostly because they don't like to listen to anything that loud anymore. While I mostly hang out in the Melodic Metals, I listen to some Thrash and MeloDeath.

As for the Polygamy thing, here's the deal: The LDS Church practiced polygamy from about 1832 to 1880-ish. Since then, any "Mormons" who practiced it were ones who broke off into splinter groups that still exist, often under the name of Fundamental Mormons or something similar. The main church hasn't consented to any polygamous marriages in over 100 years; you'd think they'd understand. I don't care for the "It's just like Catholics and child rape" analogy, though. I understand the point, but it does come of as sounding like polygamy wasn't consensual, which it was.

For what it's worth, I'd be willing to answer any semi-intelligent question anyone would have about the church.
12.12.2011 - 20:42
Account deleted
Written by bj_waters on 12.12.2011 at 07:41

I thought about starting up a Mormonism thread earlier, but I got beaten to the punch.

I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints since birth.

Its nice to see another metalhead on here that has the same religious beliefs.

23.04.2012 - 07:50
So, hey, guys. Did you hear? There's a Mormon running for President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN MALI!!!

I think this is kind of cool. Of course, Mali is having some issues with an insurgence, throwing the elections into uncertainty, but I still think it's worth posting.

To be honest, I'm tired of hearing about Mitt Romney, but then again I get Presidential-Election-Campaign-Burnout every four years as it happens in America. I'll vote in November (not saying who, mostly because I haven't decided), but I still think it kind of sucks to see it all over the place.
06.10.2012 - 20:04
I can only hope that you aren't terribly annoyed by this, but I figured I really had nothing to lose, so here goes.

Right now, the LDS Church is having its General Conference and everyone is welcome to watch or listen even in their own language (maybe).

For what its worth.
09.03.2016 - 17:48
Written by [user id=115824] on 06.12.2011 at 00:51

Now my bishop told me that i really shouldnt be listening to bands like "Megadeth" or "AC/DC" or "Slayer" because it detracts from the spirit of the Holy Ghost and brings forth the spirit of Satan, plus many of the super mormon kids and adults in my seminary and church do feel as if metal is pretty much evil because of the same reasoning. Everyone has their beliefs, i do follow my churh but i love metal as well, and i do have some mormon enough friends that love metal as well. Plus i live in Utah so there are alot of mormons here.

You might be able to say that about a band like Dissection. I highly doubt it can actually summon demons, but the guy is a murderer, and Dissection has far from a "positive" message. He's probably got more of a point about things that are blasphemous for the sake of blasphemy: Deicide, Behemoth, they are putting out an anti-Chrisitian message.

Now take a band like Amon Amarth. What the heck is wrong with them? It's like the musical version of Game of Thrones. And Megadeth? That's more political than anything.

Slayer is critical of the church as far as its hypocrisy but aside from a couple of songs early on Slayer doesn't really lean on blasphemy too much. It's mostly, "war is bad!" (Mandatory Suicide) or "gangs are bad!" (Expendable Youth) type of thing. Nothing really bad about that. If you can watch The Walking Dead then Slayer isn't any worse, imo. "Angel of Death" is kind of special, but oh well. I don't know anyone who's gone and signed up for the Nazis because of "Angel of Death."

Music is just art. I don't get these people who think listening to some band is going to influence you to go and kill people or whatever. Same people were saying Elvis was the devil's music fifty years ago. A bunch of crap.
26.08.2016 - 00:23
I find it amazing that you're into metal at all. The mormons I knew back in school were all very sheltered and were only allowed to listen to certain things. I don't have a very high opinion of Mormonism or religion in general, so I'm not going to say anything against it. But I'm happy that you found your way into metal and didn't completely run away from it, good on you for sure. Metal is huge and accepting of all kinds(most of us anyways).
26.08.2016 - 05:07
Written by DualHelix on 26.08.2016 at 00:23

I find it amazing that you're into metal at all. The mormons I knew back in school were all very sheltered and were only allowed to listen to certain things. I don't have a very high opinion of Mormonism or religion in general, so I'm not going to say anything against it. But I'm happy that you found your way into metal and didn't completely run away from it, good on you for sure. Metal is huge and accepting of all kinds(most of us anyways).

A lot of it has to do with the instruction from the leaders about how we should be aware of the media we consume. We don't think that watching violent films turns people into killers, but we do think we should avoid entertainment that would draw us away from our spiritual goals.

Think about the idiom "You are what you eat." Sure, it's silly if we take it literally, but figuratively, it makes sense. Our health is heavily affected by the things we choose to eat. I think you can apply the same logic to our minds, which consist of all the learning, knowledge, and information we've gained throughout our lives. If you "consume" enough mental poison, it will affect how your mind thinks and works. (Racism would be a great example of this.) It's arguably as important for us to take care of our minds as it is our bodies. (You could also say this logic also applies to one's soul.)

It's with this kind of thinking that has caused Mormons to be fairly conservative (on average) in their entertainment choices. From the outside, heavy metal is aggressive and violent music, and it's not hard not to find objectionable or vulgar lyrics. However, it is worth noting that the "extreme" side of metal tends to get more media attention, and if you aren't in the scene, then you probably think all metal is either Slayer or Korn. It's an outdated stereotype, but outsiders don't bother to learn more as they're focused on their own interests.

For what it's worth, there is no hard standard for what is or is not acceptable music (or books, or movies, or television, etc.). Nobody really thinks a Mormon has gone "apostate" for simply having heavier tastes in music (and if there is one that does think that way, they're overly judgmental jerks who need a swift kick in the pants!).

As for myself, I didn't get into metal really until I was in college. Until then, the hardest stuff I had heard was Def Leppard and later on some Stratovarius tracks I got from a friend. While I'm not to big on all of the profanity, I have always felt fairly welcome in the various online metal communities I've participated in. (Then again, they probably don't know I'm Mormon as religion isn't exactly a topic that comes up often.)

I wouldn't expect too many Mormons giving metal a chance, but we do exist. We promise not to bury the place with funeral potatoes!