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2000-  Nicolas Frère - guitars, vocals, programming
2013-  Maxime Weingand - drums
2018-  Nicolas Cagnoni - bass, vocals
2023-  Hugo Perestrelo - guitars
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2000-2008  Phil - drums
2000-2012  Jérôme - bass, vocals
2009-2012  Fre - drums
2013-2018  Alban Jeandemange - bass, vocals
2020-2021  Mathieu Roszak - guitars
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2017  Fred Boudot - guitars
2007  Nicolas Dick - vocals
2019  Fred Boudot - guitars
2019  Ona Chrysis - vocals
2022  Marion Leclercq - vocals
2022  Stephane Azam - vocals

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For more than 20 years, Membrane ‘has never stopped looking for a semblance of light in the depths of our darkest emotions.’ With Deathly Silence, they once more summon faint rays of light within an overarching bleakness.
Review by musclassia ››

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