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Cathedral Stivhet - Biography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


In winter of 2006, i take my black iron shovel and intent path to search something which will decorate my death when time is ready. So i ran through the darkest forests and coldest mountains to face the gates of Cathedral Stivhet. I step in and find one grave, which is rest in void and silence too long " Antikvlt Bathorior ". Only moment and my shovel hit that cover of a casket. But before his crimson soul may return, i need to sacrifice part of myself. The knife in my own hand slit my throath and blood blaze high up to sky and deep down to grave. And when blood cover that casket it start to steam very hard. And that same moment when i start to fall the goffin door smashed a million pieces and man who owns that grave crawl up and give his strength to me to stand. My face on his shoulder and right hand to other i heard his voice and that one word what he say " Brother ". We forge our first shield ( Kuu kovertuu alla Perkheleen ; 100 copies/sold out ) against the religions in spring of 2008 and finally we have released our second command ( Drakuls Voivod Laws ; rare digipack 100 copies ). And story will not end yet.