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The Sound That Ends Creation - Fitting Through The Crawl Space Between Rhyme And Reason lyrics


01. No Rest For The Workin' Man

Taking orders without seeing
Constant movement without meaning

Keep your dead down
Never look your rulers in the eye
Worship the crown
Dont speak out unless you wish to die

Fall into line
Dont break the line

Don't break the routine
It's the monotony that keeps us safe
You're simple machines
Just keep working and you'll know no strafe

Fall into line
Dont break the line
Fall into line
Dont break the

If you can just work through the day
Well then everything will be okay
If you can just work through the night
Well then everything will be alright

Just work those fingers
To the bone
And don't you fret
You're not alone
Your sons and daughters
Take your place
New contestants
In the great rat race

(you'll make it to that island scene
Just keep up your daily routine)
It's all bull shit
Just believe you'll live the dream
But don't wake up for then you'll see
It's all bullshit
It's all bullshit

Keep walking
Keep working
Keep slaving
Keep behaving
Fall into line

02. Dude, My Job Is Smoking The Dankest Of The Dank

You are an
Piece of shit


Sitting on
Your fat ass
Smoking weed
And faping

Waiting for the world
To give you what you
Think. You're. Owed.

No need to get a job
No need to leave the house

Your parents will take care
Of you sweetiepie

Just write consuela a note

You have it all

Why should you try?

03. Do Kids From Arkansas Ride Horses To School?

Hey you cowboy fucker
Yea you john deer
Please remove your white hood
And put down your pabst
There is a world
Past your fences
A world untouched
By your shitty ideals

Your toothless grin
Is the sadest thing I've ever seen
It's almost as if your brain cells
Were attatched to your teeth
And the only ones remaining are meth-eaten remnants

Red people lie
Black people steal
Yellow people cheat
Brown people kill
You racist fuck
Please god stay over there
We're doing just fine without you
Blindly hating everything you
Don't understand is insane
Just get in your monster truck
Yes the one with the truck nuts
Take your inbred kin with you
They look like they've been "Touched"
I'll even throw in some chew
Anything to make you die more quickly
You piece of human excrement
You should be flushed

04. Uncle Sam Wants You! (To Go Fight For A Corporation)

Why the hell should
We lay down our lives
For your profit margin?
Send us to die
In foreign lands
All for a buck

Why should I
Kill innocents
So you can
Strip their lands?

Killing their people
Only makes more enemies
A never ending war
For your money machine
Profits are high
And business is good

Kill for the
Die for the

05. Your Mom Is Too Big To Fail

You are
Just a
Leaving a trail of shit in your
Wouldn't it be a shame if someone came and squished you?

But your lawyers won't let that work
Lets get you a public defender instead

Lets be honest
The law doesn't
Apply to someone
As wealthy as you
Does it?
No you're the kind
That makes the laws
You're untouchable
And unfeeling
A cunt
Breathing the air
Meant for us

Your majesty
A frankly deplorable scum
Wanting all
But deserving of none
The putrid mole
That first sign
Of cancer
Beneath the skin

Unchecked greed
Has brought you to
The pinnacle
Now it's time to
Throw you

The fuck off

You should be flayed
In public for your crimes
But I'll settle
For a bullet in your spine
It's my final offer
The best one you'll get
Going once
Going twice
Going three times

06. Seeing The World Through The Eyes Of A Bitter Old Man

If you start to get bored
With struggling for your life

Try looking at the world
While walking on your hands

The city up above
A perfect sky below

The backdrop to our meaningful
And perfect existence

Our life
Degrading suffocating
Reaching out
To no response

Waiting for the day we
Violently and grotesquely
Killing each other and
Scalping the land

Believing that we know
The meaning of our existence

07. That's Somebody's Mother You're Messing With

Please refrain from smoking
Just so I can breathe
I'm drowning
In the
Soot you put in my hair
In the
Sewage beneath my skin
In the
Plastic in my veins
I'm dying
It's all your fault!

You had to drive
The biggest cars
How else could you fuck?
You had to keep
Building empty rooms
Coincidently, now there isn't any
You took massive shits
In whatever hole you could

You idiotic animals
You're baically naked monkeys
Shitting in each other's mouths
While piss drips from your lips

You're so arrogant
No comprehension of life around you
You're a parasite
Sucking the life out of everything

Will you
Please just
I'm sick
And tired
Of rape
Please stop

You should just vomit in each other's mouths
Then you might have an idea of what you've done to me
All of you are complicit no matter what you deny
My veins were cut by human hands that is plain to see

08. Ronald Mclandfill

Lured in by smell
People rounded up
Just like sheep
Standing in a line
Waiting just to die

Big mac
Supersize it

Tasty way
To fill
With junk
And chemicals

To consume

The more people shove down their gullet
The more money the company extracts
Force it down
Tamp it down
The more money the company extracts
The more mind altering chemicals they create
It's a gross
Endless cycle

Scooping up some garbage
Coating it with salt
Injecting it with shit
Calling it "Quality"

"Food" full of
Designed to
Get you hooked

09. This Is Your Brain On Propaganda

Why should I care
I don't see it
Why should I care
So what
Why should I care
I don't see it
Why should I care
So what?

It's far away
There's no
Need to worry
Who cares?

There's a war
In another world
There's sex slaves
Not my neighborhood

There's thousands of deaths
Every day

I'm not listening

Deforestation is out of control
In our worlds lungs
Pollution is so bad
Everyone wears masks

This is insane
And it affects

One day these problems
Will land at your feet
Then what will you do?

This is the time
We need to unite
And pull the world together again

So pull your head
Out of your ass
And realize we're all in the same position

10. I Love The Way Your Hair Looks After A Nuclear Holocaust

As I stare through the toxic fumes
I realize that our future, like my patience, is dead
Our empty glass towers the decaying bones
Of our self-serving greed

But still there echoes the song
Of hope played on in faint melodies
Reaching from the ashes of out collapse
Grasping for any remaining
Human hands willing to pull it out
And embrace it with new found love
Ready to start again
Ready to live again

Break down the chains
That imprison you to
A life full of
Sorrow and strife
Wasting your days
And wasting your nights
Hoping someday you'll
Wake up
Wake up

From your nightmare
Waves of despair crashing repeating
The pressure of your
Life suffocating unrelenting

Look inside
Your empty box
And find hope