Leng Tch'e - Death By A Thousand Cuts lyrics
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Tracks 01. Initiate Murder Sequence
02. Strangled By Underwear 03. Hypocriscene 04. I Know Where You've Shit Last Summer 06. Inferior Superiorism 07. Get Rid Of The Rock In Your Name 08. Cockporn 09. The Regular Knot-It-All 10. Chasms 11. Schizotrendic 12. The Scheme 13. Straight Outta Boerecote II 14. Mosh Of The Clowns 15. Human Ignorance 01. Initiate Murder Sequence
How can one decide on the fate of a whole nation?
How can one decide on global exctinction by pushing a button? Life to you is a contest for power Basing your judgement on monetary rules cashing in, live your utopia, why shouldn't you? Judging the world to be puppets and fools egocentrism and pride will decide on our fate your power is a contest for our death 02. Strangled By Underwear
Blablablablablablablablah, Blablablablablablablablablaaaah!!! Stop bitching me around like that, stop commanding me all the time, stop acting like a regular know-it-all Stop telling me what to do, stop interfering with my life, don't you see I'm not your propirty! How should I give you respect? I am your son, but that's all, I am not your toy at all That fridge is coming too close, some moments later I am sure, I feel at my eyesocket and there's some blood Why did you push me fatso, and please don't tell me that you're sorry 'coz you can put your sorry up your ass! But you show no regret at all, instead you make some fun of it, minimizing your share in what happened Stupid egocentric bastard, how could you ever be my father, I hope that you get strangled by underwear! 03. Hypocriscene
Your life, nothing but a facade
your mouth, filled with empty words never true to yourself, the question is why preaching ideologies that are not yours sprend your bullshit in your hypocriscene big mouthed bastard, stay the fuck away from me Two-faced bastard, still you preach too idiotic to build your own thoughts jump on every trend, shallow minded fool do whatever youy friends think is cool criticizing and backstabbing everyone say that you can do everything better but at least they are active in our scene while you're hypocrite sitting on your lazy ass Why can't you be yourself, achieve personality this scene is not about elitism it's about freeing your own thoughts Hypocriscene! 04. I Know Where You've Shit Last Summer
You are driving me mad
with all this new horror crap They should kill Wes Craven for inventing this shit stupid movies about some dumb serial killer or other boring stuff like some pet monster lame and ridiculous shit they make 'coz it sells Horror is meant to score the shit out of you it's films about the macabre and morbid side of us Feelings of anger and hatred, fear and anxieties everyone has 06. Inferior Superiorism
History getting ready to repeat,
national socialism is leading to fascism brainless people with right-winged ideals thinking that they are superior is this the way you want your kids to live for the sake of your utopia? There is no race that is the perfect one, there is no Fuhrer that can save the world! 07. Get Rid Of The Rock In Your Name
You get stoned and fuck as much as you can while you are cashing in
getting laid and earning lots of money is what you think at rock comes straight from the heart and does not to into you wallet I bet you don't even like the music but you love the cash You fucker just saw lots of dollars and so you're selling out now ridiculize yourself if you want to, I don't give a fuck but stay away from our music if you don't even know it little baby you just reduce rock to sex, drugs and money Rock is an attitude that you will never understand you are too childish, just a little baby you come on tv and say without any shame that you're not interested in music, just cash and stupid chicks Get rid on the "Rock" in your name, only "Kid" is already a little better How did you come up with the name Kid Rock, should have named yourself Most Annoying Dick you will probably think that you're so cool, but you only rock the world of some losers your adolescent fans may think you're cool, but remember that nerds invented "cool" everything about you is all fake, you are just playing some kind of real stupid role 08. Cockporn
I'm trying to watch a movie while some losers act real dumb
laughing, talking all the time and now throwing with some popcorn can't you leave me peacefully here and go act tough somewhere else big matches trying to impress some stupid chicks and get sex I'm going to see "Audition" and some machos are going too they're probably expecting to see some gory movie, yeah but they were not prepared for what was coming next they didn't anticipate to observe these cruelties The torture is beginning and the needles are going in a foot is being sawn off and those guys are really shocked their girlfriends are screaming out I'm just laughing now these stupid assholes just shouldn't have come here, no I was just trying to enjoy this movie but as long as losers like this annoy me at the cinema the fun will be less for me they spoil everything they show no respect at all but at least I could laugh at 'em now 09. The Regular Knot-It-All
Sniffing around like a dog marking out its territory
searching a place for taking a piss and some business to put your nose in if I want to hear your opinion I'll fuckin' ask for it don't you get in my way with all your wisdom of life You want to know everything that happens when someone talks you always meddle in even if you don't know what the fuck it's about you still have something to say is your life really so pathetic that you need all this gossip? The regular know-it-all! 10. Chasms
Meaningless lives hanging on the same ideals
force-fed to us by the government and given through, generations of stupidity, don't think too much it this what has to be? Go to school, graduate, go to work, start a family, get a car, buy a house, and get rich, wait 'till you die Thousand of people living in depression, is this your perfect world? A world of greed and consumption, the possible explanation? 11. Schizotrendic
Now you're hardcore, then black metal,
next is death and there comes grind oops there's rap and drum 'n bass and techno comes into your sight I'd like to know who you are, I'd like to know if you are real It's good to have a broad musical taste but don't drop out the underground into mainstream, you change your attitude, your lifestyle, your friends, you fall from one extreme to another I'd like to know who you are, I'd like to know if you are real It's not because you like their music that you have to follow all their friends, do not betray what you stood for, be yourself, don't be a fuckin' trend! 12. The Scheme
Welcome to your perfect scheme
your profit empire found on fashion fake rules backstabbing as long as you get your share as long as the cash is there you just don't care Put your bullshit records up your money stinking hole the empire si falling, the scheme turns into joke Fashion is changing time for another trend time for you to fuck off and eat your own shit it was the perfect scheme 'till you dropped your own believes now you're only crud face your farce and taste the dirt 13. Straight Outta Boerecote II
Ever seen those guys who think they are so metal, acting like posers?
Tough guy-ruin the scene, tough guy-kind of the pit you bang and mosh so violent to hurt some people on purpose tough guy-fucking fag, tough guy-brainless shit wearing steelboots and trying to get in the spotlights Tough guy you're so cool, tough guy you're the fool you think there's "macho" on your face, but there's "retard" written all over you tough guy-stupidity, tough guy-imbecile you just know nothing of the scene and only go to your faves Trashing all kinds of stuff 'coz they are so tough using right-winged statements to be cool and shock you know, the mongloids who fuck up for us all people think all metals are such bastards without some respect 14. Mosh Of The Clowns
Well, will you look at those nerds, try to be as cool as possible
so busy with their image, don't you see you're ridiculous? More schmink, less brains, more image, less soul more show, less thoughts, more money, less music At night in their rooms they pray to the Lord: "Satan fuck me now!" Yeah, you're very evil, but don't you look a little gay? The wave of make-up and idiots, it's getting worse and worse New metal, black metal put on corpse paint the mosh of the clowns 15. Human Ignorance
How come that we are such ignorant and
bigheaded fucks like we own the universe How can we hate each other so much, how can we hurt each other so much we think that we are so smart, but that is not true are we really that stupid, are we that ignorant why the hell are we so fuckin' arrogant Everyone's a big egoist only think about yourself caressing your own ego searching for your own profit Why do we crow ouselves as the rulers of the world while all we do is create our own destruction I despise you for what you say, for what you do, for what you are, for just being alive, for being human |